Things from Another World

Chapter 1151: Woman is a tiger

Intoxicating fragrance, also known as "Extreme Temptation. Confusion", is a blend of essences extracted from intoxicating flowers.

Strange flower is a very special magic plant in the underground world. Its pollen can react with magic and elements to produce complex changes. After reconciliation, its oil extract will also be based on the concentration of magic in each human body. Elemental states and physical conditions form ever-changing fragrances.

This also means that when a person sprays a scent of love on himself, the scent formed is unique, which is equivalent to a tailor-made perfume, which is very wonderful.

Lolita is the secret of Lola becoming a perfume master. She adds a small amount of Lolita extract to the perfume to make it more compatible with the user, so it will be so popular.

What's even more strange is that, under special circumstances, fascinating incense also has a very strong effect of promoting O!

It is well known that when a person meets a person they like, their body and spirit will change, or they will become partially stiff, nervous, or blushing, and the scent of incense used alone will be stimulated by this change , The nature will change, become the most violent reminder O medicine, so that the other party will easily become a captive of the user.

Lola used it once with confident Tang En, because Tang En felt that she couldn't make Lola heartbeat, she just used herself as a film stick, and the consequence was that Tang En took her two mouths. It was full, and Tang En's whole body lost a few pounds one night. Since then, Tang En has almost smelled ...

Now, Lola says that someone can handle the temptation.


Absolutely impossible!

Tang En was reluctant to admit this kind of thing-how could someone manage to carry the spring medicine that he couldn't even carry? Isn't this hitting his face!

"But this is true."

Lola looked at Tang En with a smile: "This shows that someone's willpower is not as strong as he imagined."

Tang En gritted her teeth and glared at her: "Are you itchy?"

"Yeah, it ’s really tickling ... you come to help others ..."

Lola licked her lips and gave Winnie a wink.

If you want to create the strongest scent of love, you also need to blindly watch for important raw materials. This has to fall on Tang En.

"Go ahead!"

Tang En wouldn't throw himself into the net, just a superficial temptation. It would be confusing, and he could carry it by ignoring the party constitution!

"If you please me tonight, I promise you ..."

Lola quietly spoke a few words in Tang En's ears. Tang En was unmoved at the beginning, but when Lola finished speaking, he couldn't help but be moved.

Damn it!

This is a trap! Donn! Sober up! Be smart! Don't be seduced by her. Even if you don't speak, she will do that kind of thing sooner or later!

Women are tigers!

It's a pink skull!


Tang En was holding on to Lingming Qingming bitterly. At this moment, Lola gasped softly, licked in his ear, and a wonderful aroma penetrated into Tang's nostrils ...

Go to his mother's pink skull!

Tang En growled and turned to grab Lola and flashed into the bedroom: "Don't do it next time, it's today!"

Lola knelt on the bed, her hair was like a waterfall, she looked back at Bai Meisheng with a smile, and her hands proactively looked back: "As you wish ... oh, come on ..."

Tang En snarled and launched an attack, cursing Lola fiercely: "You're using fascination again! You said you would stop using it for me! This time you're done! I want to paralyze you there all week!"

"Come on! I look forward to it!"

The giggling Lola is not afraid of the threat of Tang En. As the developer of Love Incense, she of course uses the highest grade, and the properties of Love Incense will be doubled when it encounters the dark elves. Ascension, this effect is terrible!

With his eyes red, Tang En directly released Angus's local hard surgery, and then began a fierce battle ...


The next day, Lola, who was full of red light, walked out of Tang En's bedroom with a small bottle in her hand, and in the bedroom, Tang En's whole person was almost ready to die ...

"Noah, Nora ..."

"Town is a big fool!"

Nora stood on Tang En's nose, pointing at his face and exclaiming, "Yelling and yelling last night made me sleepless!"

"I know it's wrong ... so it's still the same ..."

"Hum! You will die in bed sooner or later if you continue this way, I will tell you!"

Nora blew down a green light, and then Tang En revived in a blink of an eye.

The sober Tang En was sweating again and again, but he did not expect his cards to be dealt out, but even Kankan and Lola had a draw!

——Actually he lost!

——With the fierce battle, he will gradually lose his sanity and lose the ability to maintain spells, and Lola can always keep her sanity state well, so she can always persist to the end.


The art of the Dark Elves is terrible!

If you can, Tang En really doesn't want to have any trouble with Lola anymore. Although Lola is a superb beauty with long legs and beautiful skin, she is faithful to desire. She is not an ideal match. Moreover, the stronger the strength and the stronger the physical strength, Lola is still a legendary powerhouse!

On the other hand, Isari is much better. I still don't forget to prepare some nutrition for Tang En, and I will softly comfort him and let him rest ...

If it is said that Isari is a long line fisher, Lola is undoubtedly the type of exhaustion.

If it was gentle Eggwin, she would definitely care more about my feelings.

Tang En is grieved, and the baby is in trouble, but there is nowhere to say ...


Lola didn't even have breakfast, or she had already been fed, so she went straight back to her shop and began to prepare goods for loyal customers.

"Well, it's useless to even the ordinary version of love fragrant. This time I want to see how you can resist!"

Lola's competitive spirit is very strong. Her fascinating incense is not even rival Tang En. How could an ordinary human being be able to carry it?

This time, she decided to take the medicine.

Lola directly took out a hundred fascinating flowers, and after doing a preliminary removal process, all her brains were thrown into the extractor and the essence was extracted.

The extractor developed by the Magic Energy Engineering Research Institute for the perfume workshop is quite easy to use. The extraction is over in just half an hour.

Lola collected about one hundred milliliters of the extract and began to get busy.

After processing the extract, she finally took out a small bottle, which contained a small half bottle of egg white, slightly milky unknown liquid. She poured the liquid into the bottle with a weird smile, and started Violent shock.

If the extract of the lover flower is the core, these things are the catalysts, and the special effects of the lover flower can be brought to the extreme-this thing has this wonderful effect or did she accidentally find it.

Shake, fuse, settle, and filter to remove the turbid precipitate. After repeated several times, you will get a clear, transparent, and impurity-free liquid, which is then poured into a beautiful small bottle. born!


At lunchtime, Beatrix packed her things at once and was ready to go to that store to pick up her perfume.

Marilyn shouted, "Beatrix, shall we eat together at noon?"

"No, I have something to deal with. You go first."

"Okay, but don't be late in the afternoon. Ms. Fiona and Her Majesty Tang En are going to the interview show together this afternoon."


As soon as Tang En was about to come, Beatrix became even more excited, and hurriedly left the magic projection tower, then hurried to the source of charm.

"Boss! I'm here!"

"Yo, so early?"

Lola, who put on the black gauze again, looked at Beatrix in amazement, then teased, "It seems you can't wait to win the sweetheart, right?"

Beatrix smiled shyly, but without much explanation, she took out 20 100-gold banknotes and passed them.

"take it."

Lola passed the carefully prepared high-concentration passionate incense to Beatrice, and then told her: "But I have to remind you that this bottle of fans ... I mean, this bottle is 'extremely tempting. Confusion' is high concentration The effect is very violent. If you are not careful, you may also be affected. If you do not want to hurt yourself, it is best to consider whether it is used or not ... I suggest that you first dilute it a little and use it. Let ’s see if it works. Do n’t use it again. ”

"I see! I'm gone!"

Beatrix got her coveted treasure, but now I still have the mood to listen to the boss, now I am full of ideas on how to meet Tang En again, and then use the "extreme temptation. Confusion" in his hand to let him discover Your true charm ...

Beatrix didn't have high requirements. She didn't expect to be a concubine or anything. As long as she could have a close contact with the idols in her heart, she would be satisfied in her life. Hurry up to fan powder, but unfortunately Tang En has a psychological shadow about that kind of thing now ...

With the help of this thing, he must be able to enter his sight and become a real woman!

Beatrix happily hurried back to the magic projection tower, then carefully put the perfume into her drawer, and touched her hungry flat belly to see that there was still plenty of time, so she ran to the cafeteria Went for lunch.

"Beatrix, borrow the perfume you used last time ... eh? Not?"

Marin scratched her head. It seemed that she had returned. She muttered as she opened the drawer of Beatrix: "Forget it, it's better to use it in a hurry. Turn back and tell her again." "

Anyway, perfume, she said before that you can use it casually, you're welcome.

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