Things from Another World

Chapter 1152: So, do n’t take things from others!

In order to expand Tang En's influence among the people, Fiona decided to use the magic energy to project the current hot influence and provide Tang En with an interview program.

This will not only allow him to show his ideal country to everyone, but also allow him to appear in front of the public to increase his exposure and further stabilize his rule.

So after receiving this notice, Marin began to actively prepare for the show. In order to satisfy the curiosity of the audience, she specially prepared some issues that people were more concerned about.

However, Marlene was not sure which of these problems could not appear in the show, so she was going to ask Tang En and Fiona to confirm it before the program started recording.

In order to ensure that she can appear as a perfect host in front of Tang En, Marin thought of Beatrix's perfume.

The smell of that perfume is very unique and very impressive. Marin also likes the perfume quite much, but just listen to Beatrice's price is too expensive, she has never been willing to go to that store to buy.

Let's borrow the use of Beatrix first.

In the dressing room, Grantia looked curiously at Marlene: "It's so fragrant. Isn't it the perfume that Ellington is very popular these days?"


Marilyn smiled and handed it to Grantia: "This is Beatrix's. I'll borrow it for you to try. The smell is very unique."

Grantia sprayed himself a few times, sniffing, a little puzzled: "Strange, why does the smell on me differ from the smell on you?"

The elf's sense of smell was very sharp. She could clearly distinguish dozens of different smells from the forest, but the smell of the same perfume on Marin and her was completely different, which was too strange.

"This is the magic of this perfume, it can change its own taste according to each person's temperament and constitution."

Ma Lin put the perfume back into Beatrix's drawer with a smile, and then returned to the dressing room and said to Grandia: "Part of today's questions are related to your area of ​​responsibility. Please take a look at these manuscripts and answers, etc. You must cooperate with me, we will make a successful recording. "

Grantia shook his mouth and shook the manuscript on his hand: "Just these questions? I didn't say that, even if I could explain them to them, they couldn't understand."

"Your Majesty Tang En will make them understand in plain language."

"He? Not me, he knows nothing about our druids!"

Grantia was very annoyed when he heard Tang's name, and exclaimed, "That guy, **** it, blame that guy ..."

If it hadn't been for him and Lord Eggwin, Lord Eggwin would be her now!

Lord Eggwin ...

At the thought of Lord Egwin's heroic figure, Grantia's eyes were full of obsession and his face was full of pathological flushing.

This metamorphosis has been saved.

Marin, who was changing clothes, had already heard about the strange relationship between Grantia and Down, and she didn't care about seeing it.

People often say that they are happy, aren't they referring to both of them?

Although Grantia has always been full of opinions about Her Majesty Tang En, but do not know why, Marin always feels that one day, Grandia will be planted in the hands of Tang En ...

There was only her and Grantia in the room. Marlene didn't care much, and began to change clothes in front of her, but she didn't expect that Grantia was a more dangerous Lily girl than Down.

Watching Malin take off her clothes a little bit, revealing her white skin and thin waist ...

In Grantia's eyes, Malin's posture seemed to coincide with Aegwin's. She subconsciously licked her lips, walked over and gently touched Malin's waist, and her tender skin did not slip.


Marilyn whispered, "Don't make trouble, itching!"

Grantia said casually, "Your skin is so good ..."


Marlene sighed: "I used to be the maid of the Lord's Mansion. Although thanks to Her Majesty Tang En's escape from the foolish Hog's clutches, where can a maid's skin go? If not for Her good intention They gave us a lot of good things, and now I'm still a village girl. "

"There is nothing wrong with the aunt."

"Speak nonsense, can you imagine that your skin was rough in your 30s and 50s or 60s?"

Malin said angrily: "What's more, as an elf, you say that I have good skin. Are you showing off? Are you really showing off?"

After Marin said her backhand, she touched Grantia's chest, and then exclaimed: "Sure enough, the skin of the elves is enviable, but fortunately, at least I beat you on the chest."


Suddenly, Malin spoke of Grantia's pain: "I suspect that all of our elves' **** have grown on the queen. It is simply too much!"

"Queen Isari ..."

The gentle and elegant queen of elves emerged from Marin's mind, and nodded: "Indeed, Queen Isari is impeccable in temperament, appearance, and figure."

"Master Aegwynn's temperament is even better!"

"But Lord Aegwynn's chest is so distracted ..."

Grantia was a little annoyed, glaring at Marlene's chest and grasping it fiercely: "It's something like that! As long as it's enough!"

"Yeah! Don't make a mess! Change your clothes and start working!"

"Let me make your chest smaller--"

The two laughed and started a fight, not knowing why, and Grantia found that her face was getting redder and her foreheads began to sweat.

The nearby Marilyn was also a little breathless. After a while, she glanced at the time and said, "It's almost time, let's go to my broadcasting room. Now that the manpower is tight, we have to do it ourselves."

The magic projection tower has not been built for a long time, and it is still a very important public opinion mouthpiece. Therefore, it is very strict when selecting employees. There are not many staff members at present. Many times, the shooting and recording programs are performed by Marlene. of.

Fortunately, the demand is not high, there is no sensational BGM, and there is no fancy lens language. It is just a simple shooting and recording, and then select the clips to play after editing. Those magic energy devices are quite convenient to use, you can set it up and start it, and nothing else is needed.

When Marlene and Grantia arrived in the broadcasting room, Marlene became busy. Only the two of them were empty in the huge broadcasting room.

After Marin had all the equipment ready, Down and Fiona came to the broadcast room on time.

"His Majesty!"

With a joy in her heart, Ma Lin hurriedly greeted him: "You are here at exactly five degrees from the time we have agreed, and we are not in a hurry."

Tang En nodded, glanced at the broadcasting room, and secretly thought about it. Although the TV station has already started it, there are still too few tricks. Besides, this broadcasting room is too simple, even with rich stage lighting. None of them, the background board is a humble painting-even if the painting is beautiful, it will be boring to see more.

When you are free, you can continue to enrich the stage effect of the TV station, use various magic effects to achieve that kind of light and shadow special effects, and some whimsical effects, can certainly play amazing effects.

And if there is a coverless meeting here someday ... ah! Why do you suddenly start thinking about these messy things?

At this time, Tang En also saw Grantia, and nodded to her even if he had said hello-he was helpless to this love rival.

Grantia raised her head high and hummed from her nostril in response to him.

These two people ...

Fiona sighed and asked, "I remember we should have recruited a group of people, why are you not alone?"

Marin said with a bitter smile: "Today's program has been recorded, and it will be enough to start the broadcast at that time. As for the novices ... Carr took them to the training, saying that they want to teach them how to use the photo stone and camera, at least they Only a normal and stable picture can be taken. "

Fiona was speechless: "He's really positive ... time is tight, so let's get started."


Ma Lin immediately arranged for them to take a seat, and then said: "Because the content is more complicated and I am worried about mistakes, it is in the form of recording and broadcasting. There is still plenty of time. Let's take it slowly."

"Listen to your arrangements."

Marin nodded with a smile, then activated the magic camera.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the" Focus Interview ". Our show is fortunate to have Her Majesty Tang En, Ms. Fiona and Ms. Grantia. The topics we are going to talk about today are very many and very important, of which Most of them are important issues selected from everyone's suggestions. Please pay attention to this show and don't go away. "

After a pause, Marlene blinked at Tang En to signal that he was ready, and then she smiled and said, "His Majesty Tang, you are the regent of our Illuth Empire, and the well-deserved first person. As the greatest king of the human kingdom, please say hello. "

Tang En looked at the camera and said with a smile: "Good evening everyone, I'm Tang En."

"Her Majesty Tang En, as your loyal subject, I have always admired you ..."

Speaking of which, Malin's face suddenly flashed a flush, and the fragrance on her body became very strong. She subconsciously rubbed her legs. She leaned towards Tang En's side, and she found it strangely. My body has become weird, a little soft, and my breathing is a little urgency.

Marin endured strange feelings, and then continued: "Here, I want to ask a question that everyone cares about. I wonder if it is convenient for you to answer?"

"You haven't asked me how I know if it is convenient or not?"

Tang En laughed aloud: "You ask, I will answer if I can."

"Everyone, especially female audiences, would like to know, Her Majesty Tang En's criteria for choosing concubines? Or, what is your favorite type of woman? Is there any reference?"

"... Of course."

Aigwin appeared instantly in Tang En's mind. He said with a smile: "What do you say, independence is strong, even if there is no man to take care of it, you can lift up the sky, but you still feel gentle and considerate after meeting your lover. In short, it is a Very kind, but great woman, the reference object is probably Ai- 欸? "

Tang En suddenly froze there, and Fiona next to him followed his gaze and froze there.

"You guys ... what are you doing !?"

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