Things from Another World

Chapter 1153: Of course I choose to forgive him!

After a chaotic war, the air in the broadcasting room was filled with a strange atmosphere, the atmosphere was extremely weird, and each one bowed his head and was embarrassed to speak.

"What the **** is going on ..."

Marilyn wanted to cry without tears. Although she had already prepared to dedicate herself to Tang En, she never thought it would happen in this situation, and she was even seen by Fiona!

How will she see people in the future!

Marlene knew very well that Fiona liked and liked Tang En very much, but now, she was in front of her and Tang En ...

No wonder she ran away with anger (pure misunderstanding).

I'm already lucky, look at Grantia next to him, and Marlin froze. It seems that she didn't expect that Grantia would still have that kind of hobby ...

But it wouldn't have happened to her if she hadn't figured out something for herself.

That's right, the cause of this inexplicable hand-to-hand combat is entirely due to Grantia! !! !!

The original recording was just right. Who knew that Grania would suddenly hit her!

That's right! Just hit her!

When Marlene remembered what she had just begun, she felt incredible.

Why did Grantia suddenly pounce on herself? And still so ... crazy?

If it wasn't for her suddenly tearing up her clothes, if it wasn't for her suddenly pressing herself. She started playing on the ground. Hooligan, if it wasn't for her suddenly provoking Tang En ...

Well, there is no if in this world, no matter what is the cause of the event, all in all this has already happened, and it has passed, they must accept this reality, I am afraid the most unfortunate today is ... Come on ...

Marin looked sympathetically at Bectrix, who was undressed next to her. She and Tang En had known each other for a long time, and her good sister, Tina, had stolen away a long time ago. Repaying her wish, but unlike Beatrix, she has just arrived in Ellington not long ago, and suddenly she has changed from a girl to a woman. I am afraid she will be severely hit?

Maybe ... I have to help Tang En calm her bitch's mood later?

Actually? Beatrix was still dreaming.

It was enough to panic when I discovered that "Extreme Charm" was used. As a result, after a mess, the three of them, Tang En, Marlene, and Grantia, were engaged in intense hand-to-hand combat. Then, he was inexplicably involved in the war, and was torn off and stripped into a small white sheep in a minute ...

However, as far as the results are concerned, is it a success?

Beatrix looked at Tang En quietly, and then moved her legs carefully, but there was a tear-like pain under her, and Beatrix's face was white with a frown.


She overestimated her own ability!

If Marlene and Beatrix are still getting what they want, then Grantia is completely different.





But ... excited!

That's right, after all the negative emotions were gathered together, she was inexplicably excited!

That loyal love of Aegwin was severely torn and shattered by Tang En in the scuffle just tossed to the ground, and Grantia in despair was again and again used by his violent power Throughout, conquering, and crying all lost its effect, her pride was completely shattered in front of Tang En, and he was even trampled under his feet like a humble doll.

But after the incident passed, Grantia recalled, but found that her body was shaking slightly—she was excited! Excited by Tang En's violent rampant!

Why is that?

Obviously he should betray the Lord Aegwin for himself, be ashamed of being defiled by Tang En, feel sorrow, anger, and anger can't wait to kill him-but why, why do you feel excited! ?

Grantia doesn't know that there is still a creature like Shake M in this world. She doesn't know that there is another kind of disease called Stockholm Syndrome. She doesn't know that she has always thought of self-righteous obsessions, but it is just a manifestation of potential morbidity. .

She longs for the strong, and because of her childhood history, she set her goal as Aegwynn, because Aegwynn is high above her, she is an unattainable object, and she longs to be conquered by Aegwynn.

After this battle, Tang En has found out the truth. In fact, Grantia is not a lily girl. She is just a strong appearance to hide her heart, a shake M who is eager to be conquered ...

The three undressed girls ... No, it should be a woman, sitting in a broadcasting hall with a daze, and Tang En next to him was completely dumbfounded.

The situation is wrong!

He just saw Grantia harassing Marlene. It was unlikely to be so exciting. His self-control could not be so bad!

There must be something wrong here!

After Tang En carefully recalled from beginning to end, he suddenly smiled bitterly and found out the problem.


Absolutely love is gone ...

Tang En didn't even think about it at first, but after careful recall, he found that the fragrance in the air was the only thing that could not be explained.

Some of the three of them used a scent of love.

Who is it

I am afraid……

Tang En looked at Beatrix. The woman's sore face turned pale. After sighing, she lifted her up and put her on the sofa, then used Nora's strength to give her a simple treatment.

Not her.

She was later affected, and should be either Marlene or Grantia.

Grantia couldn't use that kind of thing, so the answer was simple.

"Why are you doing this?"

Tang En walked to Marin and knocked on her head: "Are you suffering now?"


Marlene is unknown, so "What do you mean?"


Tang En said angrily: "It was you who asked for the fragrant incense from Lola? Where is it? Give it back to me, and you will suffer with that kind of thing sooner or later."

Marilyn looked blankly: "What's that madness?"

Isn't she?

Tang En froze and looked at Grantia.

is her? impossible?

"I don't know what madness is ..."

At the sight of Tang En, Grantia immediately panicked. The pride when facing Tang En suddenly disappeared. All that remained was panic, panic, and ... a little surrender?

Beatrice heard a whisper in her heart, infatuated? Shouldn't it mean "extreme temptation. Confusion"?

Neither of them knows?

Tang En's eyes fell on Beatrix again. She seemed a little panicked when she came in just now, remembering that she called "Marin, did you use my perfume"? and many more? perfume?

Tang En suddenly thought of what Lola said last night. She seemed to have said that she would make a bottle of high-concentration scent of incense to help the girl. Could that girl be Beatrice! ?

... Lola, your uncle, you accidentally pitted Lao Tzu!


Tang En looked at her a bit depressed: "Did you buy a bottle of perfume from Lola?"

"I did buy perfume, but I don't know who Lola you said ..."

"She didn't even name her ..."

Tang Enqi's teeth tickled: "In short, you will become what you are now, and the problem must be with that perfume."

Mulen muttered, "It doesn't seem to be bad ..."


Tang En took a slap on her fart and said fiercely, "What now?"

Marin yelled, her eyes suddenly wet: "Your Majesty, you will feel better if you tap ..."

"Stop talking nonsense! Get dressed!"

Tang En's head was about to explode. The situation was very complicated at first. Suddenly, this thing happened again. He had no feelings with Beatrix, but he played with his body. Now what to do is a problem.

To make matters worse, Fiona saw his brutal hair ...

Now Tang En doesn't know how to face Fiona, how to explain to her!

However, just as Malin limped to get out to get her clothes, the door of the radio room suddenly opened.

"I've brought your clothes over. Change them."

Fiona, calm in her face, walked in, holding a few clothes, and put it on the table: "The staff has not returned yet. There is still time. Don't worry."


Tang En watched Fiona secretly, but couldn't see any expression on her face.

She must be angry, right?

Of course!

It ’s a woman who gets angry when she sees a favorite man fighting with another woman there. ?

Tang En, who was frightened, knew that the volcano that erupted was not terrible, because the pressure had been released. The most terrible thing was the silent volcano.

Without erupting in silence, die in silence.

I'm afraid Fiona is restraining her anger, right?

Tang En pursed his lips and wanted to say sorry to her, but couldn't say anything.

If these three words are said out, it will actually hurt Fiona again, and make things worse.

After thinking about it for a while, Tang En suddenly understood why this feeling came over.

Because here is Prandall, not the earth.

He is a king, not a civilian.

There has never been a so-called monogamy here.

He gave Fiona too much independence and great respect, but it hurt her emotionally. After all, the education she received never told her what to do in this situation.

Tang En found it very ridiculous that she might even be happy now and finally have a further development of her relationship because of this incident?

Not that he is narcissistic, this is an inference based on his past experience.

Judging by Fiona's emotional thinking circuit, she may really think so!

And in fact ...

Tang En's blind guess is really TM's guess!

Fiona was actually jumping with excitement in her heart at the moment, and her mind was full of the hand-to-hand pictures just seen, the two legs under the skirt were pinched, and the newly changed little pants changed even more. Wet, she's about to break!

When she encountered such a thing, her answer was simple—of course, she chose to forgive him!

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