Things from Another World

Chapter 1157: Entertaining to death? Or entertainment to save the world?

Entertainment saves the world? Instead of entertainment to death?

This is certainly not a joke.

History has proven countless times that when a country's economy is in recession, only the entertainment industry can save the entire country!

What can the entertainment industry do?

Let people die intoxicated, forget the troubles of life?

Let people spend a lot of money and spend all their savings? How to revitalize the economy?

shallow! It's too superficial!

An idol star in the hands of those in power can easily condense the people's faith!

A perfect enough virtual reality simulator can greatly shorten people's learning time, and even train a large number of elite soldiers in a very short time!

It's like the computer game that once swept the world on the earth. After the birth of real virtual reality technology, all of it suddenly changed, and shooting games tended to be more realistic and militarized. It became a military-controlled operation, used to screen civilians with shooting talents and recruited into the army, while action sports games began to tap the limit of human response, and even once caused many people to react faster and faster. After leaving the game The body can't keep up with the speed of the reaction, forcing the body to become stronger and better to adapt to the speed of the nerve response, which indirectly affects the evolution of humans ...

These are the benefits that the entertainment industry brings.

Tang En is now trying to make Beatrix into a national idol, and Beatrix is ​​under her control, so she can help Tang En instill positive thoughts in the songs and performances, and be loyal to Tang The idea!

What Tang En wants to do is to create something similar to a virtual reality simulator, so that those people who do n’t have the awakening talent can also have access to militarized training, let alone let them go to battle to kill the enemy, at least they must master them. Sufficient self-protection ability. Once the war breaks out, these people can come in handy with their equipment.

Of course, the leap to go directly to that step is a bit too big, so what Tang En needs to do now is to create the entertainment industry and let people discover that in addition to listening to bard songs, in addition to playing Quintet, In addition, there are other means of entertainment.

Then a little bit more digging, a little bit of ticking, aroused people's interest until they were all deceived into their trap.

Now Fiona does n’t understand it just because she understands the entertainment industry, it ’s just an industry that helps people relax themselves and promote consumption, similar to a prostitute. It ’s like a court—yes, she thought Tang En decided to start a prostitute. . The hospital.

... Although from a certain perspective, this understanding is not wrong, but it is still too superficial!

"The development of the entertainment industry does not happen overnight. Especially now that the Illus Empire is in the midst of a hundred wastes, people have a lot of work pressure. When they return home, there is no other channel to relax than to create people. The magic can project. The cost of receivers is too high now, and there is no way to quickly spread them, so we must find ways to promote a cheap and effective means of entertainment as soon as possible. "

"The chess and card room is a very good choice. In addition to the Quinte card, we can also add playing cards, mahjong, billiards and other entertainment facilities. We can even organize some games and provide bonuses to stimulate people to take the initiative to learn these things, etc. As soon as they get used to it, they will fall in love with these things. "

Fiona frowned: "But I always feel that these things will only make some people lazy and lose their fighting spirit. I think that in the current situation, the entertainment industry does not need to consider anything, and we don't have that much time at all. Go to waste. "

"You are too nervous."

Tang En patted Fiona's shoulder and said gravely: "Tenseness is a good thing, but the nerve collapse is too tight but it will break. Next, our development speed will be further improved, and people will also be more and more The more intense the life, the faster and faster the pace of life. If it has always been such a boring militarized life, they will collapse sooner or later-if it does not collapse, it will also rebel. You know, not everyone will believe what I say, and more Not everyone will understand the crisis we are facing, so we have to get them to adapt a little bit. "

After being silent for a while, Fiona slowly said, "You have a certain reason, then you should follow it, but in order to prevent the entertainment industry from overflowing, the business of this industry must be included in the supervision. As for the market, Let it be done by other chambers of commerce, and we still follow the original policy. "

Fiona, who is accustomed to making big money, doesn't look down on this meager profit, and is too lazy to compete with those small chambers of commerce for profit. He simply shares the shares in accordance with the original method, providing them with a way to make money and the market. Go to check accounts regularly, just sit and collect money.

As soon as Tang En thought about it, now they have more and more things to pay attention to. They still have the energy to cover everything. It is good to continue to pay attention to the formation of the market. As for the follow-up investigation in the later stage, it's fine.

He nodded and continued: "These recreation rooms are only the first step. Next, we will be in several key cities in the Illus Empire, such as Ellington, Yalinks, Tarris, Huge Axe Fort, Fira, Sacred Song City, and even Blood Rock City have built large-scale amusement parks or theme parks in turn. Because of the subsequent plans, these parks must be handed over to us to operate and manage. . "

"So we need to set up a sub-chamber, Datang Entertainment, to be in charge of operational management and subsequent development work. At the same time, its powers include digging and training talented idol stars like Beatrix to further increase the entertainment industry's employment. personnel."

Fiona said as she recorded: "I understand your thoughts roughly, build these amusement parks-although I don't know what it is, you should have another purpose?"

"of course."

Tang En smiled and said, "I'm not just trying to get them in and playing ... it's so simple ... but if you can't attract enough people to participate in the early stage, there will be no way to promote the follow-up plan."

"Oh? What other brilliant idea do you have?"

Fiona glanced down at Tang En, seemingly not convinced that he could have any creativity besides the other world of the cottage.

"Of course! Are you downplaying my creativity?"

Tang En raised her eyebrows and murmured into Fiona's ears for a while. Fiona frowned at first, but after listening to Tang En's description, her eyes widened and she looked awkward. : "Are you sure you want to do this? Although ... may be useful, but ... is it too risky?"

"So this requires us to control the risks. We must allow people to accept such projects, give them a strong enough stimulus and sense of accomplishment, and minimize the risks, especially if there can be no casualties."

Tang En said with a smile: "However, according to our current development situation, these issues are not big problems, and we can solve them with our brains."

"If so ... it works!"

Fiona was shocked. According to Tang En's description, this is indeed a very good idea. It can not only stimulate economic consumption, alleviate the pressure of people in boring life, but also allow them to gain valuable experience. Do more with one.

"It's just that the previous construction work will consume a lot of labor resources, so ..."

Tang En smiled and clicked on Fiona's forehead: "You have to discuss with Ollie, how can you mobilize more people to join the labor construction."

"Not only labor resources, but also a lot of construction resources."

Fiona rolled her eyes: "I don't know what the so-called amusement parks and theme parks are, but listening to your description, there will be a lot of recreational facilities there. These facilities will definitely consume a lot of metal ore. So, please remind them to Croto, with their eyes locked on the frozen moon, and they only transformed less than ten gold idols to join the astral mining team in these two months. The efficiency is still not enough. According to my calculations, if we want to make the entire Prandall meet the construction standards of Ellington, at least 50 gold giants are constantly mining resources. If we want to accelerate the development pace, we must further increase the metal refining industry. It will be necessary to increase the gold giant idol for mining to about one hundred to meet our basic needs for the development of the entire world. "

Tang En shook his head: "If we are to make further preparations for combat preparation materials, this quantity will increase by more than ten times. The faster the social development, the greater the demand for various resources. This is not just a gradual growth curve. As the pace of development increases, the resources required are likely to double. "

Fiona said with emotion: "Fortunately, there is an astral base, otherwise, depending on our existing mining efficiency, we will definitely not be able to meet our needs in the later stage."

After the matter was settled, the two began to discuss the details, especially the supervision and management plan of the chess and card room, and the design of various entertainment items in the playground. Later, after a more in-depth discussion, Tang En simply went Calling Aurelia over, she knew more about politics, at least she should know how to standardize a brand new market.

It took them a week to finalize a complete set of implementation plans, including complete market supervision and management regulations, as well as various operational promotion plans before, during, and after the period. In order to achieve the best results, Aurelia even decided to use The power of the country to promote this project as soon as possible.

So, in the dawning day (January) of the order calendar 851, the third year that Tang En came to Plantar, a great construction that affected the people of the whole country suddenly began vigorously!

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