Things from Another World

Chapter 1158: National spirit

The people in Xuanxubao know that Gray Addie is an incompetent asshole, but this **** has been very smart, and always makes many people envy.

This is all because Gray Addy is a very powerful Günter master.

In Prendall, the Kunt cards made by the boring magicians of the Xingyue Tower are almost the only kind of universal entertainment. Due to the large number of participants, some rare cards with limited sales can often be used in hobbies. Among them sell very high prices.

And the means by which Gray relies on survival is-gambling cards.

Relying on his superb technology, he wins the rare cards that the opponent has bet on as a bet, and then resells them to others at a high price, or lets the opponent redeem it at a price that is 20% higher. This time, he will empty his gloves The wolf makes a lot of money, and he has no family burden, so he lives very smartly.

Recently, Gray was chic in the brothel for a while, and the money on hand was exhausted, so he decided to go out and find a few fat sheep for a sum of money.

After being chic in the brothel for half a month, after suddenly coming out, Gray looked at the faintly green earth, but there was an illusion like another generation.

Gray Huang leisurely came to the place where Kent lovers often meet, which is a pub named "White Wolf House". Kent lovers in Hanging Fort often spend leisure time after work. Gather here and learn from each other.


Gray pushed the door of the tavern with a playful smile: "Master Eddie is here! Isn't it time to meet?"


The customers in the pub looked at Grey in amazement: "Are you still alive? We thought you were all dead on Delia's belly!"

"What nonsense! You are not ignorant of my ability. Delia's lady is not my opponent at all, and finally called her little sisters to barely cope with me."

Gray looked proud: "They are comfortable and do n’t want me to leave, and do n’t even want money. If I did n’t insist on clearing money and do n’t want to be entangled with them, I could even eat there for nothing. Sleep for nothing. "

"Hahahaha, here and there again! Gray Eddy's bragging time!"

"So you guys who can only be jealous don't understand anything at all, come and come and talk nonsense, I haven't played cards for half a month, now I have itchy hands, who will come with me for a game? I press The last leaderboard epic card, who will pick it up? "

Gray took out his fishing lure, a rare gold card of the Lord of Augustine Starmoon. For Kent lovers, the rarest and most popular price is the rare of Igwin Crescent Silver Blade. Gold cards, those who can get them are the lucky ones among the lucky ones. There are valuable and unavailable on the black market, followed by the owner of Gene Augustin Xingyue, who has even been fired to more than 10,000 gold on the black market. High price.

Those Kent lovers looked at the glittering leader card in Gray's hand, and their faces were full of envy, envy and hatred. They all felt that Gray could draw this card from the card bag at first, I am afraid he has already had his life's luck. Running out-instead, Gray used this card to catch a lot of big fish, earning a lot of money.

Gray proudly shook the golden leader card in his hand. This card was not harmful and would not disappoint him every time. It should make a fortune today, Gray licked his lips.

However, something strange happened. He waited for a long time without waiting for someone to answer the question. Those guys didn't even get hooked because of jealousy?

Gray took a closer look, but found that the guys were all gathered in front of a table, watching something with interest, and from time to time they could hear words like "eat" and "touch".

Gray squeezed in. "What are you looking at? ... Uh? What is this?"

"Don't you know? Oh, you haven't been out with Delia recently, no wonder."

A person next to him said with a smile: "This is called the Dragon's Treasure, but it is also commonly known as Mahjong. It is a new game used by Her Majesty Tang En to let us ordinary people pass the time after work."

In order to be more grounded, Tang En changed the face of Mahjong slightly, changed the card to a flying dragon, changed the tube to gold coins, and changed a more acceptable name, while retaining the common name of Mahjong.

"Treasure of the Dragon? Mahjong? What do you mean?"

"Well, there are rules written there, you can understand if you look at it. It's not difficult. Everyone is tired of playing Kunt. Recently, everyone is very interested in this game, but Mahjong is too difficult to buy now, so White Wolf I only got such a deck. Fortunately, a deck can be played by four people. "

Having said that, the man laughed again: "Speaking of which, there is another biggest benefit, that is, there is no need to buy card packs, which are always 136 cards, which saves a lot of expenses."

Gray briefly looked at the rules. The 136 cards imply that the dragon is guarding the treasure. Players have to rely on the cards in their hands to capture the treasure of the dragon. ), If you have enough three sets of three straights or the same shot and a pair of pairs of cards to win, this is only a basic winning method, and there are various tricks on top of it ...

Gray raised his eyebrows. At first glance, the rule was simple, but considering the number of players, the number of cards, the playing styles of different players, and the different ways of winning, the changes in the rules were more than limitless.

This thing is definitely more difficult than the Quinte!

A game that is easy to learn and difficult to master means that the game will be very playable!

Not great ...

Gray muttered. If these people like this new game and no one continues to play Quintet, wouldn't he have lost the means to survive? Maybe the value of this rare leader card will be greatly reduced.

No, you must learn about this stuff as soon as possible. If you can really threaten the status of the Quintet, those rare cards you have accumulated in your hands must be sold as soon as possible!

"Three dragons ..."

The family just launched a card at the poker table, and the next family immediately shouted, "Eat!"

Then the three dragons flew into the hands of Xiajia, Xiajia smiled brightly, and hit a white board.

Eyes on home brightened: "Touch!"

When he turned his hands, he suddenly held two white boards, and now he had three white boards. After looking at the card face, he grinned and played a flying dragon (one cable), and then deducted the card: "I listen Card. "

What I didn't expect was that he had just listened to the card, and the next house next to him touched the card and laughed and pushed the card: "Four Golden! Self-touch! I'm so out of order!"

"What !? How is it possible !? You didn't even call a draw !?"

"It doesn't seem to say that you must draw a card?"

The man dug his nostrils, and said angrily: "Don't worry about it! Quickly pay!"

The other three had to hold their noses to pay, and one gave him ten bronzes.

what! ?

Gray's eyes were worrisome at first: "One wins and three pay for it! This is good!"

In the past, playing Quintet was one-on-one, and winning was only one person. Now what mahjong can win three people at once, that is, three money!

"Only the self-touch is the three to give money. If the gun is fired ... oh, that is, the card you played is exactly what others want to win ... If you want a card that is Hu, you pay for it alone, as if you have enough four If you play cards, you can double the reward. "

Rewards can be doubled! ?

Gray's eyes are even brighter, Her Majesty Tang En is a good man! Knowing that we are too slow to come to money, so we have come up with this new trick! ?

"I'm here I'm here!"

Seeing that they were about to drive a second, Gray hurried up.


Several people on the table glanced at him obliquely: "Eddie, we didn't say you, we can't beat you with the Quinte card, but you haven't played Mahjong yet, are you rich?"

"No money."

Gray said briskly, "But I have the Quinte card! I use the card to pay the bill, is this the head office?"

"Oh? It's the master of Xingyue !?"

Although several people haven't played much with Quinte recently, rare cards remain attractive.

"You treat me stupid!"

Gray found an ordinary bronze card: "It's not worth watching if you play too much."

A few people looked at each other and sneered: "Okay, the card will be carded. Today, we will follow your last name without losing all the underwear you won!"

The hand started quickly, as Gray touched the card while silently remembering the rules, looking at the card on his hand.

Yes, the hand is good and the win rate is high!

Gray smiled, but before he could reach the first card, he saw the dealer grin: "Sorry everyone, let's start the next game!"

After that, he pushed directly.

"What !? It turned out to be the legendary Tianhu !?"

"I've only seen it in the rules, this is the first time I've seen anyone touch it!"

The two men mumbled and drew money: "What luck are you! I seriously suspect you have overdrawn your luck for the entire year!"

Gray's face was dull, Tianhu? What else to say?

"Thank you, thank you, haha!"

The dealer took Gray's card with ease, not to mention how proud the smile was.

Damn it! How can you lose so unscientific!

"Come again!"

In the second game, Gray still lost.

Third, fourth, fifth ...

Gray kept losing cards, seeing that the sky was dark, and the Kunter cards in his hand were almost lost, and he had begun to squeeze rare cards, but he still could not see a trace of anxiety on his face. Thoughtful look.

"Haha, I wanted this rare trap card long ago! I just smiled!"


Gray suddenly smiled: "Take it away, you will pay me back anyway."

"What a big word! How many times have you won today?"

"Stop talking nonsense, start the next one."

Gray smiled brightly and started to shuffle.

He has discovered the trick of the so-called Mahjong.

Listen to the home, stare at the home, guard against the home, remember the cards carefully, play the cards carefully, that's it!

From today, it is the day of the rise of a brand new Mahjong god, Gray Eddy!

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