Things from Another World

Chapter 1159: You're digging them again! ?

In the study of the Lord's Mansion, Tang En was being trained.

It was Aurelia who scolded him.

"So why invent this game for gambling!"

Aurelia said with a headache: "Originally those gamblers were only playing dice and quintet cards, and the results are now good. Poker cards, mahjong, and billiard **** have all been used as new gambling methods. Sri's inspection team went to arrest several private casinos, and now basically every gambler knows these new ways of playing, one by one, it's like playing dragon blood! "

Tang En pouted very innocently: "Unless gambling can prevent human beings from taking a risky nature, it is basically impossible to eliminate it. Instead of struggling to eliminate it, it is better to take the initiative to enter the bureau and guide the industry. Better development is better ... "

"You! This is driving back in history!"

Aurelia was struggling for a while: "At first, in order to solve the problem of the flood of gambling houses, my father didn't know how much manpower and material resources were consumed, but he did not expect that you would regress."

Tang En smiled bitterly: "This is the fact that countless people in many countries in our world have summed up with **** experience. As long as human beings still have a cheap nature, gambling will not disappear. Under the severe blow, this industry It will only change from light to dark, which is more harmful. "

Fiona sighed and said, "I have to admit, Your Majesty is right, even if gambling was eliminated on the surface when the king first reigned, but was it really eliminated? Ollie, you used to be Yege, walking in the darkness of Yalinks, how should you know the truth? "

Alleria: "..."

Of course she knew it, but she didn't want to see everything her father had done so neglected, and she was reconciled.

"Those mercenaries, adventurers, they return from their missions. In addition to chatting and farting in the tavern, they are gambling to find women. You can't control everyone."

Fiona slowly said: "Instead of letting this industry rot in the dark and eventually become an uncontrolled gray industry, it is better to expose it directly to the sun and accept the supervision and management of the people, at least to a certain extent, to prevent viciousness. spread."


Tang En gave Fiona a look, and she still loves me!

He said: "The disadvantage of gambling is that people tend to rush into the blood, and then regardless of the investment, until they are ruined, or even for the sake of profit, they will deliberately borrow money from these people, so that they will be completely abandoned and become abandonment of society. , And ultimately went astray in order to make a living. "

"So," Fiona has understood what Tang En means, adding for him, "In order to prevent this crime as much as possible, we may wish to formalize the gambling house and provide formal and legal entertainment to those gamblers. Venues, and we can also open up official loan channels and grant loans to a certain degree based on personal credit and ability-"

"wait wait wait--"

Alleria hurriedly stopped: "Aren't we trying to put an end to the harm caused by loans? Why should we proactively lend money to gamblers?"

Fiona gave a weird smile: "This is what our Tang En will do to explain it to you."

Tang En smiled and said, "Oli, what kind of people do you like to gamble on?"

"Gambler? Except those who have a lot of family assets and like to find excitement, the most should be the guy who likes to get nothing for nothing, with a small and big, empty gloves white wolf, right?"

"That's right, in other words, these people have not played the slightest role in the progress of society. They are the scum of the society, the scum, the waste that is holding us back."

Tang En mocked the gamblers mercilessly.

"So why are you ..."

"Since they like gambling and jumping pits, then we will help them push them. They want to borrow money. Yes, but this all has to pay a price. We must also strictly check and control who sees who dare to borrow money privately. give them."

Tang En sneered: "They don't like work and labor, so after they have lost the money they lent, they want to borrow it again? No way, and they have to pay back immediately, no money? Then I'm sorry, yours Personal freedom belongs to us, and then we can justly arrange for them to work, enforce it, and must accept labor until the debt is paid off. "

"After paying off their debts, they will be able to return to free life and still like gambling? It doesn't matter, we open the door and welcome them to gamble, as long as we are ready to accept forced labor again."

Aurelia suddenly widened her eyes and gave a wrong look: "So this is not a long-term planned industry at all, but a trap for gamblers, and you are digging for them again !?"

"They don't deserve me."

Tang En's disdain: "At most it is to use the waste of these social dregs. After all, we are so short of labor now that we can't wait for one person to be used in two. It is also great to have more labor."

"Well, you really have bad water."

Aurelia was in the service, and originally thought that this guy was messing around, but after listening to his intentions, think about it, hey, he really has a problem!

Casinos and gamblers have always been difficult problems to manage, especially in which a large number of gray industrial chains are involved. If they are not handled properly, it will easily cause social unrest.

If implemented in accordance with the plan, those wastes at the bottom of society can be used at least a little bit, although they are not expected to show much value, at least not hinder.

At the same time, if this gray industry is regularized, the taxes and dividends drawn from these places each year are a large amount of income, which can be used to enrich the national treasury, which is also extremely beneficial to the development of government departments.

From this point of view, Tang En ’s plan is a good way to serve multiple purposes. Of course, Aurelia is embarrassed to continue to oppose it – after all, Tang En is the regent of the Illuth Empire, and Aurelia also Just in his place.

After seeing the imposing Aurelia finally did not intend to continue to reprimand, Tang En finally relieved and hurriedly shifted the topic: "Speaking of them, how is the progress of the amusement park going? I have to start preparing over there. "

"It went well."

Fiona smiled and said, "I previously signed a contract with Master Gene and hired a large number of Silver City magicians, promising them to use magic materials as a reward, so those magicians were very active in the construction. In the meantime, every construction site is currently home to ten magicians of silver level or above. With their help, many projects are progressing very quickly, and the amusement park can be opened by the end of the month. "

Alleria followed and said, "My side is also very reasonable. With the advertising of the magic projection tower, government departments have also begun to help promote the amusement park in advance. Many people have come to ask what the amusement park is. It can be seen that although they don't know what it is, they are still very interested in the places where the whole family can play together. "

"Say it's the family, young and old ..."

The three looked at each other and smiled. I am afraid that only the three of them knew what the real purpose of the amusement park was in the later stage.

"By the way, in addition to the amusement park, there was a notice from the Rennes Empire."

Fiona took out a piece of paper and handed it to Tang En: "After the winter, the Dixinglong breeding farm over the Rennes Empire has begun to collect blood gradually. It is expected that the first batch of Dixinglong blood will be transported by the middle of this month. It's Arlington. "


Tang En rejoiced: "In this way, the project of Oliha Steel can be officially started!"

The performance of Oliha Steel is very good, and in some aspects it is better than universal alloys. It can be used in many places, so the related industries are very important.

Although the Dragons can also synthesize a lot of Oliha Steel, it is obviously not realistic to have relied on the Dragons to bleed blood. The recovery effect of the blood of the goddess is only better than nothing, and there is no way to achieve a supply balance. In the Xinglong breeding industry.

At present, it seems that the development of Dixinglong breeding industry is relatively stable, which not only provides a large number of jobs for the Rennes Empire, greatly improves the average income of the residents of the Rennes Empire, but also strengthens the relationship between the two countries, allowing Datang The Chamber of Commerce goes deeper into every aspect of the Rennes Empire.

In the short term, it seems that the Datang Chamber of Commerce has lost a lot, but in the long run, it is a business that is steadily making money. After all, the investment is likely to be a country-what investment can do At this point?

The three went on to discuss the subsequent development issues, and then Aurelia returned to Alinks, and Fiona would continue to do other things. After Tang En himself, Tang En Capricorn After groaning for a while, his body disappeared directly from the study and came to Sahela.


"Ah! Dear!"

Seeing that Tang En came to find herself again, Luo Lin on the throne cheered, rushed over, and then "snapped" ...

"So don't go if you don't walk stably, use flying ..."

With a look of helplessness, Tang En walked up and helped Luo Lin, rubbing her red nose, Luo Lin took advantage of the situation to get into his arms, and he smirked.

Unlike Lola, who always wants dissatisfaction, her daughter, Luo Lin, is obviously much more lovely than her. Although she is also full of possessiveness for Tang En, at least it will not pull him directly so slickly. Pop-of course it may have something to do with her being unable to beat Down ...

Although she didn't want to betray her own masculinity, Tang En now had to look at Luo Lin, who was slick in her arms, and asked, "How was the task I had given you?"

"Do not worry!"

Luo Lin laughed silly: "I have been staring at it to ensure that the task is completed on time!"

"That's good……"

"So let's get married?"

Your thinking is jumping too fast! !! !!

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