Things from Another World

Chapter 1160: Pussy-eared pussy

"So why do we have to deliver it!"

Vanilla and Coco looked upset at Tastro. Since Tastro had received Tina's brainwashing training, her personality has changed greatly and she is very gentle with others. So now they are not afraid of His Majesty.

Testero and Yan Yuesai said: "Of course, because you and Her Majesty Tang En have a good relationship, you can go to show our greatest sincerity."

"Nonsense, it is clear that Prince Ursa and Meng Kahn have a good relationship with him. They also asked him to go. You didn't agree, but you had to let us go. Do you have any weird plans?"

Coco looked at Testro with a suspicious look, and intuitively told her that the king's mind was not simple.

"What are you talking about," Testero said with a smile on his face. "It's not because you have been busy lately and haven't seen him, so give you a chance to relax. Don't you want Tang En?"

"I don't think of him!"

The two cat-ears-girls instantly blushed, and they obviously wanted to hide it, but as soon as they heard the name, a sense of shame rushed out of their hearts, and it was impossible to hide it.

Seeing their response, Testero smiled even more. Of course, his intention was not so simple, but "Now that the Datang Chamber of Commerce is closely connected with the Rennes Empire, we can't do without them, so I want you to betray Hue, it's best to marry Tang En ", even if he is as thick-skinned as he cannot tell!

In fact, since the last embarrassing incident, Vanilla and Cocoa have been hiding from Don. Even if they went to Ellington, they quietly ran and played. Even Testero didn't know that he thought the girls had been They were honestly staying in the temple and never went out.

"Our people are now inseparable from the Datang Chamber of Commerce. Whether they eat, wear, live or travel, they all provide them for us. This time is the first shipment of our local Xinglong breeding industry. The follow-up cooperation is very important. We must ensure close cooperation with the Datang Chamber of Commerce. Our two sides need to further strengthen each other's ties. As a link between our Rennes and Illus Empires, this time we go to Egypt. Arlington is the most suitable. "

Testro made a rather reluctant excuse for the two of them, and it sounded like it was the case, so that the two proud cat-earsmaids could finally wipe their faces.

"Well, for your sincerity, let's take a trip for the two of us."

Vanilla looked very reluctantly, and Coco nodded to her.

As to whether it is really that difficult, only the two of them will know.

The Dixinglong blood harvested in the dawning day has been packed in containers and stored in the space equipment provided by Tang En. Two people can bring tens of thousands of tons of Dixinglong blood directly with a small bag. Very convenient to Ellington.

The only thing that made them both tangled was to meet with Tang En. Last time, the guy did something to them while they were unconscious. Who knows if they meet again this time, he What shameful thing will you do?

The tangled vanilla and cocoa set foot on the teleportation team together. The body only felt a pull, and there was a blur in their eyes. After standing again, they had arrived in Ellington.

As soon as the eyes of vanilla and cocoa lighted up, just a few days before, it felt like the city had changed again. The cold winter had just passed and the temperature was still cold and biting, but in this city, they felt hot. Atmosphere—Every pedestrian has a happy smile on his face. Everyone's positive attitude will infect other people around him. This will affect each other and make the whole city full of vitality.

After they walked out of the hall, they looked at the happy pedestrians around them, and the entangled hearts could not help but relax.

How can a king who can bring a happy smile to people be a bad guy? The last time it must have happened because of an accident beyond the control of everyone, so that would lead to such a consequence. This must be true.

As the cat-eared mothers jumped towards the Lord's Mansion, they accidentally heard the conversation of two passers-by next to them.

"Did you know? Our little princess seems to be calling mom and dad recently, but Her Majesty Tang En and Elijah are happy."

"That's really good, but the child was adopted by Clara. Why are they so happy?"

"Are you stupid, don't you know? That child is actually the child of Her Majesty Tang En and Elijah!"

"What !? Are you kidding! Elijah is still so young! How is that possible!"

"It's because Elijah is still very young that she needs to be covered by Clara! There was a message circulating before saying that Her Majesty's favorite person is Elijah?"

"Actually, there is such a thing!"

"People do n’t always say that the stronger the person, the easier it is to have quirks. It ’s like Master Jean is always sloppy. Master Angus always likes to drink wine, and Her Majesty Tang En is so powerful. Hobby is also normal? Maybe Grace was attacked some time ago, because Her Majesty Tang En can't stand Stanley anymore. Although they both like little girls, Her Majesty Tang En's love is pure. That cruel Stein Li even likes to abuse a cute little girl, of course Her Majesty Tang En can't stand it! "

"It seems reasonable to say so ..."

"So, Her Majesty Tang En was worried that we would discriminate against him, so I asked Clara to cover it. In fact, that child was his and Eliya's child!"

He and Elijah's child ...

Elijah's child ...


That big **** and big pervert had a big metamorphosis and even had a child!

And the child's mother is still Elijah!

Ilia is so young, how can he bear it!

Vanilla and Coco looked at each other with a horror, never expecting that the two of them still overestimated Tang En's manners!

They didn't know how long this incident had caused Tang En headaches. Now they just looked at each other with shock and began to reconsider whether to go to the lord's house.

At this time, I saw them from the night passing by: "Oh, this is not vanilla and cocoa, are you here again?"

Vanilla's eyes lighted up, hurriedly ran over and held Ye Ye's hand intently: "Sister Ye Ye, we haven't been here for a while. I heard that something big happened in Ellington?"

Every night I heard it, just a little thought, I immediately understood what they wanted to ask, and suddenly showed a sly smile: "Ellington changes with each passing day, and many big things happen every day, just don't know what you want to know what."

"Just, just ..."

Coco lowered her head a bit, her neck and ears blushed.

The vanilla is much more crisp and straightforward. "It's the little princess! I heard that Tang En has a daughter?"

"Oh, you said that, yes, it's true."

"So, that, his daughter's mother ... is it really Elijah?"

Every night suddenly laughed: "How come."

Vanilla and Coco suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, that's it, no matter how exaggerated, Tang En wouldn't be right to start with Elijah.

"Her mother is clearly Clara."


Vanilla suddenly became tense again: "Sister Ye Ye, you know that I am asking her biological mother, not an adoptive mother."

"Well ..."

Night after night said narrowly: "Who is her mother important to you?"

"When, of course not, not ... but, but if it's Elijah, it's too, too--"

"Too perverted, right? I feel the same way."

Ye Ye said very sadly: "But that guy is a big pervert, isn't he?"

There is no flaw in this statement!

"So it makes sense for him to shoot against Elijah, doesn't it?"

It's totally possible! !!

"So Winnet's mother—"

Uh uh uh!

"——It's actually me."

Hmm--a ghost! !! !!

Vanilla was bitter for a while: "Sister Ye Ye, don't make trouble, now that your body has changed into an adult puppet body, how could you still have children!"

"Really, you are becoming less and less cute."

He slaps his mouth every night, and then resentfully said, "I'm obviously a puppet, I can't have a child anymore, so I want a child, but that **** disagrees, it's really annoying me ! "

"So, the princess Winnet's mother is really Elijah?"

"Well ... you have to ask yourself."

Ye Ye hummed and said, "Aren't you going to the Lord's Mansion? Let's go, they're all there. Everyone is teaching Vinnet to speak. If you have any questions, you can ask him directly."

How embarrassed is such a thing to ask him directly!

-And what position should we ask?

Vanilla and Coco are very entangled. They said that they did not have a deep relationship with Tang En and talked about the relationship. Although they were touched and kissed by Tang En last time, they did not break the last layer of relationship with Tang En. Both parties It is not a relatively intimate gender relationship, and there is no constraint on the marriage contract ...

In other words, no matter what angle they stand in, they are not qualified to care about it!

But just give up? Ignore it? Both of them are a little reconciled!

Yes, don't be reconciled!

Obviously Lord Vulcan has issued a shrine, asking them both to serve Tang En as they did to him—a shrine will order his maiden to do such an unscrupulous thing, which is already unbelievable in itself, if they The two posted but were rejected again, even more incredible!

Not only are the two of them faceless, even Lord Vulcan will feel ashamed!

The two peculiar cat-earsmaids followed behind every night and came to the Lord's Mansion in a spirited manner. As soon as they entered the courtyard, they heard a word that made them both creepy— "Vinette, come and try Dad This one is very delicious. "

This is no longer a metamorphosis, it is simply heinous!

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