Things from Another World

Chapter 1161: Impeccable Fiona

"So what the **** are you thinking about?"

Gritting his teeth, Tang En squeezed Coco's head fiercely, and beside him was the vanilla holding his head in his throat.

Not long after the two cat-ears-girls arrived, they paid a huge price for their brain holes.

Especially when they rushed in and shouted, "Let that girl go and let me come", it made all the people in the audience stunned!

And after they said the so-called truth they had guessed, all the people in the audience were in tears and looked at Tang En in sympathy.

Needless to say, this gossip rumor will probably be his eternal black history.

"Don't look at me, big brother, this is really not what I did! I swear to my beard, I didn't say a word!"

Pay attention to Tang En's dangerous eyes, Brian decisively put down his glass and solemnly swears, even using his beard, even Tang En has to believe what he said.

"So who actually spread this rumor !!!"

Tang En squeezed Coco's temple strongly, growled inexplicably indignantly, apparently he had worked very hard to wash the titles of "lo*ic*n" and "Wife Killer" on his body, but why it felt worse How about it?

"It's not necessarily passed on."

Fiona drank the hot tea gracefully and said, "After all, the greater the hero, the more people are interested in his gossip, not to mention you are still a living hero, and they are even more interested ... The special thing was not covered at the beginning, so there was no way to stop the news from spreading. At the beginning, you brought it back. She also called your father. People will certainly not let go of this gossip.

"And," she put down her tea cup and changed her leg. "You also told us that the more times you pass through the message, the more subjective impressions you will add, and it will soon be unrecognizable. Well, it should be said that it is still very good that the children are you and Elijah. It is worth cheering without becoming your child and Aunt Clara. "

"If it becomes a rumor for me and Clara, Uncle Abbot would have to chop me ..."

"How could it be," Aberton beside him smiled, "I don't know the truth, I won't do that."

Please do n’t sharpen your sword there when you say such a thing? I feel cold in my neck!

"So, what is the truth of the matter?"

Vanilla has recovered, still can't help but want to explore the truth, or itching uncomfortable heart!

"In a nutshell, it's like this ..."

Elsa popped out in a few words and told Winnett's life to them. After understanding the truth, the two cat-eared maids finally calmed down.

It turns out there are so many unknown secrets ...

"So ..."

Vanilla looked at Elsa's slightly bulging belly with a tangled look: "What's wrong with your belly? Don't tell me you're fat ..."

"Not at all!"

Elsa smiled and said, "Actually, this is my child and Lord Lord—"

Vanilla & amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; Cocoa: "What !?"

The two who just calmed down almost fainted again, which is not the same as saying good! ?

Why did Elijah's matter just be resolved, but Elsa had the Lord's child again?

When I came here before, there was no movement at all!

Is this too sudden?

"It's not a good habit to speak half!"

Tang En knocked on Elsa's head, and said angrily: "There are complicated reasons here, because it is troublesome to explain, so I am too lazy to explain."

Vanilla & Cocoa: "..."

So the subtext is misunderstood by us?

Vanilla said angrily, "I haven't seen such an irresponsible person! It's too good to arouse our curiosity without answering it !?"

"I wonder if curiosity will kill the cat?"

Tang En glanced at her, Vanilla flinched, and immediately stared back: "It's not all because of you!"


"That's right! If it weren't for you, me and Coco, the two of us, we wouldn't ..."

Vanilla's voice disappeared, and the information she inadvertently caught the intriguing gaze of a group of people.

Tang En's egg hurts, because he remembered that he and the two cat-ears had a bad relationship!

Damn it! It ’s all because of Eutinia! If it wasn't for her whimpering development of a new taste cake, how could these two cat-eared ladies suddenly estrus!

Suddenly Tang En stayed for a while, and now it was daybreak. It seemed that the time between the cat-girls' estrus was coming soon?

Fiona glanced at them silently, but didn't say much, but left the topic: "You later talked to her about Elsa, but I think that this time you came to Ellington, but it was not like before Well, it must be because of business? "

Fiona gave Tang En a glance, Vanilla and Coco immediately awakened, and watched Fiona knowing that they had avoided Tang when they came to Ellington.

"It's true."

Vanilla took a small bag out of the pocket, and then took a small bag out of the cocoa pocket, and handed it to Fiona: "This is all the blood of the Diplodocus collected from Diplodocus breeding sites from the beginning of the month to the present. This is the first time that I am not very proficient, and Xinglong has not recovered to its best condition just after the winter, so the amount of blood taken is not large, totaling 28,000 tons. "

"Almost 30,000 tons? It's a lot."

Fiona raised her eyebrows and was surprised at the number.

I thought it would be an exaggeration to purchase 10,000 tons for the first time. I did not expect that Tastro gave them a big surprise.

Vanilla explained: "I am afraid that the scale of the Dixinglong breeding farm has expanded a lot, and His Majesty Testero has mobilized people to collect a batch of Dixinglong into the farm. Recently, in order to increase the domestic Economic vitality, he also made a lot of efforts ... "


Fiona is thoughtful. From this point of view, Testero is really interested in this industry. Whether he wants to please the Datang Chamber of Commerce or not, at least the results are good, I am afraid he also hopes Can rely on this industry to revitalize the economy of the Rennes empire.

It should be clear to Testero now that the current economic vitality of the Rennes Empire is based on the Datang Chamber of Commerce, and there is no doubt that the economic energies of the Rennes Empire will once they become inflexible with the Datang Chamber of Commerce or the Illus Empire, Will crash instantly-this is not an exaggeration.

It is the so-called from frugal to extravagance, from extravagance to frugality, to get used to the good life now, and then let those orcs return to the poor life before, even if Tang En did nothing, those with simple thinking The orcs are probably going to rebel themselves, and it is not surprising that the leading party appears.

To infer from this logic ... Such an important first transaction will make vanilla and cocoa come to understand well.

A word of vanilla just accidentally revealed that there was absolutely something nasty between them and Tang En, maybe it was ambiguous contact, maybe these two cat-earsmaids had actually become Tang En's private pet when no one knew ?

None of this matters. What's important is that the special status of vanilla and cocoa can make them a link between the Datang Chamber of Commerce and the Rennes Empire, reconciling the relationship between the two parties.

They were twin virgins of the Vulcan empire in the Rennes empire. They had a high status in the Rennes empire and had a certain right to speak. At the same time, there was a little bit of a mess between them and Tang En, which meant that Tang En That kind-hearted character can't be too cruel to them, and it is up to them to convey some of the hard-to-speak messages from Tastro, the probability of success is very high ...

After thinking about this, Fiona has basically guessed Tastro's intentions, and it is no surprise that the two of them will not only transport Taixing Dragon Blood this time, but also for Tai. Strow delivers a more important message.

I understand but I just don't speak.

Taking Fisona, who was so clear-minded in Testero's mind, sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai platform, she didn't mean to ask any more. After receiving the two bags, she said with a smile: "You two come from afar. If you are tired, you might as well sit down and have some tea, stay for a light meal at night, take a break, and then go back tomorrow. "

It ’s too nonsense to say that it ’s a long way to go. It ’s just a blink of an eye to get to the teleportation. This is just a polite phrase. If the two of them really stay, it means that they really have something to do. do.

It might be to convey Testero's idea, or it could be ...

Fiona glanced at Tang En secretly, and there was something nasty between them and Tang En, maybe they would know by night.

Vanilla hesitated, thinking that the things that Tastro had confessed hadn't been completely done, so she agreed and said, "We're welcome."


Fiona smiled slightly and motioned to Tina to pour tea for both of them.

Tang En figured it out in his heart and said, "Twenty-eight thousand tons of Dragon's Blood, according to the extraction ratio of gold cells and the synthetic formula of Oriha Steel, can already produce a lot. Enough for them to start practicing. "

"Still not enough."

Fiona sighed and snorted at the distant magical engineering research institute: "Clotto recently researched and found that Oriha steel replaced the universal alloy as the armor of the power armor, which can greatly enhance it. Performance, if 500 kg of Oliha steel is needed to produce one power armor, one hundred is 50 tons, and one thousand is 500 tons ... We have 100,000 soldiers at present, considering the subsequent army expansion This gap is too big ... "

Having said that, Fiona resentfully said, "It would be perfect if Astral Steel could produce Oliha Steel ..."

Tang En smiled bitterly, but he also wanted to convey this hint to Jean. However, it is acceptable for the astral world to produce natural materials, but it is too ridiculous to produce such artificial materials. No one will believe when you go out!

No one believes that it is impossible to produce the observer effect, and it is impossible for the astral world to produce that kind of thing ...

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