Things from Another World

Chapter 1162: This slot can't spit at all!

If there are any people who are most happy to spend the winter, there are definitely the first batch of students in Prandall.

If any of these students are happiest on vacation, it is undoubtedly Elijah.

Since entering the cold winter, Ellington College has been on vacation since the end of its final exams, and they have received a full vacation for almost two months.

Ilia is going to play crazy.

It's a pity that the holiday is over, and she will soon return to school to accept the boring and boring knowledge. Originally, Ilia had made up her mind to stay at home after school—even if her big brother came to pull her, it was useless. Anyway, as long as you give your elder brother a coquettish, he will certainly be soft-hearted—Ilia thinks so.

However, the sudden appearance of Vinet gave her a new vitality!

In recent days, due to Winnett's sake, Ilia seems to have found the excitement just after the holiday, and actively invested in playing the role of a "mother".

This is completely different from the previous play house. At that time, everyone knew it was fake, but now, obviously, it is also fake, but Ilia always has a feeling that "everything is true".

My own elder brother's daughter ...

Ilia was full of happiness in her heart. She pulled Vinet's hand with a little more than Vinet, gently shaking Vinet on the child's seat, and kept saying: " Winnet, call mom! "

"Mom mom mom ..."

Winnett is learning very quickly. Don't look at her three years old and haven't learned to speak, but that's because she has been sealed. After breaking away from the seal, she is growing at an amazing speed. The speed of learning to speak makes A group of people were amazed.

Listening to Winette's milk and yelling at her mother, Yi Lia smiled as brightly as flowers, and then she continued to seduce with pointing at Tang En. Enchanting Weinet: "Call your father soon. "

Winette opened her hands and shouted, "Daddy, Dad, Dad ... Sugar ... Dad, Sugar ..."

Tang En made a black line, and intuitively told him that Vinnet had definitely mixed him with something that was full of temptations to children, but he couldn't say anything.

The vanilla and cocoa next to it were sluggish.

Even if they already knew the truth, they still have difficulty adapting to the current picture.

Tang En is nothing to be a dad, but Ilia is really a mum ...


Fiona drank hot tea by herself: "It doesn't matter, I'll get used to it after watching it for a long time."

How is this getting used to!

Farting, she and Winnet stand together more like two sisters! !! !!

This relationship is too wicked!

Even Elsa nodded and said, "Well, although I was surprised at first, but now I seem to be getting used to it."

You pregnant woman with his child, don't say these out-of-date topics!

Orina smiled: "Well ... although this mix is ​​a bit weird, it doesn't seem to be unacceptable after getting used to it ..."

Obviously you are his wife, Lord Queen of the Illus Empire! ——You do n’t want to do something to his lower body when you see your husband bring back an inexplicable daughter! ? For example, to slap him and slap him and slap him or something?

Why should he help him with his children ...

Vanilla thinks it's the worst idea to drink tea here.

Cocoa, who has no roots in his mind, has given up the idea of ​​continuing to investigate, and asked with interest: "What would Winette say besides mom and dad?"

"Sugar, eat, drink, want, nothing."

Olina said with a smile: "It's no different from an ordinary little girl, and at the current rate, it is estimated that she will be able to speak normally next month, and in a few months, she may be with an ordinary The three-year-old girl ran as full as possible-provided she didn't stick to Elijah as she does now. "

"Oh oh oh oh!"

Coco exclaimed: "I remember my sister did not learn to walk until she was three years old, and she really was a genius-ah!"

Vanilla withdrew her fist expressionlessly: "What are you talking about as a ten-year-old unbelievable sister who is wetting the bed!"

Tang En's eyes lighted up, as if he heard some good gossip.

Coco hid her head behind Fiona and said, "It's clear that you wet the bed and secretly changed the sheets!"

Vanilla gritted her teeth and said, "I think you really have itchy skin recently ..."

Fiona grabbed them: "Relax, what do the sisters have to earn? If you are all in the same body, if one person wets the bed, the other will also wet the bed, obviously it is a matter of two people, why should you shirk responsibility? What about? "

As soon as Coco stayed, he clapped his hands suddenly: "That's it! Why did I forget about it-so you must be wetting too!"

Vanilla growled: "Alright! No! Both! Yes! You! Hurt!"

Tang En, who eats melon, said that watching the two sisters expose their scars is really fun.

Fiona said with a smile: "Don't make a noise, don't you plan to tell me something else?"

"What else?"

Fiona said with a smile and a casual look: "For example, what are the plans for the Rennes empire recently? What does Tastro do? What can we do for you?"

Coco clapped her hand: "Oh, yes! Her Majesty Testero really let us seal you a letter, vanilla?"

"Call my sister!"

Vanilla took out the letter in a bad temper and handed it to Fiona.

Fiona did not mean to open the envelope on the spot, but asked, "Did he say what's in it?"

She intends to dig out some news from the mouths of these two simple cat-girls first, and it will be easier to get accurate results after comprehensive judgment.

Although the Rennes Empire has been tied to the tank of the Datang Chamber of Commerce, don't worry about it escaping, but Fiona strives to be perfect in everything she does, and no accidents are allowed-the photo stone was an accident.

Vanilla recalled it slowly and said, "Your Majesty said ..."


"Come, everyone welcomes vanilla and cocoa! Cheers!"


A lively table raises a glass at the same time. On the table in front of it is a steaming hot pot. It is quite enjoyable in the early spring when the cold wind is not retreating. In addition, the hot cider is hot. The meat is sliced ​​on the top of the mouth and you can drink a slightly sweet apple cider, not to mention how wonderful it is.

Rao is full of vanilla and cocoa. Forget about his mission for a while, and devote himself to a delicious dinner.

Croto, who ran over to sip the rice, said with emotion: "Although this hot pot is delicious, I can't stand it after eating too much, especially when I go to the bathroom the next morning, the hot ..."

A group of girls on the table suddenly blushed when they heard the words. The mouth above the previous night was very addictive, and the mouth below the next morning was stung. Although everyone knew this, they couldn't control the mouth. but……

What kind of thing is it to say in front of everyone!

But thinking that Croto is a technical house, there is no EQ at all, and the girls don't say much, just silently slow down the pace of eating.

Tang En said angrily: "Don't you feel disgusted to say such things when eating? It's all because of you that everyone dare not eat."

Tina blushed and said, "No, I don't blame Master Croto. Actually, I and I have lost weight recently ..."

"Do you still use weight loss? Tina, didn't I say you, are you already slim?"

Tang En glanced at Tina. Under his development, now Tina's body lines are getting more and more attractive. The convexity should be raised and raised, coupled with a decent uniform, Wasena's attractive power.

If there is any advantage here in Prendall, there are various methods of cultivation. The soldiers exercise the physical strength of the flesh, the magician realizes that the heaven and earth absorb magic elements. Both of these methods can transform the rich energy in the body. The strength that can be used is stored, which means that it is really difficult to become fat in Prandall-except for those tyrants or nobles who have a wealthy family but have no cultivation method.

"But it's also my fault."

Tang Enmo said with a chin, "Because I like spicy food, I just developed this kind of bottom of the pot, but I forgot to consider it for you. Well, it was decided. I took the time to study the Sanxian and Mushroom Soup Pot for two days. Well, girls really like that light taste. "

When Tang En said that there were other light-flavoured bottoms of the pot, the girls were all gaze out in a circle and couldn't wait to ask, "Really? How long will it take ?!"

Although the hot pot is good, as Croto said, the next day was too sinful, especially the girls are more sensitive, chrysanthemums are hot, they do n’t talk about such shameful things, they think they are only themselves That's it.

But it would be great if there is a light soup pot, they can enjoy the taste of hot pot without worrying about shame the next day.

"So looking forward to it? Then I'll do it as soon as possible."

Tang En was surprised, because in his opinion, hot pot must be spicy, what kind of hot pot is Sanxin mushroom soup, boring! In other words, it can also be seen from this point that Tang En is sometimes not too emotionally wise, at least he will not think about the lady everywhere.

After the meal was full, everyone went back to each house to find their own mom, and vanilla and cocoa stayed because they were staying in the lord's house. Several people sat in the yard and drank hot tea to eat and eat After sweating, blowing cold wind again, this taste is really addictive.

Watching Vanilla and Coco trying to talk to Winnett, Fiona smiled gently and said to Dunn, "What have you done to them?"

"did not do anything!"

Tang En said decisively: "It was an accident! All Otinia!"

"Oh ... it has something to do with Otinija, then I understand."

Fiona nodded, then suddenly asked, "What do you think of Testero's proposal?"

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