Things from Another World

Chapter 1163: The answer before me

Testro made the message from vanilla very simple.

He, or the Rennes Empire, also wanted to participate in the western development plan.

According to Fiona's idea, the development of the western region is very extensive, and involves a lot of people and industries. If the plan is done well, the overall strength of the Irrus Empire will be in the process of the western development. There was a huge leap forward.

They can see the benefits inside, and Oscar can also see that although Testero is a bit slow in reaction, he is not stupid and naturally knows that this is an opportunity.

However, there is still one of the biggest problems here, that is, the development of the western region is the internal affairs of the Illus Empire.

Although the Tang Dynasty Chamber of Commerce has spread throughout the Prandall, the Rennes and Ronitante are still independent of the Illus Empire, and they have not yet made up their minds to actively merge with the Illus Empire. Oneness-this is also easy to understand. For any country leader, this concession will definitely not be made. Otherwise, there will not be so many big sovereign nations on the planet.

Whether to let the Rennes and Roninante kingdoms join in the western development depends on what they think.

After being silent for a while, Tang En said: "The main purpose of Roninante should be its economic potential. The existing emerging markets are basically monopolized by us, and a large part of the traditional markets are divided up by us. There is not enough room for the Roninante Kingdom to operate, so they urgently need to open up a brand new market. The Gris area, which has not been developed much, is such an opportunity, so they will not let it go. "

Fiona nodded and said slowly: "And what the Rennes Empire means, we need to think carefully."

"The Rennes Empire is vast and sparsely populated, but because the land is barren, so the pressure to survive is very high. Testero may want to take advantage of our immigration plan to transfer some of the population of the Rennes Empire to the Grace area and reduce them Domestic pressure. "

"The Grace area needs to be rebuilt, it will use a lot of labor, and there will be a lot of employment opportunities. It will create countless jobs. The Rennes Empire is now catching up and intends to catch up with us and enter a civilized society. The first solution is the issue of economic growth, so from this perspective he will not miss this opportunity. "

"Due to historical issues, the relationship between orcs and humans has always been relatively indifferent, and this western development plan is a large-scale project that involves large-scale immigration and large-scale construction. If we can take this opportunity to let the orcs and humans Eating and drinking together and earning wages may have the opportunity to successfully integrate the orcs into society, and then the treatment of the Rennes Empire in Prandall will be greatly improved. "

Tang En smiled and said, "It's not hard to guess, according to Testero's thinking logic, the third point is probably the most important."

"Yeah, this is also us, or what you want to achieve."

Fiona stared at the glass in front of him, as if there was something secret in it: "So theoretically you would never refuse this thing. Rather, even if he doesn't mention it, you may actively seek him out Speaking of this proposal. "

"I do have that idea, what's wrong?"

"That being the case, why did he ask for it?"

Fiona asked Tang En: "When he raised it, it became him begging us. He lost the initiative and gave us the initiative. If he waited for you to come and ask him, the benefits he would get would be More, so the question is, why did he do this? "

Tang En shrugged: "Because he doesn't know how to fight our development?"

"This seems to be the most likely answer, but ..."

Fiona shook her head: "I think he's worried about something, so at the expense of giving up the initiative, let us bring the Rennes to the Empire."

worry? worry about what?

Tang En froze for a while, and then suddenly flashed, almost speaking with Fiona: "Grace's battle!"

"Yes! It must be so!"

Fiona said with great discretion: "Originally, the Rennes Empire only wanted to develop steadily, followed by the Illus Empire, drank some soup, developed a foothold, and then developed itself until it surpassed us."

"But," Down's eyes narrowed slightly with a smile, "the fight in Gries changed his mind."

"Greece's battle was too large. Yu Wei even spread to the surrounding area. Ellington felt that there was no reason why the closer New Burkeso could not be sensed, not to mention that the sharp tooth master also participated in the battle himself, so he was very Know your combat effectiveness and influence. "

"But I actually didn't release the two most powerful spells in that battle."

Tang En is very innocent, and even feels like to laugh: "The stars released by Gene fall and fall, and the elemental monarch released by Horus through the Great Prayer comes, and the doomed thunder released by the elemental wind monarch has nothing to do with me. what."

"Perhaps it's not these two spells."

Fiona blinked and said, "It could be the battle in Blood Rock."

Tang En suddenly realized: "It is possible!"

In the battle against Blood Rock City, the Illus Empire sent only an army of more than 10,000 soldiers, but it was equipped with a large number of advanced weapons and won the war with a very disproportionate number of people. The matter was not a secret at all. It spread after the battle, and Tastro would naturally know.

Originally, Tastro was still happy that the Rennes empire finally began to develop again. When he saw the hope of catching up with other countries, the detailed information of the war was like a cold water splashed on his head, making his hot brain. Cooled down again.

It was also after calming down that Tastro suddenly discovered the hidden crisis.

The Illuth Empire has spared no effort to help build the Rennes Empire, but has never worried about what will happen when the Rennes Empire becomes strong. Why?

Because of those powerful new weapons and equipment.

The powerful weapons and equipment gave the Irrus Empire a very strong confidence. They did not worry that the Rennes Empire would catch up. Even if the standard of living went up and the economic level went up, the military strength was still very different!

Humans and orcs originally had a physical gap, but this gap was overtaken by weapons and equipment, and the orcs fell into the downside.

In other words, once the Rennes and Illus Empire broke their faces and war broke out on both sides, the Illus Empire did n’t even have to dispatch soldiers, firing that terrible weapon directly across the border, Can completely destroy the Rennes Empire!

It's not just tearing their faces. When the Rennes empire loses their trust, crises can fall on them at any time!

It was because of the same importance that trust had for each other that Testero decided to ask Vanilla and Coco as a diplomatic ambassador, to come to Ellington to convey his goodwill.

Fiona's analysis of Testro's thoughts was clear from that letter and the few words narrated by vanilla, even clearer than he thought. She had every reason to believe This time, Testero sent vanilla and cocoa to gain the favor and trust of Donn.

What will happen to them after gaining trust? Secretly waiting for opportunities to develop, and then seek to surpass?

Give me a break……

The Rennes Empire has lost since the beginning and they have no chance to catch up.

There is only one way to stay in the Rennes Empire, or Testero, and that is to watch the Illus Empire become more and more powerful, until finally merge the Rennes Empire, and the two sides become a whole. .

It's just time sooner or later.

Testero was also consciously aware of this, so he has only been so entangled recently.

As a king, he should make his people happier and make his country stronger.

But as an orc, he knew he was incapable of making this country better.

Cooperation with Tang En is the only option before him.

"I didn't expect the guy to become smarter, or indecision, after Tina's training."

Fiona shook her head with a smile and said, "Although his worry is a bit redundant, it is a good thing for us."

Tang En looked at Winnet in the distance, grinned at her, and then said: "Although Testero is stupid, he is kind and he is thinking about his people, so I do n’t I do n’t want to be an enemy, to be able to settle things peacefully, and I do n’t want to use war. ”

"What about the Rain Empire?"

Fiona asked, "With our development, sooner or later you will face this problem."

"So, hasn't Testro already given us the answer?"

Tang En smiled at the letter on the table, and Fiona smiled.

Yes, the answer has already been sent.

The western development is a great opportunity for orcs and humans to work together and live together. If the two races are to be merged as soon as possible, there is no faster way than this.

"That's the decision."

Fiona touched the letter and said with a smile: "We must not invest in the investment we have made so much."

The plan for the development of the western region will put all the money made by Datang Chamber of Commerce in the past two years, not only that, but also continue to invest in the follow-up!

Because what the Datang Chamber of Commerce has to do in the Grace area is not a simple reconstruction project, but a reconstruction. It will directly rebuild a civilized society from scratch. The template of the city is all designed according to Ellington!

Large-scale modernization of Plantar will start from there!

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