Things from Another World

Chapter 1164: Not a word

That night, Tang En began to think about how to make the bottom of the soup pot in the bedroom, and suddenly a knock came.

Tang En, who had recently been squeezed with horrible snacks, paled instantly: "Who !?"

He didn't react until he shouted. Whether it was Isari, Lola, or Peltis, or Selise, mother and daughter, when they came to squeeze the juice, they never went the usual way, they never knocked .

door? nonexistent!

The people outside the door didn't answer, but pushed in directly.

In the dark hallway outside, Tina and Marin regretted: "Where are they in, it seems we have no chance tonight ..."

Tina sipped with a blush: "You don't want to come over because you have to pull me. That kind of thing, that kind of thing is really ashamed!"

Malin grabbed her gently, and the thief smiled grinningly, "What, you don't know how strong Her Majesty Tang En is, he usually takes care of you, otherwise you alone It's impossible to cope with him! "

"Only and not, Your Majesty is very gentle and considerate ..."

Malin was totally unbelieving and murmured to herself: "I just didn't expect Her Majesty to have such a relationship with the two orcs ... Your Majesty's hunting range is really extensive.

"Vanilla and cocoa are nice, don't hack them."

"I know they are good people, but the orcs of the Rain Empire are so brutal, there are too few good people."

"Your Majesty said that he can't hit everyone because of a special case."

"So vanilla and cocoa are special cases."

As the two whispered and discussed going back, Fiona in the other room also showed a meaningful expression.

"Sure enough I went in ..."

What will they do? This posture or that posture?

Fiona's imagination began, and after a moment she looked at the slimy fingers and blushed.

After hesitating for a while, she secretly took out the well-kept picture stone, released a silent enchantment, and activated the picture stone with shame ...

After a while ...

Fiona, who was full of anticipation, shouted angrily: "Damn! How blank!"


"Vanilla-and cocoa !?"

Tang En's face changed slightly, why did they come here now? Could it be that spring is here, and they are going to be incarnations?

——But it's not right. If the two of them really have that meaning, it won't be that kind of reaction before.

——In short, it's so nice not to be juicers!

Tang En put down his pen and paper and asked a little unnaturally, "Why are you here?"

Vanilla rolled her eyes. He thought he wanted to come? Had Testero been vocal about the Empire of Rennes, the future of the orcs, and wanting them to sacrifice Tang Hun for their own happiness, they would not come-yes! That's right! They will never come!

After cheering herself up, Vanilla just opened his mouth, and saw that his unsatisfied sister had gathered by Tang En, and said curiously, "What are you writing? It looks like Is it a herbal formula? "

"Of course not, it's just the cooking ingredients at the bottom of the hot pot."

There is nothing to keep secret about this kind of thing, and Tang En didn't cover it up. He showed it to Coco generously.

Coco's eyes lit up: "Is that something that will make the hot soup of today's dinner?"

"That's the bottom of the spicy pot. This is the bottom of the three fresh pots. The taste is different. Are you interested?"

Tang En looked at Coco very unexpectedly. When he was eating just now, the hot hot chili oil did not cause the two cat-ears to suffer. After all, the cat's tongue ... But they still enjoyed it.

"Of course!"

Coco said without hesitation: "In our Rennes empire, the winter is very cold, and this cooking method will certainly be popular if passed on! And those people will definitely like this flavor."

The Rennes Empire has many warriors, and most of the orcs are very strong. The stronger the people, the more they like the exciting taste. Those people like spirits.

Spicy hot pot will surely become their favorite, and it is absolutely enjoyable to order some spirits.

The vanilla standing beside looked at the two of them speechless, how could the topic be eaten by Coco? I'm here to discuss the business ...

Coco said with a look of regret: "Unfortunately, your hot pot restaurant has not yet opened to the Rennes Empire, so everyone is not eligible for this cuisine."

Tang En smiled: "If there is a market, Fiona will be happy to open the store."

"There must be a market! Now everyone's income has started to increase, and people who are eating are willing to spend money."

Coco can't wait to say, "And our Majesty is also looking forward to eating Ellington's delicacies in New Burkeso."

"There will be a chance, we will consider this matter when the staff is sufficient."

"If you are understaffed, you can hire someone from New Burkeso to open a shop."

Coco blinked: "You are short of people, but the Rennes Empire has a lot of rich labor. Many people want to do something but have no chance. If they have job opportunities, they will definitely be the best employees!"

I heard that the vanilla originally intended to drink cocoa suddenly closed her mouth and looked at the corners of her back and twitched.

So what does she mean?

Damn it! So amazing! Whoever says cocoa is a fool, I must stand up and pump him!

... It seems that only herself often says she is a fool?

Forget it, it's not important, what's important is that Cocoa can so naturally pull the topic up to business!

"Of course this is, but in fact I-uh ..."

Tang En froze for a moment, and also reacted, glanced at the cocoa naturally, was this girl intentional or unintentional?

There is a shortage of people in Tang En. It is no secret that Ellington has been vigorously introducing labor force. Recently, the symptoms of this labor shortage also spread to other cities, because various industries have begun to expand to the outside. With the increase of industries, the expansion of the employment market and the increase in the labor market, the labor gap naturally increases.

However, as mentioned before, the people of the Illus Empire, especially the Apocalypse, are generally unwilling to work in fixed positions. They are more inclined to take risks, explore, hunt and kill Warcraft, etc ...

What about ordinary people who have the ability to work? In addition to the labor required for social operation, the Datang Chamber of Commerce can recruit very few and is far from meeting the demand.

Now Tang En intends to start to publicize the most glorious work, mobilizing those who are not involved in production to take up posts and participate in social construction. The apocalypse's body is strong, one of the top five, it is a pity not to use it well.


There is no shortage of people in Rennes! They lack food! Lack of food and jobs to feed so many people!

The Illus Empire currently lacks jobs. As far as food is concerned, although the orcs have a big appetite, the output of grain will continue to rise this year, and the doubling is small. Feeding the Rennes Empire is not Small idea?

If the two sides can learn from each other's strengths, it will definitely increase the speed of social construction.

The idea put forward by Cocoa actually had been long thought by Tang En. In fact, if not considering that the people of the Illus and Rennes empires generally have a bad impression of each other, Tang En had already recruited orcs on a large scale. Already.

Now that Tastro has offered this idea, Down feels that he can take advantage of it.

It's just that ... the two simple cat-earsmaids always feel guilty. Otherwise, it's better to let Fiona come, her business is more proficient ...

However, Tang En turned his head and looked at the two cat-ears in the room. After hesitating, he abandoned the plan and a commercial smile appeared on his face: "Your proposal is great, I think we can discuss it in depth. "

As soon as Coco heard it, she was happy and shouted, holding Vanilla's hand, "Look, you see, I said that Tang En was a good man, and he would definitely agree."


Silly girl, you're going to die soon, do you know? It seems that the dialogue just now is just a coincidence?

Tang En smiled and said, "But you can't get an idea on this matter, so let's talk with Tastro."

"um hum!"

After completing the task explained by Tastro, Coco was very happy: "And there is still, Your Majesty, who wants us to join the western development plan, Tangn Downen, can you?"


Silly girl, you're going to sell your Majesty Tester right away, you know!


Tang En said with a smile: "Your proposal is very good. I think that the people of the Rennes Empire's participation in the western development plan will help to understand each other and promote peaceful development."

"Great vanilla!"

Coco cheered, holding Vanilla's hand very happy: "In this case, the two things that Your Majesty has explained are all done!"


So you stupid girl has all exposed her mission!

"——Well! That's the case ..."

At this moment, Coco suddenly remembered something, and the pink cheeks suddenly became red, and he said a little twistedly, "Then, that Your Majesty should tell us whether the last thing should be ..."

Vanilla suddenly looked at Coco with a terrified look, this guy's brain circuit has definitely broken through the sky!

"Do not--"

As soon as vanilla had time to shout, Coco had unbuttoned her shirt and took off her shirt. Instead of wearing a bra from Tang En cottage, she used a very traditional corset.

The wrapped corset is not wide, it just protects the sensitive area. The two buns bulging up the top of the underwear, and even the mysterious bulge at the top can be seen faintly. With a slight shaking ...

Lying down! These cat-ears are really going to do things!

Tang En took a breath of air, rushed up, and wrapped her up with clothes: "What are you doing !?"

"His Majesty Testero said--"

"Coco you dumb shut me up!"

Vanilla screamed and rushed up, covering Coco's mouth, and grabbing the white bun on her side with the other hand, staring at her fiercely: "What the **** do you want to say? what!"

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