Things from Another World

Chapter 1165: Can there still be this kind of operation?

At the dining table, Tang En yawned lazily.

The opposite Fiona, Tina and Marin looked at him strangely.

"Exhausted? Eat more."

Tina served Tang En very considerately.

"It's really exhausting ..."

Tang En sighed. "Thank you, Tina."

"No, you're welcome."

Tina blushed and returned to her seat. After closing her long hair, she secretly glanced at Tang En, then glanced at the vanilla and cocoa beside her.

I really can't see it. The two of them are so powerful that they can make your Majesty so tired ...

"It seems you need more tonic. It's been so hard these days."

Fiona looked at Tang En with a smile, but she was still a little bit dissatisfied, and she had already been like this, but she didn't find herself, and would rather go to their two cat-ears?

——What's more, I wanted to re-watch the wonderful story of that day with great expectations last night, but the picture stone turned out to be blank!

Yes! air! White! of!

Fiona had been tangled for almost one night and repeatedly inspected the photo stone, but found that it was not something wrong with the photo stone.

That is simply a blank photo stone that has not been used!

In other words ... Either Malin didn't do what she said, or someone dropped the bag in the middle!

Fiona carefully recalled the situation that day. After pulling the silk, the suspect was easily locked.


That's right, only he has the opportunity and the motivation to remove Bao Liuyingshi!

This bastard!

"Okay, it's not too hard."

Tang En, who didn't hear the meaning of Fiona's words, said vaguely, "But it was really tiring last night."

Fiona said meaningfully: "It's definitely harder to deal with two than one."

"Yeah, if there was only one, it wouldn't be so tired."

The next Tina and Marin listened to the conversation between the two, and their faces were almost buried in their chests. The two were really able to discuss this topic so frankly, as well as vanilla and cocoa. Center, but the two of them have been eating and eating without any reaction. Do n’t the two of them know how to be shy?

——Oh, by the way, the orcs are generally indifferent to that kind of thing, so this reaction is also normal ...

The insane conversation caused a few people's ideas to go astray, and I'm afraid that only Elijah, who was sitting there with a spoonful and spoonful of Weinet, would not want to go wrong.

After a long time, Tang En put down the tableware and let out a long sigh of relief: "It feels good to be full."

"Who makes you intemperate, always come."

Fiona blame him in a low voice: "Although you know you like that kind of thing, it should be modest."

"Who likes it!"

Tang En smiled bitterly: "If it was not for our future, I would not bother to care so much!"

For, for our future! ?

Fiona's eyes stared, and her brain was almost down!

Slap with the orcs for their future? Slap? Slap? Can there still be this kind of operation?

"I don't seem to understand what you are talking about ..."

"So, the Rennes Empire is also a vast market. Since our hotpot chain has already been tested in the market of the Illus Empire, then it is completely feasible to push to the Rennes Empire?"

Tang En turned his face and let Tina wipe his face with a warm towel. He took out a stack of paper and handed it to Fiona: "This is a recipe that promised you the bottom of the pot. There are some things that may not be found at the bottom of the three fresh pots and the bottom of the mushroom soup pot, but you can find something with similar flavors instead. Try to try first. "

Fiona stunned: "What? Bottom pot recipe?"


"What you have been saying just now, is this all?"

"Otherwise do you think?"

Tang En looked at her with a puzzled look: "Did you not comment last night? So I stayed up late last night and recalled the approximate ingredients of these two recipes. Although it is impossible to fully recover, the taste should be roughly Not much difference ... "

Fiona blushed: "Just remembering the recipe, would it be so tired !?"

"What do you say! I'm not a professional chef! Do you know how much brain cells I consumed last night in order to remember the contents of the bottom of the pot? Almost tangled me! And look at how you look forward to, I really Sorry to disappoint you, or I wouldn't be so desperate last night! "

Tang En is very wronged, and he has already done his best. What happened to these guys? Looking at him with a **** expression?

Think of it!

I'm all thinking about it!

Fiona, Tina, and Marlene were all very embarrassed. They thought that vanilla and cocoa had penetrated into Tang En's room. How could Tang En's character escape the two cats sent to his mouth? Earmuffs?

Unexpectedly, he really let them go? Or, because he has been smashing, popping and popping frequently recently, he has run out of energy?

Fiona's heart suddenly broke, wouldn't he really be dead?

Absolutely not! Sexual blessings of the second half of his life ... But his happy life has fallen on him. If he can't, what can he do?

It seems necessary to do a check for him, usually pay more attention to the diet.

"I see. You are really too hard."

Fiona took the recipe, glanced at the pictures above, and nodded and said, "I will arrange for people to find these spices as soon as possible. If the cooking is successful, I will start to set up a special supply team and start nationwide. The hotpot base for this flavor is provided. "

"This kind of thing can be done in any way. Just find someone to take charge of it. It is better to focus on the development of the western region."

The priorities are obvious. The hotpot chain is only a means of fishing for gold, but making money now does not really make much sense to them. The development of the western region is the top priority.

If it weren't for the hot pot chain that could indirectly promote the relationship between the Rennes and Illus Empires, Tang En would not even bother to consume these brain cells.

Fiona said, "Wait a minute and talk to Testro and leave the rest to others."

"it is good."

After breakfast, Down, Fiona, Vanilla, and Coco all arrived at the new Burkeso through the teleportation.

"Welcome! My friend!"

Testerrow, who received the vanilla call in advance, greeted them with a smile on his face. Down and Fiona came together, indicating that his purpose was 90% certain.

When the crowd arrived in the palace, they started a formal conversation.

"Your Majesty's meaning conveyed to us through vanilla has been understood. In principle, we do not want other countries to interfere in the construction of our country ..."

After Fiona entered the negotiation mode, she only had a faint smile on her pretty face, and she could hardly see any extra emotional fluctuations on her face, which made Tang En very admired.

Testero was calm and in principle did not want it. If he really didn't want them to join, he wouldn't come over.

"However, taking into account the friendly and cooperative relationship between your country and us-"

Fiona deliberately glanced at vanilla and cocoa, so that Tastro noticed and sold them a favor, and then continued: "——Based on the principle of peaceful and win-win interests, I have discussed carefully with Her Majesty Tang En, After pondering for a long time, we decided to fully open this western development plan, accept the entry of foreign capital and personnel, and let us work together to develop the huge market in the Grace area. "


Testro smiled brightly: "Want us a happy cooperation first?"

"No, you are too anxious."

Fiona interrupted his words and continued to say flatly: "We have made concessions and part of the benefits, but at the same time, we also have some words that must be explained in advance. If you can't do that, please allow We have rejected your request for cooperation. "

"Please speak."

"The Grace area is a sacred and inalienable part of the Illus Empire since ancient times. After regaining the Grace area, we will severely crack down on any reactionary who tries to split our territorial sovereignty. We will be in Grace Several inspection teams are set up in the area to inspect suspicious persons at any time. "

"It should be, I certainly understand."

"Originally this task was relatively simple, but since the plan was opened to allow your country ’s personnel to participate in it, it will involve a large number of people, and we do n’t know your personnel information, so during the inspection process , It is very likely that your personnel will be reviewed several times. Those who pass the examination will be required to register their identity cards at a mandatory level. Those who do not have an identity card will be reviewed again in the subsequent review process. "

Fiona stared at Tastro's eyes and said, "Accepting the verification and registration of the identity card, this is the first thing they must do. Can you accept it?"

"of course!"

Testro didn't think much, and said refreshingly: "The magic phone will be popular soon. Even if it is to use the magic phone, they will definitely take the initiative to register the identity card."

It's smoother than expected ...

"Secondly, because the Grace area is the sovereign territory of the Illus Empire, no matter whether it is human beings, humans, orcs, goblins, etc., we must comply with our laws, Everyone will be punished according to law, even if he is a member of the Rennes Empire, can you accept it? "


Testro hesitated, then nodded and accepted.

After all, it is in other countries. If it is really stupid to violate the laws there, even if such a person is saved, it will not make sense, but it will lose the face of the Rennes Empire, so he accepts it.

"Then the third point ..."

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