Things from Another World

Chapter 1166: Artificial insemination! ?

After a calm discussion in New Burkeso, Down, Fiona and Tastro finally reached a consensus.

The western development plan will be fully open to the Rennes empire, and various jobs will be accepted by orcs. It is expected that 100,000 jobs will be provided to orcs of all ethnic groups in the early stage. If these 100,000 orcs perform well, with the development plan The in-depth and the speed of review will gradually increase the number of employees in the later stage.

The expected ultimate goal is to accommodate a total of 40 million orcs of various ethnic groups and 60 million humans in various regions. It is intended to build ten large-scale cities that can accommodate 10 million people. These cities are mainly humans, supplemented by orcs, and other races. Peaceful coexistence and harmonious development.

Although Grace is a plateau region, the climate is relatively harsh, and it is not suitable for large-scale immigration, but it has the power of magic to artificially create some climate-friendly basins, nurture a large population, and use this large piece of land.

"So, for our cooperation, toast!"

With a look of joy, Testero lifted a wooden barrel, touched the small glass in Down's hand, and drank with a headache.

Tang En looked at the wooden barrel in his hand and looked at the small wine glass in his hand, a little speechless.


Gan Ying's clear liquor slid across his throat, hot. The spicy taste went straight to the heart, Testero shouted aloud, and sweated directly in this cold weather, he laughed and patted Tang En's shoulder: "Although I don't really like those humans, there is no doubt that Tang En, you are my favorite human!"

"I have a normal sexual orientation."

Tang En took a sip of the wine, moved a bit awkwardly, and then said, "I heard that you recently expanded the scale of Dixinglong Farms?"

"Yes, after the winter, a large number of Diplodocus began to go out for food. We took the opportunity to capture a large number of them, and then spread them across several farms. After the base was expanded, the breeding efficiency was even higher."

Tang En nodded, and then suddenly asked, "Have you ever thought about artificial insemination?"

"Artificial insemination? What's that?"

Testerlow paused for a moment, then looked at Tang En with a grimace: "If I guess correctly, you mean ..."

Tang En said very naturally: "The artificial method is used to conceive female dragons, thereby rapidly increasing the number of dragons."

And this operation! ?

Not only Testero, but even Fiona, who was eating elegantly next to him, almost sprayed rice, looking at Tang En in shock.

Vanilla couldn't even look at Tang En, what exactly was in this guy's mind! ? Artificial insemination or something ... it's so dirty.

Although I don't quite understand the concept of artificial insemination, but just analyze it, you can roughly guess what it is. The thought of that kind of picture makes vanilla awkward.

"Yes, that's what you think."

"It's too ..."

"This is a very serious breeding method. Can you be pure?"

Tang En was very speechless and said patiently: "If they are allowed to breed naturally, I am afraid that they will not increase the number in a year. If artificial insemination is adopted, it will increase the number by at least 50%. Right? It's doubled in two years, and the growth has almost no hunting costs. Why not? "

Testro thoughtfully: "It seems worth a try ... Do you know what to do?"

"How would I know!"

Tang En said angrily: "You send more people to observe how the Diplodocus mates, and then use artificial simulation to take the *** of the male Diplodocus, and then use the tool to complete the conception of the female Diplodocus as soon as possible Not on? Everything in the world is knowledgeable, and careful observation and daring to try will always learn. "

"Well, you make sense."

Tang En nodded and changed the topic: "In addition, the winter is now over, and the mine on the side of the Rennes Empire can also be considered for construction. I will then send someone to send the supporting mining tools and engineers for the mine. You can start recruiting staff soon. "

"Miners are afraid that not many people are willing to do it ..."

"Then raise the salary, some people will always be willing."


"Then you mentioned earlier, the construction of the aviation tower, the weather conditions have improved after the winter, and the highway in the Rennes Empire should merge into the highway network of Sorant at the end of the recovery month. After that, they can officially start operation. After the expressway begins to operate, those people will then start the construction of the aviation tower. It is expected that in the summer of this year, the ten major cities of the Rennes Empire will be completed Aviation tower. "

After Fiona calmed down, he added: "The production and training of the first civilian airships should also end in the midsummer month, when the air routes to the Rennes Empire can be opened directly. The current flying speed of civilian airships, according to our estimates, it takes only three days for flights from Yalinks to reach New Burkeso, lighter weight and higher value goods, and tourists can fly through the air The boat traveled between the Rennes and Illus empires. "

"In addition, I suggest you send someone to Ellington to receive training in the tourism industry, which can develop the tourism industry. The people who have lived in the Illus Empire for many generations will definitely be interested in exotic scenery, especially The Rennes Empire is very unique in its wild and wild style. Travelers must eat, drink, and live here when they come here. These are related to consumption and can greatly promote the economic development of the Rennes Empire. "

"The premise is that the people of your country can restrain their own mentality and be able to treat foreign tourists with kindness. Otherwise, as long as a bad incident occurs, no one will be willing to come to the Rennes Empire in the future. Once the reputation is broken, It's too difficult to rebuild. "

Testero was overjoyed when he heard it: "Great! I will enact laws to restrict them!"

"It's not just restraint," Tang En explained patiently. "The indifferent relationship between the Rennes empire and human beings is a problem left over from history. There are many reasons. First, they have different beliefs, and the orcs believe in Calomari River. , Human beings more believe in the **** of light, Yebirni, followed by different physical appearances. Most orcs have the characteristics of beasts. This characteristic makes humans have a natural sense of threat, and they have a sense of vigilance, and the orcs are timid. The coward is full of contempt, so it is difficult for the two sides to have a goodwill for each other. The third point is that the two sides lack understanding of each other. The Rennes Empire is very far northwest, and most people have no ability to come here. In human history, There is very little written about the Rennes Empire, and anyone who is unfamiliar will be full of vigilance. "

"So, if we want to resolve the contradictions and let the two sides live in true peace, we need to resolve these issues."

Tang En raised his finger: "First, we must support freedom of religious belief. Any believer who believes in a true deity must not discriminate, unless it is a cult similar to the dark snake and chaos."

"Second, we must promote the bright side a lot, just like humans are very cunning, but humans never say that they are cunning, they only say that they are wise. Orcs also have to learn this. For example, the orcs have a short temper, but change another From the perspective, it is straightforward, and no one will hate a straightforward person-except hypocrites. You have to learn ... well, if you can learn, you will not be an orc. "

Tang En patted his head and said, "Then we will organize some information and send it directly to others for viewing. Most of them are some precautions and suggestions, such as the reception staff of the aviation tower of the Rennes Empire. I will I suggest you hire a large number of Fox Fox, Rabbit Rabbit, Doug Dog, and Kate Cat women. They are gentle ... well, most of them, and it is easy to win the favor of human beings. "

"It is said that in the Rennes empire, these are only a small number of animals that have the characteristics of beasts. They are called second-class sub-tribes. I may not like to listen to you directly, but you must understand the popularity of these second-class sub-tribes among humans. Much better than you first-class subtribes ... "

At this point, Tang En shrugged: "So it's not surprising why there have been so many slaver teams in history who stared at these second-class sub-tribals."

Slavery ...

There was a haze on Testero's face. If there was any real problem between the orcs and the humans, it was the scars left by the slave slaves in the past.

This scar was deeply tingling in the heart of each orc and could hardly be resolved.

Tang En is also very aware of this, so he continues: "I know that the slave trap has left you with very painful memories. I do n’t want to explain more. I just want to say that the past things let it pass. Under my rule, I absolutely do not allow such a desperate role as a slaver. "

Testro nodded: "I know, you hand sentenced a group of slave catchers, and the elves hate the slave catchers more than us. You and the elves have a very close relationship, and they can forgive you. I have no reason not to, not to mention that the slave catchers have nothing to do with you. Rather, you might say that you did a great thing for us. "

Tang En nodded: "As long as you can understand, there is the third point. To enhance mutual understanding, do not treat each other with blind prejudice. You must know that the times are advancing, and the society is becoming more civilized and rational. In the direction of advancement, only muscles cannot stand on Prandall, we also need brains, and seeking common ground while shelving differences is what we should pursue. "

"Do you seek common ground while shelving differences ..."

Testro thoughtfully.

Perhaps what Tang En said is the future direction of the Rennes Empire.

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