Things from Another World

Chapter 1168: Almost rolled over

not much time? No chance?

Grantia said tightly, "What happened?"

"Of course it's a big deal! Child!"

Isali took it for granted: "If you don't want to win the Angel as soon as possible, it will become more and more difficult in the future!"

Grantia thought it was a big deal, but as soon as Isari said she was dizzy.

Anyway, I still want to find someone ... find the elf and Tang En pop!

"Now that there are so many girls around Tang En, how can I be interested in hooking up with others."

"So we have to take the initiative."

Sally sighed, "I wanted her to run once. Come on, let's run more."


"I just received a report from Eli Li. Since the beginning of this spring, Ellington, and other cities in the Illus Empire, have been promoted by Down's new policy, and the number of newborns has increased by nearly 50% compared with previous years. , This number is so gratifying! "

Yisali shook her fist, and said with a gaze on her eyes: "So I think, for the continuation of our elves, it is time for us to go further and take a more positive attitude! So I think they are It's time to start implementing their plans as soon as possible. The essence of the Lord's life, we are bound to get it! "

For more than a year, in order to conceive, Isali ran away to squeeze Tang En. It was a pity that the Elves had a low probability of conception. She and Tang En were both legendary powers. The probability of conception was even lower. It ’s not like I have a chance every time, so until now, Isari hasn't been able to conceive successfully. This has made her very discouraged, but she also continuously encouraged herself to keep going, and one day she will be able to conceive.

If Lili and their efforts are as hard as hers, at least one or two sisters will conceive successfully, right?

Stimulated by new news this time, Isari finally couldn't help but decide to urge them to do it as soon as possible.

"Oh, that's how it is!"

Grantia nodded and said suddenly: "Leave this task to me."

Isari looked at Grantia in amazement: "... when did you change sex?"

Grantia was struggling for a while: "You won't do it anymore!"

"Don't, it's a matter of survival for our elves!"

Isari hurriedly said, "Of course I'm happy if you want, after all, there are more opportunities for more people."

More opportunities for more people?

As soon as Grantia was stunned, she heard Isari say, "Go and find Ali Li, and work together to get pregnant as soon as possible!"

"... Oh !?"

Grantia was shocked: "I just said I was going to convey the news, but I didn't say I would go into battle!"

"What are you saying, silly boy?" Isari hugged Grantia with a loving expression, her huge **** covering her cheeks directly, and it made Grantia's jealous teeth itchy, anxious Take a bite, "This is a major mission that is closely related to every member of our Elf clan. Who has the responsibility and responsibility to contribute to their own strength, and you are no exception."

Grantia wanted to yell loudly, "Why should I sacrifice myself for the survival of the Elven Tribe?" But in the face of Isari's gentle but appraising look, she was really shy Come out-more importantly, her mouth is blocked, she ca n’t say no to reject it!

After telling the task, Isari left, and Grantia stood there for a while, then went to Ellington.

At this point, Ellington, Aegwin had rushed to the Lord's Mansion.


The raging Egwin found Tang En, and asked without a word: "Why do you bully Grantia !? You are my best friend, how can you bully her!"

Tang En murmured inwardly, isn't that great? Is Grandia talking about it because she's angry?

But looking at her look before, she was obviously straightened, shouldn't be!

Tang En immediately became nervous. The reason why he has been so cautious all the time is that Aegwin found that his private life was relatively erosive, and then he disliked him ...

Once the favorability is reduced, it is difficult to raise it again.

"What did she tell you?"

It is imperative to know what Grantia has said to her. If she tells everything, then Tang En can only be brazen and arrogant.

I'm also a victim anyway, what can I do if I get a drug? I'm desperate too!

Looking at the world, which male protagonist will be pushed backwards like me by every third difference! ?

"Grantia has been in a bad mood lately and has been in a daze. When I asked her, she also said something inexplicable."

Aigwin frowned: "Although I don't understand what she is talking about, one thing is clear, she is the one who bullied her!"

When hearing this, Tang En was actually relieved, and it was clear that the Grantian girl didn't sell him directly.

No matter if she did n’t want to betray herself because she was cracked, or because she was stupefied, her fascination with Aegwynn is not so deep. If she really wants to make herself completely desperate, just take her It's enough to tell Aegwin in 1510. Don't even need to add oil and vinegar, Tang En naturally has no chance.

All in all, she now apparently just wants to take a little revenge on herself, not to tear her face.

Tang En was almost clear about Grantia's thoughts, so Tang En showed a very unjust expression: "I didn't bully her. What is her character, do you not know? Only she bullies For my part, how can I bully her? "

Aigwin was really a little hesitant at this time. Indeed, as Tang En said, when several people usually met, Grantia was never polite to Tang En, and Tang En was always more modest.

Aigwin said a little puzzled: "But she cried this time. It's impossible to pretend it?"

she cried?

Tang En's heart murmured again, don't look at Grantia's heartlessness, in fact, she is probably the most sensitive. Sensitive, because her sexual orientation is very abnormal, so she is very sensitive to others' eyes .

However, knowing that she has a different sexual orientation, she chose to stick to it. Her mental capacity is very strong, and such a Grantia cried?

Could she really be angry? Although it is inferred according to normal theory, it is natural for girls to get angry when they encounter that kind of thing, but if they were to be angry, they should have broken out then? It doesn't make sense ...

Seeing Down's appearance, Aigwin's tone also eased a little: "Although I don't know what happened, you still go to me and apologize with Grantia."

Tang En is his best friend, Grantia is his good sister, and it is difficult for Eggwin to be sandwiched in between.

After Tang En hesitated, he nodded: "Okay."

It's nothing more than an apology. Tang En is not patriarchal and he doesn't want to bow to the girls.

The point is that he also wants to see Grantia and see what is going on with her now. If she is really hurt by this incident, Tang En really has to sincerely apologize-after all, the Prandall people The future rations fell on her.

The two immediately ran to the emerald corolla to find Grantia.

"Well !? Grantia is so efficient !?"

It didn't take long for Isari to sit down, but she found that Tang En and Aegwin came together, and stood up suddenly, saying with amazement, "Master, are you finally willing to contribute your strength to the survival of our elves? ? "

Tang En suddenly stunned. Even if I don't want to, you haven't squeezed me so much. Why are you so happy?

"Don't bother, where is Grantia?"

"Are you looking for her?"

Isari stunned. "But she's gone to Ellington."

Don and Eggwin both froze and passed by?

"let's go."

Tang En turned away, and the longer he stayed with Isari, the more dangerous he was. The ghost knew when the big breasted queen would suddenly reveal her relationship with herself.

"Welcome often."

Isary did not stop Tang En, and after watching them leave, Isari said to herself: "Master Angel now has a good relationship with Sister Egwin, doesn't he always say that he likes Sister Egwin? Or else ... help him? "

Although Isali is so close to Tang En, she is only limited to ordinary love. There is no love at all. It is more a respect for the ambassador and a sense of responsibility for the existence of the elves. Eun and Eggwin had no psychological pressure on her.

What's more, Aegwynn is the most outstanding warrior of the Elf clan, and the bloodline talents are all the best choices. If she can be combined with Tang En and give birth to an elf who has the blood of the gods, it will be a great thing for the entire Elfc. Not to refuse.

However, how this matter works needs to be carefully considered, and it cannot be raised so abruptly, otherwise Tang En is uncomfortable, I am afraid that Sister Aigwin will be at a loss as well ...


Suddenly, Sally clapped her hand: "It's almost time for spring ploughing in the human kingdom, and a lot of crop seeds will soon be needed. This year, he also regained Solante and Grace, and the area of ​​cultivated land has become larger. , The number of seeds is very large, it is better to use this excuse ... "

In her mind, there were a few plans that she thought were very feasible and had a great success rate, but whether these plans could be successful or not depends on whether Sister Egwin would cooperate in the future.

If it goes well, I'm afraid Tang En will thank himself ...

Isari chuckled and laughed, and when things were done, she said that Tang En had to work **** her several times to increase the probability of conception.

Matilda, who was standing asleep at the door, shook her head helplessly. Really, the queen began to be stupid again. Everyone said that her chest was big and brainless. Is it true that her chest is too big?

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