Things from Another World

Chapter 1169: Simple elf girls

In the renewed city of Ellington, there is a forest that has not changed since the beginning. There are tree houses growing on the trees inside. Almost every Ellington resident knows that this is an elf life. region.

Although full of longing for the mysterious and beautiful elves, due to Tang En's special regulations, no one would come here to disturb the lives of the elves.

Today, there are constant clear voices coming out, so that pedestrians passing by frequently look around, do not know what happened inside.

In Elli's room, Grantia shouted extremely sternly: "No !!!! Nothing! Push it all down !!!"

In front of them, Elli, Sanye, and Dantrian, all their elves, sat obediently, and let Grantia, a younger sister several years younger than them, scold them.

"See what weird plans you guys have!"

Grantia wielded a thick book, and on it can be seen faintly, "The Lord Made the Lord Overthrow the 138th Enhanced and Improved Design Plan".

"Use the excuse of the consulting book to talk to him in private, and then use the excuse that he doesn't know that he needs to demonstrate in person and then play the role-playing game, seduce him and then start? Absurd! It's too ridiculous! It's impossible to do!

Grantia ruthlessly tore the plan to pieces: "You have lived in Ellington for more than two years, don't you understand what kind of person he is?"

"What kind of person is he?"

Alili blinked, and said in her own impression: "A knowledgeable, flexible, and very kind human?"

"Wrong! Wrong!"

Grantia snorted and said, "He is a selfish, narrow-minded, and cunning human with a dark desire."

A group of elf girls looked at each other. Didn't Granny say that they knew exactly two people?

"You are too simple and superficial, so you only see the surface he wants you to see, but you really don't know what he really is!"

Grantia recalled the scene of being slapped by him on the magic projection tower, and could not help but take a slug. Damn, a good human being, would he be proficient in so many ways of playing? Will it be so tyrannical? Will she be so good at attacking women? Naive! Totally impossible!

"So," said Eli Li, curiously at Grantia, "you know him well?"

"Although it is not very understandable, it is much clearer than you."

Grantia proudly said, "So as soon as I saw your messy plan, I knew it would never be feasible."

Sanye said a little puzzled: "Why? It looks perfect, exactly like the comic plots he taught me."

"Because it's so similar, he's too deliberate, and he'll be alert."

Grantia shook his head and said, "Judging from my many years of experience, under such deliberate arrangements, it is impossible for him to submit. The most likely ending is that you are thrown away by freezing, or he directly drops you. Run away. "

Eli Li still doesn't quite understand: "Uh, this is too timid, shouldn't male humans be excited when they encounter this kind of thing? How can they escape?"


Grantia took a deep breath: "You have too many people !!!"

She mentioned the idea in a word. Although many beautiful women will cause great excitement for men, if so many beautiful women are gathered around, I am afraid that only a man will be scared away. Few people have such strong physical strength.

Even if he thought of eating one to earn one, Tang En was definitely not that easy to hook, especially when he found that these elves and beauties were still struggling with the consciousness that filled his stomach. Scaring away is still light.

"Uh, that is, do we have to go a little less first?"

"This is not the key. The key lies in how you can get him hooked without escaping, and weirdly dedicate the essence of life."

Grantia pointed to the nature of the problem and said, "From my many years of planning experience--"

Dantrian suddenly interrupted her: "Wait, you've mentioned your years of experience for the second time, Grantia, are you very experienced in this kind of thing?"

"That's for sure, I'm for Lord Egwin-uh, you don't care, all in all, in terms of overthrowing the plan, I'm definitely the senior of your predecessors, you're right to listen to me!"

Grantia almost revealed her dark history. She hurriedly said, "If you want to succeed in winning Down, the most difficult thing is to make him take the initiative. He has always been alert to such things, so this road It was blocked from the beginning, so you don't have to think about it. "

"That is, we must take the initiative? But aren't you saying that we would scare him away if we go?"

"Then don't let him run."

Grantia smiled strangely and proudly said, "I happen to know that there is something that works very well for him. Once he wins the bid, he will immediately lose his self-control and become a beast driven by desire. It will not happen at all. To escape, you will only attack and then attack. "

When Eli Li was overjoyed, "What is it?"


Grantia decisively throws a magic weapon: "As far as I know, this high-concentration extract of fascinating flowers is very powerful. Since it is not magic or poison, even Tang En can't resist it. Once you can think of a way Let him inhale the scent, and he will fall in minutes. "

A group of elf girls were immediately excited, and Auntie talked about it. After a moment, Eli Li asked: "The fascination is really good, but where should we get this kind of thing? We have never seen it in the forest. Fascinating flower. "

"This kind of flower grows in the underground world, so the best way for us is to get some from the Dark Elves. I know Lola, the former Queen of the Dark Elves, is in Ellington, and she has a fascination in her hands, but ...

Grantia paused and said, "But if we ask her for it, it is tantamount to exposing our purpose, so we have to go through other channels."

Sanye raised his hand and said, "I have a few loyal readers in the underground world, and I can ask them to help me collect some love flowers, and then we make our own extracts-even we can try to cultivate love flowers in the forest, Aren't you a druid very good at growing plants? "

Grantia praised, "I haven't tried it, but I can try it."

Elijah took Grantia's hands and convinced him, "It's great, if this plan can be successful, Grantia, you are the hero who saved our elves!"

Great hero ...

And the same title as Lord Egwin ...

Grantia thought about it, and after a moment, she shook her head and said, "However, it's not enough to be fascinated. You still lack a key magic weapon."

The elf girls were nervous: "What is it?"

"dress up."

Grantia spit out two words, and saw that they didn't understand well, so she explained: "If you want to get the most out of fragrant incense, you have to make changes. You can't dress up as it is now."

"How do you dress up?"

Eli Lili pulled the clothes on her body: "I think this dress is pretty good now, pretty. Tang En praises me many times."

"That's just good-looking in the general sense. It's not deadly."

Grantia smiled strangely again: "For the best results, you must dress like this!"

She took a beautiful photo in her hand, and it was exactly ...

"Master Aegwynn?"

Aili Li saw Aegwin in the picture, and he paused: "Why do you want to be the image of Lord Aegwin?"

"Of course this is because that guy has the least resistance to Lord Egwin!"

Grantia said a little reconciledly: "So, as long as you prepare a suit that mimics Mr. Igwin, and then think of a way to let him inhale the scent, the next thing is logical."

"You can leave this to me."

Ailili waved her fist in excitement: "Master Aegwin is wearing the clothes I designed now, and I can prepare a set for the sisters. As for the armor and weapons, only imitations are required, and it is not that bothersome. . "

"Some sisters don't have the same hairstyles as Lord Aegwin and need a wig."

Pamela smiled and said, "You can give me the wig."

"That's it."

Dantlian slowly said, "I will complete the specific plan into a plan, and then the manual will be kept in mind."

"Now do the preparatory work first, and then wait for the love flower to be in place, and then you can start executing the plan."

As soon as Grantia waved his hand, the momentum was astonishing: "This time the plan is named the" Elven Heritage "plan!"

"Thank you so much," Elli said, very excited. "If it weren't for your reminder, we might still be stupidly discussing the plan."

"Nothing, it's just a matter of hand--"

Grantia was very humble and waved her hand, and she was about to humble herself a few words, but suddenly changed her face: "—the sisters are about to dissolve! I smell the scent of Lord Egwin!-And Tang En! They come over It's up! "

When the elf girls in the room heard the words, they rushed out of the window. Rao is the dignified and generous principal of Pamela on weekdays. It is no less good to run away, and I disappeared. Allielle and Grantia were left.

Ailili hurriedly set up the painting platform, took out a few semi-finished manuscripts, and pretended to draw. As soon as she was seated, Tang En and Eggwin came to the door.


Aegwynn shouted, and Grantia immediately opened the door obediently, and then Aegwynn stood there, watching Dunn silent.

Tang En said to Grantia with a bitter smile: "... I'm sorry to make you sad."


Grantia blinked. What happened?

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