Things from Another World

Chapter 1170: Scheming queen

"Order 851 years, the 12th month of recovery."

Grantia paused, and continued to write: "It's been a month since I clearly apologized to the big bad guy, but I always feel like it happened yesterday."

"" Sorry, Grantia. "

"I shouldn't say you're a man-in-law. You've always been a gentle and beautiful elf in my heart."

"" I apologize to you. ""

"... He said so."

"So he really is a bastard!"

Grantia's silver teeth creaked, and the penetrating three-pointer said: "I already knew that he is a coward who has no courage to admit it!"

"You can be so bold and straightforward in the face of Lord Aegwin, and change another face in the face of other people, which makes people want to bite him!"

Writing here, Grantia didn't know why, and somehow blushed, and then continued to work hard.

"I heard recently that the amusement park he led has been completed. Although there were some accidents over the Silver City, the magicians were nervous and the construction period was ten days later than originally estimated, but he still gave Those workers paid bonuses. In this respect, he is not bad, and he is a good person. "

"It's weird that even though the main customers are for amusement parks for civilians, they have the strange name" Adventure Paradise ". Do you hope that adventurers will also be affected as customers? I asked him, but he just smiled, and then stripped me of my clothes-did the **** think that I would not fight him again after he was defiled by him? Huh, it's so young. "

"Not only did I bite him a few times, but I also left a mark on his neck. I thought of how he looked when he was reprimanded by Fiona, and I wanted to sing ~"

"What's more, now I'm holding his handle. As long as he still wants to conquer Sister Egwin, he has to please me, otherwise I will expose my affairs with him!"

"Also, spring ploughing has begun. There is a huge demand for improved seeds from the human side. These seeds are provided by our druids. More precisely, they are all provided by the girl. So many people rely on This girl just had enough food. How dare he offend me? It's too late to please me! "

"Huh, I see how proud he will be in the future."

"But speaking, I heard that what adventurer's paradise actually has other uses. It was a small attempt to complete his mission. Although I don't know what he is going to do, I look at Sister Egwin. In the face, my girl would like to wish him a blessing, I hope everything goes well. "

"After all, there are news from the Silver City these days. The frequency of the Chaos Gate appears to be higher than before. The magicians of the Xingyue Tower can't pull away to build, even Lord Egwin and equipment. The special mobile teams with the magic power armor are dispatched to solve chaotic creatures. It can be seen that the situation is not very optimistic. "

"If he can really solve the crisis of chaotic invasion, in the future we-ah, it's not us, but they probably have a long time to enjoy it."

"Fortunately, there has been some progress recently at the Magic Energy Engineering Research Institute. It seems that the artificial soul quantum computer" Eve "has been developed with many new functions, which has increased the progress of various research and development tasks of the Institute. Less, powerful computing capabilities have greatly improved the production accuracy of many industrial equipment, the defective rate and the loss rate of weapons and equipment have decreased a lot, and the combat capabilities of his soldiers are equivalent to indirect and increased a lot . "

"Perhaps, he, the messenger of the goddess, really has a way to lead us to solve this crisis? If that's the case, I wouldn't be ashamed if he was ruined by him."

"The only trouble is that Queen Isari is still thinking about making us more active, get pregnant as soon as possible, and conceive his child ... but I have worked very hard, and even have adopted a non-resistance policy to accept his violations. I almost took the initiative to pounce on him every day, but what if I didn't conceive a child? What can I do? I'm also desperate! "

"Now she has got a fascination from readers in the underground world-the price is that she has drawn a few personal books exclusively for them. If it makes sense, I really do n’t understand what ’s nice about those things. . "

"After getting the lover flower, I am trying to cultivate the lover flower in the forest to simulate the environment of the underground world. There are still a few samples that were directly catalyzed by the druid's divine magic. If it succeeds, hum, very much. Just prepare to spend it in daily estrus. I look at Queen Isari's posture, and I can't wait to raise him in captivity to make him a humanoid planter exclusive to the elves ... "

"Now that everything is in place, we will wait for the successful transplantation of the love flower. As long as there are a few sprouts in the sample, we can safely extract the extract and officially start the" heritance plan "..."

When writing here, Grantia stayed in the pen for a long time, and started to stay with his nib pointed to the chin. No matter what you think, this plan seems to be the bad guy, right? However, under the order of Her Majesty Queen Isari, they had to happily carry out this plan, trying everything to be filled with that guy's stomach and having a big belly ...

Other elves don't have the feeling of being dominated, but Grantia is different. Her psychology is more inclined to human women, so her heart is always inexplicable.

"All in all, for the future of the Elves, we have already achieved awareness. If you are not pregnant, you just let him go!"


The call outside the window aroused the alert of Grantia, and she hurriedly wrote the last paragraph: "Also, Her Majesty recently seems to be thinking about trying to match that bad guy with Sister Egwin, huh, if Sister Egwin is so easy If so, my girl wouldn't be so long! "

Then she closed the book and locked it in the drawer to go out.


Outside the gate was the sacrifice sister Adele of the Earth Goddess. The two walked quickly to the Temple: "The newly cultivated seed is ready. Ellington is in urgent need, and now the sisters are all very worried. It ’s too busy to separate people, so this time I ’m bothering you to send some seeds. ”

"it's me again?"

Grantia is quite speechless. Recently she is busy cultivating fascinating flowers. Why can't she let her rest every day?

"Sorry, Grantia."

Adele clasped his hands together with a playful smile and begged: "We also know that you have been fascinated with planting flowers recently, but there is really no one here. I have had a little trouble recently. When will the next batch of seeds be delivered? Sure, you can breathe a sigh of relief. "

"Alright alright."

"Besides, this is a letter from the High Priest Maserati to the Messenger, please pass it on."


Grantia raised her eyebrows: "What time is it now, and still writing? Didn't Ellington have issued us a batch of magic cell phones? Why not?"

Adele spread his hand: "The High Priest has never left the Temple of the Goddess, has no registered identity card, and no phone card. Of course, he can only write letters."

"But don't you have a magic phone that you can lend to her ..."

Adele was speechless, and the high priest did not explain how to answer such a question. She stomped and said, "Ah, don't care about these details, all in all, take these seeds to send the letter, be careful, the high priest will let you go to penance ! "

As soon as he heard the words of asceticism, Grantia couldn't help but stumble. The druids of the earth goddess were not only academic but also ascetic, and their asceticism went into the wilderness alone. Lingzhong Mutiantiandi, using the body to perceive nature, of course, in the process to completely cut off the connection with the outside world, generally speaking, a penance will last about ten to one hundred years.

For the strange elf like Grantia who likes to be hilarious, let her go to hardships and don't hesitate to ask Tang En to take the initiative.

Especially knowing that the world is about to face a great calamity, don't worry that when she is suffering hardship, suddenly there will be a world war, and it will be terrible when the world disappears when you wake up.

"I see, then leave it to me."

Facing this threat, Grantia can only be subdued.

After arriving at the Temple of the Earth and receiving the prepared seeds and envelopes, Grantia hurried off.

As soon as she left, smiling Isari and Maserati stepped out of the inner temple.

Adele asked inquisitively, "What is the matter, high priest, do you want to write to the Lord?"

"Write a letter? No."

Maserati shook her head and glanced at Isari.

"I wrote it. I'm sorry to write to him directly, so I borrowed your name."

Isari spit out her tongue. She smiled playfully: "I'm doing this for our elven tribe too."

Maserati looked at her quietly.

"Okay, okay, I said it's not okay."

Isari shook Maserati's hand and said, "I told Don in the letter that there was a gate of chaos in the growing area of ​​an important material 'Morrot' needed to cultivate new seeds. He is likely to be polluted by chaos, so please let him deal with it. "

Morolt's transliteration in Elven is Ruan, which is a kind of alfalfa-like forage.


Maserati was a bit inexplicable: "Isn't that forage? Is that kind of thing needed to grow seeds?"

Isari chuckled, "Of course I don't need it, but Tang En doesn't know."

"Also, wasn't the gate of chaos in Morrowt's growing area entrusted to Aegwynn?"

"That's why we have to let Tang En go."

Isari smiled very brightly: "Because there is a **** neighborhood."

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