Things from Another World

Chapter 1171: Huh! Eat my Nora Ball!

"This is a batch of seeds, about 50 tons. It should be able to last a while. As for the next batch ... I am not sure of the time. It is said that I have been a bit troublesome recently."

Grantia threw the space ring to Don, with a disgusting look, then turned away and walked. When he reached the door, he suddenly turned around and threw the letter over: "This is the letter from the high priest, Gone."

"Famous car ... I mean, Maserati wrote to me?"

Tang En was surprised, and just wanted to ask a few more words, but found that Grantia was gone.

"She was obviously frightened by you."

Fiona next to her lips, and secretly said that Tang En was too much. Last time, they just stunned one more sentence, and suddenly they did that to others.

Tang En froze, and he knew that Grantia was clearly not angry about the incident.

After tearing the envelope apart, Tang En frowned simply at a glance: "One of the important raw materials for cultivating improved seeds, is there a door to chaos in Morrowt's growing area? This is not good news."

Sure enough, as Isary had guessed, Tang En didn't know what the so-called Morrow was, but when he heard that it was related to the cultivation of improved seeds, he immediately took it seriously.

"Send someone else?"

Fiona said: "The special mobile team has been very efficient recently. Recently they have solved three small chaos gates. They are quite experienced in dealing with chaotic creatures."

Since the arsenal began to produce magic power armor at a steady rate of one machine per week, the special mobile unit has become a resident force, and there are now 150 people. Their main task now is Follow the magicians of the Silver City to fight against the Chaos Gate.

If the soldiers in this team survive successfully in the future, all of them will be elites. In the future, everyone will lead a team to deal with chaotic creatures.

"The Gate of Chaos appeared again on the southern coast, and the special mobile team was long taken away by Gene's guy-after seeing the excellent effects of the magic power armor, he can't hate to take them when he can't reach the door."

Tang En sighed: "I can't stop him either. Strictly speaking, he's training for me. I should thank him instead."

"so what to do now?"

"What else can I do? I'll go."

Tang En spread his hand: "Anyway, I don't have anything else now. The adventurers' parks in various places are basically at the end stage. I have nothing to do in the past two days. By the way, I can handle this matter. After all, spring ploughing can be delayed. Sorry, the whole country is waiting to use seeds, but we can't hold back at this time. "

Fiona thought about it too, this guy here is just a waste of time, but from time to time she will come together to tune it. Play a few words with her, although she enjoys such a peaceful and ambiguous life, but it really affects her ... Work efficiency.

"Then you go and solve the problem as soon as possible."

As soon as Fiona's voice had come to an end, Tang En had left, she shook her head and smiled, and then continued to work.

Tang En teleported directly to the Emerald Corolla, and planned to ask Maserati to inquire about the relevant situation, but did not expect that the luxury car sacrifices never saw him at all. A female elf named Adele pushed him to Isari, and Tang En ran again. Go to Isari and ask about the situation.

"Oh, I didn't expect Lord Messenger to be so concerned about the condition of the Emerald Forest."

The graceful and elegant Isari came to Tang En, and gently hugged him. He had no choice. After teasing him, she turned around and sat down. She said, "The planting area of ​​Morolt ​​is northwest of the Emerald Forest. There is a grassland in the forest close to the hillside where Morolt ​​grows. Recently we received news from the forest that the door of chaos was opened there. Because it would delay the cultivation of improved seeds, I immediately notified Iger. Sister Wen, but I am afraid that Sister Aegwin may be in danger, so the high priest will inform you. "

Seeing Tang En raise her eyebrows, Isari said, "After all, you are an omnipotent spokesperson in their hearts."

"Although Aegwynn's power restrains chaotic creatures, the power of chaos can also cause very great damage to the elves. Your fear is correct."

Tang En said in a deep voice: "I'll go to Aegwin now."


Isari looked at Tang En with anticipation: "Sister Aigwin, she should be--"

Before she finished speaking, Tang En, who had closed her eyes, suddenly opened her eyes and said "find it", and then disappeared through the space door the next moment.

"Actually, the space coordinates were anchored on Sister Egwin. He really liked Sister Egwin."

Isari smiled: "But Sister Egwin can accept Tang's anchoring of her spatial coordinates on her, which also shows that she is actually full of favor and trust in Tang

Anchoring spatial coordinates on yourself means that the anchor can transmit to him anytime and anywhere as long as he has enough strength, even if he is seriously injured, sleeping, or taking a bath ...

Being able to accept Tang's anchored space coordinates shows that Aegwin's subconscious mind is actually full of trust in Tang's, but she does not seem to realize it, or she does not understand what this trust means at all. .

Maybe for her to give her life to the other person, is this the greatest tolerance for her best friend?



Aigwin, who was fiercely fighting with chaotic creatures, saw the sudden appearance of Tang En. He was surprised and reacted slowly. He was immediately seized by the chaotic creatures, and dozens of chaotic rays lased!

"Be careful!"

Tang En appeared in front of her instantly, holding up a shield with a raised hand. After the shield was hit by the chaos rays, the magic was quickly corrupted, and the entire shield creaked, and its intensity dropped rapidly.

Tang En refreshed the shield unhurriedly, knocking Aegwynn's head a little bit strangely: "Don't be distracted on the battlefield."

Eggwin bowed his head a little embarrassedly and whispered, "I'm just more surprised who suddenly appeared ..."

As a legendary powerhouse, she noticed that the space around her was distorted, and it was an instinct to focus her attention immediately. If it was someone else, she would definitely not be distracted, but it was Tang En who did not expect to come.

With surprises and surprises, she was naturally distracted.

Tang En looked forward through the shield and breathed a little sigh of relief, saying, "Fortunately, it is a small chaotic door. The probability of native chaotic creatures is not high, otherwise you are in danger."


Aigwin said with a smile: "Actually you don't need to come. Give me enough time. I can get rid of the trouble here alone ... But then, how come you came?"

When Tang En anchored her space coordinates on her body, he said that when she was in danger of life, he could detect that she could rush to support her as soon as possible, but now that she was clearly not in danger of life, Tang En came, This shows that someone must have told him the situation here.

Tang En explained briefly, Igwin was suddenly realized. Between the two, Tang En had summoned the elemental weapon, the elemental weapon with the power of the void attached to it, chopped vegetables, and cut the dozens of chaotic creatures in front of it. Debris was completely purified.

"I really don't know that Morolt ​​still has this effect. I thought Morolt ​​could only be a forage. After all, only Gangzhang liked this kind of thing."


Tang En faintly felt a little bit wrong. He waved hundreds of swords at once, and after the chaos minions in front of him were wiped out, he turned back and asked, "You said that this thing is a forage?"

"Yes, don't you know?"

Aegwynn speared a crescent sword and split a chaotic creature in half. He turned his head slightly and said in amazement, "Morrow is a kind of forage. Because of its special smell, only Gangao likes it. Here It's also a settlement of Gangbang. "


Tang En's face was inexplicable: "What's that?"

"A kind of Warcraft ... In short, let's solve this chaotic door first. The longer it is delayed, the more severe the corruption here will be. The corrupted gangsters have killed a lot of themselves."

Aegwynn stared at the door of chaos with strange waves not far away. At this moment, there were still a lot of chaotic creatures flowing out of the door of chaos.

"it is good!"

Tang En nodded, grabbed his head, and threw out sleeping Hara's Nora directly: "Oh! Eat my Nora ball!"

"Huh ... hhhhhhhhhhhhhh ..."

Nora, who is struggling with the candy house, suddenly finds that a distorted unrecognizable monster is rushing on her face, and she suddenly screams. The huge power of life that is horrible erupts like a supernova. Dazzling green Light shrouded more than half of Prandall, and even the Illus Empire was affected. Under this green light full of vitality, the trees and flowers that had just started to sprout suddenly grew crazy, in a blink of an eye This completes the entire process of germination, growth, budding, and blooming!

Just a moment, most of the plants in Prandall have entered the most vigorous state of vitality. In the farmland, the farmers have just planted the grains that have not been planted for a long time, and they germinate and grow in a blink of an eye. The results begin in an instant!

Even a lot of seriously injured people started to heal immediately after bathing in green light. Some people with disabilities were even more horrified to find that their broken limbs had grown back, and they became normal people again!

Sudden anomalies have attracted the attention of countless people. A large number of devout believers have fallen to their knees directly, shouting "miracles" constantly in tears!

And the creator of all this, frightened Nora, at this moment is crying and constantly kicking the owner's mind ...

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