Things from Another World

Chapter 1172: You cheated! You are cheating!

"Town is a big fool!"

The crying Nora was obviously frightened by the chaotic creature that suddenly appeared in front of her, and her fists and feet kept kicking Tang En's head, and Tang En seemed to feel that his head was constantly floating upwards. -1-1-1-1-1 ”and so on ...

"I'm wrong."

Tang En took out a lollipop very sincerely, handed it to Nora, and threw her out: "So, be good at it."

Ewha Rainy Nora licked her lollipop and flew to Aegwynn: "Ignore you, huh!"

Although Nora said so, she still recovered the huge force unintentionally released, and then opened up the realm of life. The spread of the gate of chaos was immediately curbed, and the decayed vegetation began to recover.

"Ready to start!"

Tang En flicked his hands, and two elemental swords appeared in his hand. The power of the void poured out from his palm, slowly attached to the elemental sword, and the two elemental swords burned with a transparent flame.

And a stream of black smoke spewed out from the corrupted earth under his feet, and the chaos in the land was purified directly.

Aegwynn glanced and praised softly, "It's still your strength that works."

"Then I will do more."

Tang En ha laughed and rushed up with his hands, the sword fell, and two swords whistled out, tearing more than ten chaotic minions in an instant.

"Hum, ignore him, I'll help you!"

Nora snorted, and the powerful force of life landed on Aegwynn. Aegwynn found that his strength, physical strength, reaction speed, etc. all instantly increased several times!

Aegwynn exclaimed, "It is indeed Nora."

This increase is simply terrible!

Aegwynn was originally a legendary powerhouse. What is the concept of multiplying it on this basis? This means that based on the power of immutable rules, she can even single out Jean, Angus, Serna and others!

As an elf, of course, Eggwin had known about the existence of fairies, but she never knew that the fairies had such a powerful power.

Aigwin's feet disappeared from his place. When he reappeared, he had surpassed Tang En. There were two sharp sword qi with a length of several hundred meters. Chaos Minions are all cut in half!

The torn chaotic minions tried to regroup, but Nora's life force completely prevented their combination process, while still suppressing their power and weakening them.

Immediately after, the sword gas that had spread to the limit exploded, and the huge force directly blasted the chaotic minions completely into fragments. The fine fragments completely lost their resistance, and then they were killed by Nora Purified.

Although purifying the chaotic creature would consume Nora's life force, the loss of this power would be worthless to her.

"not bad."

Tang En looked at Aegwynn in amazement, not expecting that Nora's power increase was so effective on her.

"Let's race."

Don En Haha laughed and killed the past: "Look at us who killed more chaotic creatures!"


The strength suddenly increased so much that Egwin, who was eager to try, accepted the challenge of Tang En, and then ...

"In the name of the goddess's agent, exercise the purification mission. The great goddess Nisclere, please listen to my prayers, come, God's will!"

The power of God descended from the sky, and Aegwynn's power was greatly increased again, leaving Tang En behind in the blink of an eye!

Tang En was stunned: "Too much! Even against the small and chaotic gates, he even used the magic technique! Cheating! You are naked cheating!"

Eggwin giggled and ignored him, and went to kill himself.

As an agent of God, this is also her own power. How can it be said to be cheating?

Aegwynn's strength suddenly increased, and her dragon steel double sword also suppressed the chaotic creatures. At this moment, the efficiency actually surpassed Tang En.

This is not working!

Tang En's figure disappeared instantly, transforming into a violent killing. Killing storm, the dense and sharp sword air roared over the 100 meters, tearing all the chaotic minions in the area into pieces!

For the apocalypse, the chaotic creatures, which were extremely difficult to entangle, were completely destroyed under his attack, and there was no room for resistance.

A chaotic creature suddenly flew from behind. An inexplicable body suddenly opened a large mouth to swallow Tang En, followed by a sharp sword gas, split it from the inside, and then a bunch of sword gas He tore it into pieces, and Tang En stepped out slowly. He suddenly thought of the king game, and laughed: "It's just a mere competition. It's not interesting. Why don't we add a bet?"

Aegwynn pulled out the long sword pierced into the body of the chaotic creature, and quickly cut it, and cut off a tentacle: "But I never gamble."

"This is not gambling."

Tang En shrugged cheekily, covering her while saying, "This is just some fun between our two 'good friends'."

Aegwyn's offensive paused, it seemed to be considering Tang En's proposal. After a moment, she beheaded the chaotic creature in front of her, gently stroking a little scattered hair, and said with a smile: "Well, but What kind of bet do you want? You have all I have. "

-I want your heart-Tang En wants to say this, but unfortunately he is very clear, even if he told her so straightforward, I'm afraid she won't understand what he means-I guess this idiot would still think I want her life.

Tang En's eyes flashed: "The loser wants to hear the winner do one thing, no matter what?"

"Do anything?"

Aigwin tilted his head a little in confusion: "But I can't help you ... Well, whatever you mention, it's up to you."

This simple stupid really didn't think about it at all. If it was resting on the earth, if there was no point between men and women, which girl would accompany the boy to play this kind of game, it is estimated that it would be punished immediately Slap your ears and get the title of "transformation. Transfiguration. Wolf".

Even the human females of Plantar, after hearing this bet, I'm afraid that Tang En is definitely thinking something bad.

However, now standing in front of Tang En is Aigwin, an unsophisticated and simple-spirited elf.

Tang En's tears were almost moving, and the pure and kind spirit was really awesome ...

Of course, Tang En didn't want to take the opportunity to push down Aegwynn. Aegwynn was so pure and kind. How could he have the heart to use deception to overthrow her? When the two people came to that last step, they must be in a perfect opportunity, a combination of love and ideals.

Right now, Tang En just wants to use this opportunity to break the Jiang Bureau ... I mean a deadlock.

That's right, the path of love between him and Aegwin is too slow and bumpy. Now his children are almost born (no problem), but Aegwin still stops at the level of good friends, obviously pale. When Zhilin had treated each other frankly, but she had not made any ambiguous progress, she could imagine the difficulty of her strategy.

"That's it!"

After getting the expected answer, Tang En was also excited, his strength kept rising, and he shouted: "Since you have used even the descent technique, then I can't hide myself! I win you today!"

After Tang En finished, the elemental sword disappeared from his hand, and a void swirl appeared next to him. A hilt slowly emerged. Tang En grasped the hilt and pulled out the will of the world directly. Then he held up the sword and shouted: "Liberation! The will of the world!"

The magic sword in his hand lighted up, and a pattern of texture emerged on the sword. The simple and inconspicuous magic sword broke down and reorganized in the blink of an eye, turning into a complex weapon full of powerful power!

After the liberation of the world's will, Tang En's power fluctuations suddenly changed, from the brisk and lively at the beginning to a terrible force exuding extremely heavy coercion!

Because the power of the world's will was too terrible, Tang En had to restrain some of them. He waved his sword and pointed at the door of chaos: "Scums, die!"

Aigwin looked at the sword in the hands of Tang En in amazement. He just waved casually, which caused a series of ripples in the space, and the space was almost broken. In other words, the weapon in his hand was at this moment. The emitted power is approaching the limit of the space here!

She didn't know that this was the result of Tang En's suppression of some forces, otherwise, as before, a random swing of the sword would cause a piece of space to break.

Prandall's space structure is already extremely unstable, and in order to avoid causing chain reactions, it is not necessary that Tang En will not go all out to use the will of the world.

Well now ...

It was a necessary moment in Tang En's eyes.

In Aegwin's eyes, Tang En seemed to become a **** of gods, and the next moment he had disappeared from the place and appeared directly in front of the gate of chaos, but his figure, or thorns, were everywhere on the battlefield, or Pick, or cut, each illusion corresponds to a chaotic creature. Hundreds of thousands of chaotic creatures were all hit by him, and these phantoms are connected by a thin thin line to each other, and eventually all are connected. On that sword.

"Like it!"

The power of the void permeates the will of the world, the magic sword is stimulated by the power of the void, and it suddenly buzzes. The extremely bright light shines on it, and the light covers those invisible thin lines. Then the next moment, Aegwynn felt that the time around him seemed to pause for a moment, followed by those chaotic creatures that suddenly turned into little stars and disappeared!

Even the door of Chaos beside Tang En suddenly collapsed and collapsed, and disappeared in no time!

That's right, it just turned into ashes and disappeared into the air!

"So, I won."

Tang En put away the will of the world and showed a very bright smile.

Eggwin: "..."

She suddenly wanted to point at Tang En's nose and say he cheated ...

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