Things from Another World

Chapter 1176: Eve small test bull knife

"You seem to be in a good mood?"

Fiona glanced down at Tang En, not knowing why. The smile on his face did not disappear after he returned.

"Of course it is because the raw material crisis of improved seeds has been solved."

Tang Enke was not stupid enough to confess the truth to Fiona. Although Fiona knew very well that he liked Aegwynn and had made it clear that she didn't care, but as long as she really liked someone, how could she not care How about it?

Even if the kings of the harem and the concubines of Prandall are harmonious, how many of them will be as harmonious as their sisters and sisters? Without fighting each other, they can be regarded as a stable harem.

Tang En is not a lover of love. Now he can be so chic, is it not because of the plug-ins that the gods gave him? If this layer of protagonist is not in the body, let alone Aegwynn, I'm afraid it won't even let Isari pass.

Fiona nodded, she knew that things were not that simple, but now it wasn't as real as Tang En, she put out a stack of documents and placed them in front of Tang En: "Check it out, these are all sent by Ollie, Documents that require your signature and authorization. "

"So much? What is it?"

"One hundred and fifty aviation towers in Illus have been completed, bonuses from the engineering team's personnel, holiday approvals, and the best route table calculated by Croto using Eve ..."

When Tang En heard this, his eyes flashed: "Eve can already do such a complicated job?"

"You haven't been there recently, Croto, Yustisah, they have been working around Eve almost all the time."

Fiona pointed to the distant magical engineering institute and explained: "Although Eve had few things to do in the beginning, it was because of few that she could think of many new ideas, and then Yu Sti Sah led the alchemists of the Einzbelen family immediately, and they will integrate new functions that day, so Eve is now two things compared to the beginning. "

"So efficient?"

Tang En is amazed. If it is a traditional electronic computer, using assembly language to implement new functions often requires writing tens of thousands of lines of code, and it is even more troublesome to switch to mechanical language. The artificial soul quantum computer seems to be two concepts. Eve, who is closer to the existence of a wise life, can easily understand Yustisah's instructions for it.

And the Einzbelen family's unique technology allows them to inculcate specific instructions into Eve and let it immediately have new capabilities, so that it has such high efficiency.

"Yes, it's not until now that I understand how powerful Eve is."

Fiona was also amazed and took out the route map calculated by Eve and said, "The aviation towers are spread across 150 large and medium-sized cities across the country, and the air routes between them are extremely complicated. To optimize the efficiency of air transportation, Designing the optimal route is too complicated. If it is me, I don't know how to calculate it, and I just connect it with lines. "

Speaking of this, Fiona smiled awkwardly: "Even if it depends on Croto's computing power, it may take a year and a half to calculate the optimal solution between 150 aviation towers. Time, but after inputting these data, she only put forward an optimized route transportation efficiency to Eve, and after not conflicting requirements, she gave the answer almost immediately. This calculation efficiency is too powerful. ! "

"of course!"

Tang En said with emotion: "After all, it only calculates the pi ... I mean that the Dal Cylinder Ratio can use the data to burst the storage crystal ..."

Eve, technology originated from artificial souls. It exists similar to quantum states. I am afraid that it has the characteristics of quantum parallel computing for analog operations. It can list multiple possibilities for calculation at the same time. The ability of this fuzzy parallel operation is similar to that of ordinary electronic computers The essential difference is that the computational efficiency is terrible in some specific environments.

Eve's potential is absolutely limitless.

"Master Cloto has manually verified the data of several routes. If he follows the plan of Eve, it will save one-fifth of the time than his original plan, and he will stagger the other flights perfectly. Will conflict. "

Tang En glanced at the aviation route map drawn by Eve. Although he couldn't see anything special, since Croto had already verified it, there was nothing to say. He picked up his pen and signed himself. Da Ming: "After the completion of the aviation tower, personnel training needs to be accelerated, and strive to fully realize the operation of the airship transport industry in the midsummer month."

"Now the training is still in progress, the first batch of personnel has been advanced, and the second and third batches are still in the process of training. Now it is still recruiting new employees."

Fiona said a little bit distressed: "There are too many people signing up, and the following are all too busy. We are all thinking if we want to raise the threshold a little bit."

After all, the airship transportation industry is mainly for the high-end social transportation industry with certain economic strength. If the quality of the waiters can't keep up, it will really damage the brand image.

"That's it for now."

Tang En said while looking at the documents, "We were originally understaffed, so it turned out that there were enthusiastic enrollments. Of course, these people had to recruit them. Of course, even those people didn't understand anything at first, we could train, big deal. If the training is unsuccessful, then arrange other jobs for them. Do you still feel the cost of training? "

Fiona's thinking is about the lack of inexhaustible elite policy, which is also Prandall's consistent mode of aristocratic elite education thinking. What Tang En's thinking is to give everyone a fair and just opportunity and what kind of life each person will live in the future. He can't be sure, but at least he can give these people a fair starting line, which is the only thing he can do.

Fiona sat next to Tang En, bracing his head and looking at Tang En's side face. After a while, he suddenly said: "Although you have bad water in your stomach, you are always kind and unexpected, and your world is strange. , A kind person like you can live. "

"Okay, our world has also gone through dark periods, but human beings, like human beings, are advancing in the process of constantly making mistakes and correcting themselves. No one will never make mistakes, as long as the mistakes they make will not Just destroy yourself first. "

With that said, Tang En wrote a meal and couldn't help laughing: "Tell you one thing, you may not believe that the humans in our world can create weapons dozens of times for ourselves."

Fiona stunned: "Why? Aren't you afraid of an accident?"

Tang En shrugged: "Because one country has one, so other countries must have it, so everyone scrambles to research and develop, with the same weapon to deter each other, so as to form a balance. The ridiculous thing is that we have the weapon first. Instead, every country yells for human rights and equality and freedom. "

"It's quite ironic ..."

Fiona nodded: "But your world is still divided into countries? Is it not unified yet? Is it too backward?"

People from a world civilization still in the medieval feudal period say that the earth is backward, but Tang En has nothing to say. There is no way. In this regard, Prandall really walks ahead of the earth. The Illus Empire, a country that once completely unified the world , And even unified the language. If it is not for the invasion of chaotic creatures, the development of this world may be smoother.

"We have to give up on this."

Tang En signed and opened the next page, and suddenly hesitated: "About the application for reviewing the Rennes empire workers in advance? Is this what Ollie meant?"

"Oh, she mentioned it to me, this is Queen Olina's idea."

Fiona lay lazily on the table and said, "She thinks it's unwise to pile everything up until the middle of the year. It will be troublesome to approve the immigration of the immigration in the Gris region. Work is done well in advance, and when you only accept licensed orcs there, it will be a lot easier. "

Tang En froze, and couldn't help laughing: "It seems that Her Majesty is not idle, she's right, this is my negligence."

Fiona rolled her eyes: "Queen Olina is at least diligent than you. You only know the boss who squeezes employees every day!"

"As the boss, it is the person who wants to let the employee work with the desperate momentum as much as possible."

Tang En laughed, and signed the name on the application.

Fiona, who was lying there, enjoyed a rare time to relax. She usually sat there to work and relax like this. There were not many opportunities to watch Tang En work there. Suddenly she was a little accustomed to it. Yet.

Suddenly a thought flashed in Fiona's mind, if it could continue like this, it seems good?

"Well ... the Rennes Empire Mine Equipment has begun to be put into use, and the application of transport personnel to use the transport array to transport ore ..."

Tang En just signed his name and suddenly asked, "I suddenly discovered that it is no longer a secret that we have the teleportation technology?"

"Did you just react?"

Fiona's eyes widened: "Now everyone in the Illus Empire knows about this. After all, the transportation of our Datang Chamber of Commerce depends on the teleportation array and space equipment, not to mention the long distance of our soldiers. The transfer is also achieved through the teleportation array, and even if they follow the rules and do not speak outside, people will find clues. "

After all, the teleportation array is a space transmission. The transportation efficiency is too horrible. Even if it is a blind person, it is found that the Datang Chamber of Commerce has never had a transportation team, but the goods can always appear in each city on time. They will also guess something. what.

That's right, what happened to Tang En finally happened.

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