Things from Another World

Chapter 1177: Give yourself a break

The teleportation formation was a special case after Tang En came to Plantar.

In the game "Chaos" created by the gods, the teleportation array is spread over every city. Of course, this setting may be for the convenience of players to move between cities.

However, after Tang En came to Prendall, he discovered that the teleportation array here was completely damaged, and even the technology had been lost. This led to a rather embarrassing situation-if he publicly transmitted the array technology, he would have to adapt to it. After the world of teleportation is in chaos again, the change of the freight system will lead to the complete collapse of the economic system, the chaos of prices will leave people confused, and a large number of people will choose the teleportation array, which in turn will give the transport array. Brings a huge load.

When the later fighting breaks out again, when people want to conduct "traffic control", they will cause resistance from the people, but will slow down the situation ...

Therefore, after taking into account these circumstances, Tang En decided to hide the teleportation array technology, first grasp in his hands and become his own unique advantage, and slowly develop the world.

But now, as he develops more and more quickly, and His Majesty has more and more people, the teleportation array is actually not a secret in the eyes of many people-especially Ellington, almost everyone here knows about the teleportation array. Exist.

There are so many employees in the Datang Chamber of Commerce. A large number of employees have the authorization to use the teleportation array. They and their family members also know the teleportation array. many.


Tang En was a little surprised: "Unexpectedly, nothing seems to have happened in society?"

"What can you do?"

Fiona waved his hand and said lazily: "The incapable will not know this kind of news, and the able ones will not dare to jump too much. Although they don't know why they don't openly send the array to the civilian field, they can also guess the seven Seventy-eight, now is the critical period for the development of the Illus Empire, and they all know who is out of luck. "

"However, some businessmen have also guessed about the teleportation, and even some people have tried Hilton and Thomas. They have neither affirmed nor denied-this is almost equivalent to telling them that their guess is true."

"But these businessmen ... just ignore them."

Businessmen are profit-seeking. Even Fiona, it is difficult to change her instincts. There is no way. Now it is not a communist society. If you do n’t run for profit, large industries will collapse. How can so many people feed? Ignoring social productivity and printing money to pay wages will also cause inflation, which will eventually lead to people's living standards becoming worse and worse. In the end, some people may be in trouble.

They certainly wish that all the goods were transported by the transport array, which could greatly reduce the transportation cost and increase the transportation efficiency.

Fortunately, thanks to the inspiration and technology provided by Tang En, the Datang Chamber of Commerce has left those chambers of commerce far behind in terms of technology and ideas, and has completely become a veritable "Conzeen-style" Monopolizing the empire is not very pleasant. The Tang Dynasty Chamber of Commerce and the royal family of the Illus Empire are all in the hands of Tang En. This is a typical monster born under the combination of capital and politics.

If it continues to develop, the tentacles of the Datang Chamber of Commerce will gradually spread to the corners of Prendall, annexing all other chambers of commerce, gradually replacing the traditional country and becoming the real financial empire that actually controls the world.

People ’s clothing, food, housing and transportation will all be closely related to the Datang Chamber of Commerce, and everyone ’s work and life will run around the Datang Chamber of Commerce ... When it reaches a certain level and productivity reaches a certain stage, salary may become a contribution to the Chamber of Commerce , And then gradually cancel the currency and replace it with a contribution or personal credit, so as to enter the era of communism?

Perhaps this situation of dominating the world as a company is also an inevitable stage of social development.

After thinking about it for a moment, Tang En said: "Since the teleportation incident has been discovered, there is no need to continue to cover it up, and there is no need to hide anything deliberately. If anyone asks, let ’s say it directly. Anyway, now The authorization of the use of the Teleportation Array is in our hands, and we can tell them directly that the Array is not open to the public. Anyone who has objections will be counted and they will be processed later. "

Fiona's indifferent look: "I don't think anyone can dare to have an opinion, whether it is the purge of the aristocracy before the Illus Empire, or the destruction of the Dark Serpent and Lor'themar, or Gerry The destruction of Sri Lanka was all achieved under your control. If anyone still dares to resist you, there must be something wrong with his mind. "

Tang En smiled: "No one dares to oppose me. This is not necessarily a good thing, because it means that no one dares to point out my mistakes."

"That's exactly what I'm thankful for."

Fiona looked at Tang En and said, "You are a very sane leader. You know what to do and why not to do it, why you do it instead of that. You also know to treat the people kindly and get their support ... Maybe it's the luck of us humans to be able to have someone like you to lead the world instead of a lunatic like Stanley. "

"Speaking of a leader, I am just an ordinary person in our world. I will be ashamed if you praise me like this ..."

"However, I didn't see any embarrassment on your face ... I only saw the proud expression of‘ come and brag about me and brag on me harder. ’”

"Is it so obvious?"

"It's almost written on my face."

The two were chatting while they were determining the important things. Perhaps, the people of Prendal will never imagine that they will dominate their destiny and various development plans in the future. Their Majesty will be finalized in this situation.

Tang En threw away his pen and breathed a sigh of relief: "Hoo, it's finally done. I didn't expect the signing to be tiring."

Fiona said angrily: "You haven't looked at how long this file has been accumulated! Even if you take five days a day to go to Yalinks, Ollie won't complain to me, she even even replaced it. Her mother feels embarrassed. You, as a husband, do not return home all night long, so why do Queen Olina feel embarrassed? "

Tang En smiled wryly, "I'm not busy ..."

"She doesn't care so much. There is Olly in politics and me in economy. You say you are busy, she just thinks you are making excuses."

Fiona said as she sorted through the documents, "Oli said that since you married her mother, you should be a husband and take responsibility of your husband. What kind of man is it to let his wife stay alone in the house?"

Tang En was stunned: "Did she tell you this?"

Fiona snorted and shrugged. "The original words are more explicit than this, should I repeat them for you? For example, she said Queen Olina at night-"

"Stop! Stop! I see! I'm wrong! I reflect!"

Tang En hurriedly stopped and whispered at Fiona: "Oli can't understand her mother's distress, but what's your positive attitude? How can you push someone you like to other women?"

Fiona trembled and turned to stare at Tang En: "What do you want me to do then? Let me tell Ollie that I like you too, I want to be your mother, and I want you to be with me at night I, so let her mother back? "


"And we, we are not ..."

Fiona's face suddenly turned red, and she said a little bit twitchly, "We haven't reached that point yet, and you haven't been like me ... If you want it, I can't help you again, so let Olina The queen is with you, and I have nothing to say ... "

In fact, the meaning in Fiona's words is very obvious, that is, complaining about why Tang En hasn't hurry to make the relationship between the two, but unfortunately, Tang En didn't realize her subtext at the moment.

Girl, I almost sing every night, I really won't be suddenly hungry. Thirsty ...

Tang En's heart is so bitter that it's hard to cope with the mothers and daughters of Isari, Lola, and Pertis every day, so why don't you have the mood to ask Olina to pay the rations?

He is now praying with all his heart, and can't wait for the Juicing Ji to get pregnant quickly, and then let him rest for a few days at night.

But once you get pregnant, it also involves the problem of children. Have your own child in this world? Don't dare to think about this kind of thing, but he never prepared to be a dad—although they both made it clear that the children born with him were brought by them and belonged to their respective races. Tang En is just a nominal father, but Tang En still feels weird ...

Not to mention that the child carrying Elsa's belly now has his blood flowing ... These children are still Elsa's parents ...

Damn ...

When Tang En patted his mind, when he came to Prandall, what happened here always challenged him three times.

"All in all," Fiona patted her warm cheeks and calmed herself down. "The problem of spring plowing has also been resolved, and the domestic aviation towers have been completed. Now everything is steadily and orderly. You Nothing happened recently, just go to Alynx for a while, don't let her always call me in the middle of the night to harass me, blaming me for robbing her father. "

Tang En was speechless, and what he said was so strange that he didn't know where to start talking.

At this moment, Tang En suddenly thought, if he had gone to Alynx, if they didn't know, Sally, wouldn't he be able to give the chicken a vacation?

After all, Queen Olina is a human being, and it is much easier to deal with her than with Isari Lola!

Suddenly, he had a joy on his face: "I know, I'll go there in the past two days, but you must remember, don't tell others, if someone asks, especially Grantia, Aegwynn, Lola, or Pertise, or Talisis, they came and asked, and you said that I would go to retreat ... uh, that I would go to meditate and realize life! "

I'm sure I'm embarrassed to ask in person. She is likely to have Grantia or Aegwin knock them side by side. The more troublesome are Lola, Peltis, and Selise. Naga, they are very bold in that kind of things, they are not shy.

"That's fine, but don't you like Aegwynn so much? Why avoid her?"

"You leave it alone."

After Tang En spoke, a happy smile appeared on his face.

Really, why didn't you think of such a simple thing before? If you wipe away your breath and leave here quietly, you can make your chicken comfortable for a few days!

When they run to Yalinks to find themselves, can they hide their identities and run out for private visits in micro-services. Who can find them with their own strength?

This idea is really awesome ha ha ha ha ha ha ...

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