Things from Another World

Chapter 1178: Princess listening to the corner

Yalinks Palace.

"Did I read that right? Rare visitor!"

Alleria looked at Tang En with a look of amazement, and took the documents from him: "Fiona actually asked you to send the documents?"

"Do n’t always see me with this expression, and I'm very hardworking. Speaking of which I will come over because you harass her every day?"

Tang Enmei said with joy, "I plan to take a vacation for myself recently and relax."

Alleria glanced down at Tang En: "You still need a vacation?"

"Of course. Is it because you think I've been doing nothing? I'm busy, okay!"

Tang En's statement is somewhat credible. Aurelia doesn't know, but she has no plans to pursue anything, but just said rudely: "Since it is a holiday, please spend more time with your mother. You are too misconducted as a husband. Now. "

"That's my intention."

Alleria suddenly frowned and asked, frowning, "What are you going to do when Vinnett thinks about Dad when you come here?"

"Uh," Tang En paused, and said with some uncertainty: "Should not ... she has been sticking to Elijah recently, and Elijah is addicted to being a mother ... she should not miss me ... "

"Is it?"

Aurelia took a meaningful look at Tang En: "She will cry and look for dad. Don't regret it."

Therefore, Tang En is too young. A big boy who has never been a father suddenly has to play the role of a father. It is a little too embarrassing for him. He doesn't even understand what a father's responsibility is.

As Aurelia said, Tang En was really a little embarrassed. The main reason was that because of the special identity of Winnet, Tang En was afraid of something unexpected.

At this moment, the two maids pushed in, and behind it was Olina with a tray: "Oli, I asked the chef to make some refreshments for you, you ... dear, dear ..."

Suddenly, when she saw Tang En, Olina gave a stun, and called awkwardly.

"Well, don't force yourself without an outsider, just call me Tang En."

Tang En stepped forward to take the tray and said with a smile, "I've been a bit busy lately. I have no time to come back. How are you doing?"

"pretty good."

Olina's face was reddish, but she did not refuse the favor of Tang En.

"You mother, can't you be more honest?"

Aurelia couldn't help but worry for Olena: "Obviously when you are at night--"


Olina screamed and rushed over to cover Aurelia's mouth: "--don't talk nonsense!"

She said a little awkwardly to Tang En: "Oli is always thinking too much, don't mind ..."

What can Tang En say? Of course, it is a generous expression that he does not have general knowledge with children!

So Aurelia wrote him a check in her heart ...

Tang En and Olina sat down and chatted. She soon learned about Tang En's concerns, so she smiled and said, "Oli is right. Children will suddenly want to find their father. When Ollie was a kid ... well, I won't tell you anything. "

When Olena was about to talk about Aurelia's dark history, she saw her daughter's anxious face flushed with anxiety and rushed to cover her mouth, so she pouted and changed the subject.

"But Ilia isn't on vacation recently? Wenett let her bring you here to see you when she missed you. You can also go back. With such a convenient teleportation array, what are you worried about?"

Tang Engan laughed. He couldn't say that he had escaped from the Juicing Ji to run out for himself?

If you run back to Ellington, you may reveal your whereabouts at any time ...

All in all, the first step of the vacation plan has been completed, and it depends on how long it can last!

So, that night, Tang En practiced her husband's responsibility for a long time ...

Very curious, Alleria screened back the few red-eared and red-haired women waiting at the door waiting to serve Tang En's maids, and then ... heard the corner herself.

"Hmm, it was no accident that she used the mute spell. Fortunately, this girl is well prepared."

Aurelia found a small device and stuck it on the door. The enchantment of the silent spell was pierced through a small hole silently, and some sounds were heard from the earphones on the other side of the device.

Alleria was proud: "Huh, Ququ mute spell enchantment, don't see who my teacher is?"

Alleria's teacher is Selna (destroyer), a famous legendary thief (destroyer). She is best at cracking all kinds of spell enchantments (however, deserters). Think of ways, no problem at all!

Needless to say, Selna is a genius in this regard (unfortunately a deserter), Aurelia just said her idea, and Selna designed such a gadget for her, Angus took the time It was given to Aurelia when he made it. He thought Aurelia used this thing to listen to the dishonest aristocrats. How could she think she would use it to listen to the corner ...

If Angus knew the purpose of the device, he would probably hesitate to erase his signature on it ...

Alleria glanced around, sneaking a small headset into her ear ...

"Oh dear ... lighter ... hurt ... hurry up ... don't touch there ..."

"Are you making me lighter or faster?"

"Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh ... you're going to make fun of me ... I don't care anymore ... dead is dead ... ah!"

Listening to the extravagant voices from the bedroom, Alleria flushed slightly and muttered, "What more should you say, don't force yourself, isn't this dear sound natural?"

Aurelia hasn't experienced any personnel affairs. How do you know that people couldn't control their brains at that time? She now only depicts the situation inside the room based on her imagination-only hate that she can't penetrate the door and see the situation inside.

After confirming that the relationship between the mother-in-law and the father-in-law is normal, Aurelia had planned to leave, but at this time she kept the ghost to stay.

"Listen again."

Alleria said to herself in her heart.

"I just wanted to make sure the bad guy didn't have a cold mother. I wasn't curious what they were doing."

After persuading herself, Alleria crouched again ...

In the distance, as soon as the maids passed the corner of the corridor, they shrank back sharply.

"Oh my **** ..."

Lilian patted her chest and looked at each other as if she couldn't believe what she saw.

Serena motioned to lead maid Sanelli to check again. After hesitating, Sanelli quietly surveyed her eyes, then flinched back immediately, and pulled the other maids back to her room quietly.

"What we see ... is it true?"

Lilian looked at Celia unbelievably.

"I'm afraid ... yes."

Maid leader Celia was also at a loss as to what to do.

Queen Olina and Her Majesty Tang En lived together in the room, while Her Royal Highness Princess Aurelia listened to the corner outside the door?

But Her Royal Highness has said clearly that they should come back later. Why didn't she leave when it was time? Could it be that you have forgotten time? Or is it ... she has no energy to stand up?

Before entering the palace as a maid, Seleja had heard countless times how ridiculous she was in the harem. Shanelie, who came out of the Solent Palace, was even more aware of the chaos in the palace. Ethical things often happen from time to time, and they are no worse than the aristocratic circles with chaotic private life, but when they really enter the harem of Illus, they find that this is not the case at all. The desire is incredible.

After he succeeded, he did not accept the succession of concubines, nor did he use the nightly song to make the early dynasty, and even the maids who had been settled to please his maids had not touched them, and apparently tried to help him several times. Secretly teased Her Majesty when cleaning up with Her Majesty, but never got the order to serve ...

This made those maids who were full of anticipation of good fortune falling on their heads, resentfully doubting whether he liked men.

Obviously the body is so strong, it is too wasteful to use it well ...

But Her Majesty Tang En is a rare and good man. He has made countless people eat and wear to live a happy life, so the maids are also very grateful to him, so they have decided to help him guard this "secret" ... Shannai Although Li and Lilian were full of resentment towards Tang En at the beginning, but after a long time, they found out that Tang En was the right person. The so-called hatred should not exist from the beginning.

Not even thinking that today they actually saw such an amazing scene!

Lilian took a cold breath and said in shock, "Did Princess Aurelia also--"

Although this speculation is amazing, it is likely to be the truth. Otherwise, how could Her Royal Highness Princess Aurelia pay so much attention to the married life of the Queen and Her Majesty?

You know, children generally don't have any feelings about their dads, let alone Aurelia is still a noble princess. It doesn't make sense to explain why!

"All quiet!"

Serea's face changed slightly, and she said very seriously, "We are very likely ... no, we must have seen something we shouldn't see. This is probably the biggest secret of the royal family. Do you know what happened if you were found? "

Serena trembled both Shanelie and Lilian, her face pale.

"So if you don't want to disappear silently, just cover my mouth tightly!"

Serea sternly said, "If you let me know who secretly spread the news, don't blame me for being indifferent!"

"I see, I see ..."

"I'm not going to talk nonsense!"


Poppy ...

"No ... Ah ... I really can't ... Let me go ..."

Poppy poppy ...

"How can that be? I owe you so many times. How many times a day can I pay off quickly!"

Poppy poppy ...

"No way ... really no way ... let Seria, or Lilian, Shanelie, come in and serve you ... they are all yours ..."

"No, they aren't as cute as you."

"Wow you bully ... you don't want them to be so pretty and cute, you don't always want Ollie to come-ah ah again! No! You can't-"

"It's so blame why you have to mention Ollie!"

"Woo you-you can't-you can't do that-too-too shameful-I-I will faceless-"

Aurelia hiding at the door and listening to the corner of the wall, she was terrified to find that she had encountered a tremendous crisis!

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