Things from Another World

Chapter 1179: Alleria tangled in panic

Tang En, who had slept into the sun three times, stretched his waist, and the happy ones were about to groan.

It has been a long time since I have enjoyed the happy life without having to get up early ...

I woke up all over the world and ran busy all these days. He did n’t stare at those engineering projects, and he was worried about improving the seeds. Recently, he was busy with spring cultivation. The harvest is very important.

Despite the fact that the magic can project the high tower, Grantia is still dedicated, and the druids with the Earth Temple have been working hard to increase production and supply the entire Illus Empire. No.

The important Morrowt crisis has also been lifted, so don't worry about improving the seeds. Looking back, this year will be a smooth journey!

After a short rest, go to Egwinnu and work hard to win her this year, and then you can concentrate on the mission of saving the world.

"You look happy?"

Olina beside her did not know when she was awake. After noticing Tang En's gaze, Olina blushed and quietly pulled the quilt upward.

"I blame you ..."

Tang En was speechless: "Is it blame me?"

Olina looked ashamed: "You still say!"

Tang En ha laughed, and she was still very powerful. As long as it wasn't Isari Lola's juicer, it was completely stress-free.

Olina looked at Tang En with a little hesitation: "But if you were tonight, wouldn't you take it seriously?"

Tang En looked confused: "Last night? What?"

"It's nothing."

Olina dared to keep asking, shaking the bell on the bedside and telling Serena to come in and serve them to bathe and change clothes.

Several pretty little maids looked reddish, and the tender little hands gently pressed on Tang En's body, and Tang En hummed comfortably.

Although it was very unaccustomed to be served like this at first, but also adapted to this lifestyle over time. In the past, he was just an ordinary wage earner, how could he possibly enjoy such an emperor life?

Rights and wealth make people fall, and the ancients did not deceive me.


"Yes, Her Majesty."

"at night……"

Olina hesitated, glanced at Tang En, estimated his combat power, and then pretended to calmly said, "Let's come to sleep together at night."

When the maids heard it, they felt overjoyed and agreed with a shame "yes".

Lying there, Tang En suddenly said, "No need ..."

"You don't count on this."

Olina rolled her eyes. You said you do n’t need it? Isn't she the one tossing? In case she can't carry it anymore, she says such ridiculous words, makes such ridiculous promises, and is taken seriously by Tang En, how can she see people in the future!

"Alright alright."

Tang En is helpless, because things in the harem are indeed managed by the Queen.

Besides, if you have more debt, you wo n’t have to worry about it. If you have more lice, it wo n’t itch.

The cheerful maids served the two, and after they were cleaned from top to bottom, from inside to outside, they helped them get dressed and went to breakfast.

"Oli, you didn't sleep well? Are you too tired?"

When Olina saw her daughter, she found that her complexion was not very good. Of course Olina would not listen to the corner of her daughter, so she was in a mess and couldn't sleep, thinking that she was just too tired.

"Not yet because of this guy."

Alleria pretended to be angry: "So many things are left to me, can I not be tired?"

After speaking, he deliberately glared at Tang En, and then began to bury his head to eat to hide his panic mood.

How could she sleep well?

When I heard Olena was going to call Serena to bed last night, she panicked her, and mentioned her name in a flash.

At the beginning, I also knew how to persuade Tang En to stop him from messing around, but in the end, Olina collapsed first, and all nonsense popped out in a state of loss, and everything popped out.

At the time, Aurelia, who had slumped at the door, was stupid. The most exaggerated thing was that Tang En was clearly aware of it, but she just catered to Orina's words ...

Those ridiculous words completely made Aurelia lose her square inch, and the whole night was tossed back and forth with the chaotic and disoriented words of Olena, and Tang En's humorous and ridiculous response.

One night she turned around and looked like Tang En and her mother-in-law. Where might sleep well?

What about Olina?

Obviously he begged for mercy last night, but after a night's sleep, it turned out that his face was rosy and good.

There is also Tang En, who has worked hard all night, but he is so spirited. Although he is a god, this physical strength is too cheating!

Is there any other reason? ?

Olena didn't know the reason for her daughter's tangle, and she kept comforting her at the dinner table. Although Tang En felt that Aurelia's mood was a bit wrong, she didn't think much about it, only thinking that it was too heavy for her Already.

Come on.

He smiled brightly at Aurelia's thumbs.

Laugh ... laugh at your sister ("゜ ロ ゜)"!

As soon as Aurelia saw his smile, she thought of the abominable words he said last night, obviously after he had chosen his mother, why should he say that kind of cheeky words!

The only informed Serena, Shanelie, and Lilian were close-fitting maids, but it was impossible to explain at this time. If they were to be uncomfortable, they were the most uncomfortable people present.

After finally having a weird breakfast, Alleria went straight into the study, intending to use work to dilute those messy thoughts in her mind.

Tang En and Olina looked at each other, and after they had eaten, they simply left everything else and went out to shop.

The scale of the Datang Chamber of Commerce in Yalinx has become larger and larger. Now it seems that Yalinx has completely controlled the high-end market. Other Chambers of Commerce are in the same field-strictly speaking, they have no ability to enter the same Realm-it can't compete with it at all.

Now the nobles are shopping, and the preferred brand is Datang. Although the products of Datang Chamber of Commerce cover high, middle and low grades, the low-end products have not only lowered their brand value, but also won the title of people-friendly.

This also shows that Tang En has set the right market strategy from the beginning, which has achieved a good situation for both brand and word of mouth.

Seeing the happy smiles on people's faces, Olina, wearing a plain cloth, laughed softly: "Look, they are all happy for the happy life you brought them."

"That's all I should do."

Tang En held Olina's hand. They were just like an ordinary couple, strolling on the street, and slowly came to the side of Shengguang Square.

As the Datang Chamber of Commerce's signature store in Yalinks, the store at Shengguang Plaza is undoubtedly the largest, and with the development of the Datang Chamber of Commerce getting better and better, Hilton has purchased all the surrounding areas. The area is almost all the stores of Datang Chamber of Commerce.

According to the plans of Tang En and Fiona, they plan to start construction of large-scale commercial supermarkets in various cities. Originally, residents 'demand for commercial supermarkets was not strong, but as residents' incomes increased, people now The demand for large-scale comprehensive shopping places is getting stronger and stronger, and it is time to start the corresponding construction work.

So Fiona has begun preparations for the purchase and construction of premises.

"Well? Dear—Don—Uh?"

A surprise cry suddenly sounded beside him, and Tang En turned his head to look at it, surprised to find that it was Yi Luli.

Illy apparently found that Down and Queen Olena had no intention of revealing their identity, so they swallowed it.

Tang En finds a group of children beside Elully, and asks a little curiously, "What are you doing?"

"The Holy See's regular charity activities, we help these orphans to do volunteer work, then earn labor compensation, and help them learn how to live in this world."

"I think these children are working very hard."

When Tang En heard the words, he esteemed him in awe: "This is a meaningful work."

Yi Luli said happily: "Otherwise, would you also stay with us? They will be very happy!"

"Sister Irure, who is he?"

A teenage boy looked at Tang En hostilely. They didn't know Tang En, and the little fart was not big, but they could notice that Yi Luli had a very different attitude towards Tang En and others.

These children all like Yi Luli very much. The dream of the boys is to grow up to marry Yi Luli as a wife. Now seeing that she is so special to a man, she is not so friendly to Tang En.


Tang En glanced at those little farts, but before the hair grew, he knew he was jealous?

Tang En smiled very badly: "Okay, I'm happy."

So let me teach you what cruel reality is ...

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