Things from Another World

Chapter 1180: Elilly and the orphans

For an adult, the dream of destroying a bear child may be something many people have never imagined.

After all, bear children are really annoying.

Now, what Tang En is doing is to let these bear children give up their unrealistic illusions and honestly grow into a talent that is useful to society.

I'm helping them get back on track and doing good deeds!

I really am a kind and kind person ...

Tang En, holding Olina and Illuri's little hand, was sighed with emotions. Behind him were the eyes of hostile boys and girls.


No problem, Illuri's charm is killing men and women! It's no wonder that these little farts can carry it.

The boys dream of marrying Illuli, and the girls look forward to the noble and elegant virgin, and want to be women like her. Although these boys and girls are orphans worthy of sympathy, the orphans here are not It must have been brought by war, not Tang En's responsibility, and he didn't have to bear any burden because of it.

In Prandall, dangerous World of Warcraft, adventurers who like to risk and chase profiteering, and bandits and bandits, etc., will cause a large number of orphans to appear, and most of the orphans of Yalinks come from bar girls and brokers. Unexpected products, there are many stray children from other places.

These street children have always been a headache for the kings of all generations. They once wanted to solve the livelihood problems of these street children. The Holy See also organized the charity to take care of these street children.

But just adoption is not enough. The size of street children is huge, and they need to eat one by one. Once the number goes up, the consumption of this fund is very horrible. The Holy See constantly invests money, not to mention they will continue to grow. Big, ca n’t these orphans continue to rely on the Holy See when they grow up?

Except for those orphans who have the potential to grow up, they can enter the Holy See, become Templars or Sisters of the Holy See, and give back to the Holy See's upbringing. Those talents can only become orphans of ordinary people.

Just raising them, they do n’t even have the ability to survive in this world, so the previous popes have developed new ideas, while nurturing them, they also taught them the basic abilities to survive in this world For example, logging, becoming an apprentice to a carpenter, becoming a carpenter, collecting wild vegetables, helping the chef to learn cooking and becoming a cook, raising poultry, learning to farm, and becoming a farmer, etc., so that they have a skill and will feed back when they grow up. The Holy See forms a virtuous circle.

The batch that Yi Luli brought today is a group of talented orphans cultivated by the Holy See. These boys and girls are likely to enter the Holy See and become vital forces in the future, so they are qualified to let the maiden lead them to volunteer.

"I did not expect the Holy See to move forward in this regard."

Tang En was surprised after listening to Yi Luli's introduction. To help the ruler publicize his rule, charity is essential. However, he and Aurelia have only just begun to try, but the Holy See has already With a perfect industry chain.

Yi Luli smiled softly, her heart filled with sweetness: "That's because the development of the Holy See can't leave these children. If you just keep the attitude of coldness, even if you say it to the people no matter how close you are to the people, the people will be impossible. Really support the Holy See. "

She looked back at the children behind her, and noticed that their hostile eyes were slightly frowned. The children immediately changed into a very silly and innocent expression, and Yi Luli thought she was herself. I was dazzled, smiled at them, and then turned back to Tang En: "This group of children has just been out of the bitter sea for a long time. They basically have little practical experience, so this time I need to lead them to study on the farm."

"Our followers in Alynx welcomed us to lead our children as volunteers. This time we are going to Porta's house in Oak Village outside the city. His farm has raised many poultry and livestock and also planted them. A large piece of wheat, but spring ploughing has passed, so there is nothing to learn from the arable land. Today I just took them to learn how to feed poultry and livestock, and how to give Cumir (Prandall's cow is called Cumir, a character comparison The docile herbivorous beast does not look like a cow, but considering the function, Tang En simply calls it like this.) Milking and so on, and then borrow their venue to let these children learn the basics Field experience ... well, I mean field combat. "

Obviously you didn't want to crook at the beginning, why do you have to blush and add the last sentence! !! !!

After a group of people arrived at the scheduled place, a carriage had been waiting there for a long time.

Tang En whispered: "It's still cold now, why not just get a magic bus?"

Yi Luli said a little embarrassedly: "Although the magic car is very convenient, the charter service is too expensive. We do n’t have that much budget. Besides, Oak Village is not far away. It ’s enough to take a carriage. In fact, the children decided to walk on foot. It was because I was worried that they were frozen, so I rented a carriage. "

They are quite deliberate.

Tang En murmured in his heart, walking on foot was like an outing, and he could still talk to Yi Luli on the road. Once or twice, was n’t it beautiful?

Due to the recent rapid expansion of Maneng cars and buses, it has been very difficult for the car and horse business to do so recently. Most of those who can continue to operate have started to transform into taxis with the support of policies. Only a small part People who do not want to be merged and transformed, but also do not want to give up doing business, continue to adhere to the practice of carriage rental.

They firmly believe that magic cars are heresy, and people will return to the carriage of the carriage sooner or later.

It is a pity that this sad coachman has not given people much convincing power.

Seeing them coming, the driver who had not been in business for a long time suddenly smiled and asked them to board the car very diligently. Because there were two more people, the driver wanted to add some money, but he was worried about the difficult business. Scared away again ...

Tang En smiled and said to him: "The fare for the two of us is enough?"

"Enough is enough!"

The driver immediately smiled, good guy!

At the beginning, Tang and Olina were not calculated, so the position of this carriage was a little too small, and only one position was squeezed out. Illurly originally wanted to let the children squeeze again to give up a place. Why would Tangen sit down? After that, let Orina sit directly on his lap.

Such a bold act shocked Yi Luli's face, but the queen above, sat on Tang En's leg in such a broad daylight? Did they want to sneak on the road ... Is this too, too, too exciting?

If Tang En knows what Iluli is thinking, he must be sighing that this maiden is really completely destroyed and not saved!

Silent Olina lowered her head, her neck was red, and she felt very ashamed. Where did the education that she had received since childhood have made her behave so badly? This is almost challenging her acceptance limit, especially the eyes of the children on the opposite side, and it makes her feel pin-stretched, and she ca n’t sit comfortably, as if the two of them are playing in public in shame. PLAY same.

In particular, Tang En has always been fond of humor. Olina was worried that he would secretly do strange things on the road, and then asked herself to be patient.

Fortunately, Tang En really seems to be planning to take a vacation for himself. He has no idea of ​​mischief, he just hugs Olena and then enjoys the scenery along the street.

Although the pedestrians on the road are in a hurry, they all have happy smiles on their faces. The busy work also means that they are living very fulfilled. For ordinary people, the end of the world is too far away. With the goal of life, this is already enough.

The carriage exited Yalinks steadily, and then headed south all the way. As soon as I left Yalinks, the world in front of me suddenly became much wider. In the empty plain, my eyes were green and the blue sky was white. Vaguely, you can see that many people are working in the distant village farmland. In the farmland just planted, wheat has already grown waist-high, and some more magical agricultural machinery can be used to reclaim wasteland. With more than two years of rapid development, the Datang Chamber of Commerce has completely changed the daily lives of these people and is adapting to the changes in this society at an alarming rate.

Tang En asked in amazement: "Why wheat grows so fast! And these flowers and trees should have just germinated now? Why have they all grown up?"

Yi Luli pouted and smiled, and just before explaining, the driver in front smiled back: "Guest, are you afraid you haven't gone out recently? This is a miracle!"


"Yes, a few days ago, a green light suddenly enveloped the whole world. After bathing in the green light, many people found that their accumulated years suddenly recovered, and I watched my neighbor's The arm bitten off by Warcraft has grown again. "

"Not only that, everyone also found that under the green light, the crops and flowers that should have just germinated have grown directly, and even heard that Ronentante has begun to harvest and is ready to rush before the end of the month Plant another new crop, and you say, this is not a miracle? "

Tang En's eyes widened: [Nora! !! !! 】

Nola hiding in her pocket and crouching against her head: [I do n’t listen to me and do n’t know anything. Do n’t ask me. I wo n’t say it ’s my fault. You obviously blame Tang En. You ’re right ...]

Okay, don't do it yourself!

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