Things from Another World

Chapter 1181: My brother Tang, there are many people!

The miracle came to Prendall again after more than 100 years. This incident has already spread vigorously throughout the north and south of the river, and it has become a enthusiastic enthusiasm. Even the Datang Daily and the magic projection tower have done this An analysis report was released, and homeopathy also helped Tang En severely gain a wave of popularity.

"Ming Jun is alive, the gods bless you! 》 ——The headline headline of Datang Daily.

"Focus on the golden file, focus interview to analyze the meaning of this" miracle "for you! ———— Focus Interview Program Group of Projection Tower Project.

Why did no miracles appear in the previous 100 years? The gods must be disappointed with the ruler!

Why was Tang En crowned as the regent and regained the lost land of the Illus Empire for many years, making the greatest country in human history rich again and strong, and then the miracle came? Of course, it was because His Majesty Tang En's work was approved by the gods!

Doesn't that itself explain the problem?

However, because Tang En's attention was elsewhere, he didn't know about it at all, so he was so surprised.

Although the cause of the incident was that Nora's power was out of control, strictly speaking, the root of all this was indeed Tang En.

Who told him to throw Nora ...

After the two had been arguing with each other for a long time, Tang En finally understood that there was no reason to talk to such a three-inch Ding, and anxious she would even bite him across the clothes!

Fortunately, Nora's power was recovered quickly, so it did not cause any huge impact-although the impact beyond imagination has appeared, people found a reason for themselves.


Since it is a miracle, it is not surprising what happened.

It seems that Olena and Iluli have noticed something from Tang En's face, looking at him with a little strange look, but they didn't say much, anyway, this "miracle" also brought Only good, no need to care.

After Tang En figured this out, he was relieved.

Due to the fragile spatial structure, the gods did not dare to appear in the heavens, and the Prandall's faith was gradually weakening. However, this unexpected play of Nora strengthened the faith of these humans, making them more religious and united Now, from another perspective, Nora helped him inadvertently.

The carriage murmured along the flat road, and the good asphalt pavement maximized its performance. Rushing the road was no longer a pain, but instead became a pleasure, and even the driver hummed a pleasant song.

In the carriage, a group of people chatted for a while and then took out the Quinte card and started a fierce battle.

Of course, these orphans couldn't afford any rare card packs. Most of the cards in their hands were ordinary cards given to them by the Templars of the Holy See, but even so, they played very happily.

What surprised Tang En was that even Olena and Illuli joined in, and they fought against the children.

Tang En's face was incredible: "You guys are still playing Quinte?"

"Is there anything weird?"

Olina blushed: "When there was nothing before, I would play with the maids for a while, and I fell in love with it over time, collecting a lot of cards ... although you ... uh, although Mahjong is also very interesting, But Serena, Shanelie and Lilian didn't dare to win me, and it was boring to play too much ... "

Kunte is different from Mahjong. Basically, as soon as you start the battle, there is no possibility of mercy, so it is very interesting to win and lose each other.

Yi Luli let out a hand and said innocently, "I will be there when I receive nun training in the Holy See. Lyon is not my opponent."


As soon as Tang En patted his forehead, the people around him didn't play himself!

"I won!"

At this moment a boy shouted happily, and the little girl opposite him was disappointed, pouting and grunting: "Well, I didn't expect you to have a rare card, it was unfair!"

The little boy proudly said: "The ability to obtain this card is a sign of my strength, and you are not wrong."

"Fuck me! Ignore you!"

"Hahaha, Xiaoyi is angry again!"

A few little boys started making faces at the little girl.

Tang En looked at them with pity. Although the little girl named Xiaoyi now looks inconspicuous, it is because she hasn't grown up yet. After waiting for a few years, she won't say much and will grow to thirteen or fourteen. At the time, it must be a beauty embryo.

These fools are destined to be single dogs in the future. They don't even know how to catch big fish in a long line. Pickups must start from a young age and win on the starting line ...

"Hey you!"

At this moment, the little boy suddenly pointed at Tang En with great vigor: "I'm going to play against you! Come with a Quintet!"


Tang En grinned, "I won't play this game."

"Oh! Coward! Are you afraid of losing to me?"

Although the little boy is young, the technique of ridicule is self-explanatory: "It doesn't matter, I won't look down on you, but you won't do such a simple game, are you a fool?"

Tang En's mouth twitched, what a **** kid really is ...

The unhappy Xiaoyan suddenly squeezed over and said, "Big brother! Come! I lent you my card, and you will surely win him!"

Tang En smiled at her: "Thank you, but I have never played it."

Xiao Yan flushed with Tang En's smile and whispered, "Quent is very simple. Should I teach you?"

"Uh, don't need it ..."

The next to Yi Luli and Olinna looked at Tang En with a strange look. Although it was long known that Tang En's charm was unexpectedly strong, wasn't it a bit too much to let such a small girl go?

With his eyes squinting at the little fart boy who wasn't going to give up yet, Tang En suddenly showed a bright smile: "Let's go, let's play a simpler poker card."

"What is a playing card?"

Tang En flicked into his pocket, took out a deck of playing cards, and talked about a simple game. Then he smiled and said, "Do you understand? The rules are simple. Whoever holds the ghost card in the end, whoever Lost. "

"Cut! What do I think it is, this card has no magic effect, and it is too simple!"

The little boy said with a disdain: "Okay, this genius will accompany you for fun! But first say yes, after I win, you will not be allowed to approach Sister Elully again!"

Oh, I finally said it ...

"No problem, not to mention leaving Illy, even if she came to me, I would ignore her, okay?"

The smile on Tang En's face was very bright: "But what if you lose?"

"Me? I won't lose!"

"Meaning you want to empty gloves white wolf?"

"Only, just not!"

The little boy seemed to have been insulted and blushed, "If I lose, I won't be close to Sister Elully if I lose! Is this always okay?"

"Hmm ..."

Tang En waved his finger: "Little guy, you have to understand that our bets are not equal. If the agreement is to be established, you must put out an equivalent bet ..."

"But, I have nothing ..."

"What is your name?"


"So, Anthony," Down said with a demonic smile. "Since you have nothing, then bet on your future."

Olina glared at Tang En: "He's still a child, are you so serious?"

"No, it would be an insult to him if he showed mercy on him because he was a child."

Tang En said in a righteous manner: "After all, Anthony is going to be the sea ... Templar, right?"


Tang En's words aroused Anthony's ambitions and patted his chest, saying: "Then I will bet with my future! If I lose, I am yours! You can let me do anything!"

Get off, I'm not interested in **! It ’s better than you to find this little cricket to play the development game ...

If it wasn't for Illuil and Olinna knowing that Tang En's orientation is normal, I'm afraid we should have thought about it again. After all, in the aristocratic circle, there are quite a lot of perverts who are tired of women's preferences **.

"Let's get started."

Tang En started shuffling with a demon-like smile.


A few hours later, the carriage stopped steadily in Oak Village. When a group of people in the carriage got out of the car, the driver suddenly noticed that the abnormally lively boys suddenly collapsed rationally, one by one. His eyes were pale, and his mouth kept talking about words like "how is it possible", "impossible", "he is a demon", "the whole army is overwhelmed".

And those little girls were all staring at each other, admiringly looking at the man.

The driver was at a loss, why did he always feel that something extraordinary happened when he didn't pay attention?

Tang En stretched his waist: "Ah! The fragrance of earth! The breath of freedom! Tian wildflower fragrance! It is really too happy to go to the lighthouse country without wearing a five-layer mask!"

"You are really too ..."

Olina didn't know how to describe Tang En. In just a few hours, he used poker cards to abuse all the little boys, whether it was a ghost card, blackjack, Still nobles (landlords), none of them can win Tang En ...

That's right, the whole army is gone! None survived!

They were all pressed and rubbed on the ground by Tang En.

The most shameless place is that Tang En cheat by tricks to win!

Play cards with kids and cheat! If you say this, you can believe it! ?

Even Illuli felt a little disappointed when she saw bullies like Tang En ...

And Tang En's reason is simple.

"I have set up such a flag. If I do n’t go all out, in case the family is a waste material template, I suddenly come to be a bully boy, I accidentally overturned the car, but I have to say goodbye to the slave girl, how can this be done? What about? "

So it was easy for Illy to get it.

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