Things from Another World

Chapter 1182: The correctness of the underlying route

In Oak Village, Porta and his wife have been waiting here for a long time, and even "dressed up" for a while.

Porta is a middle-aged man in his forties. His family has his own farm in Oak Village. The weather here in Oak Village is smooth and smooth, so the days can pass. The family has accumulated a lot of money, and even has a lot of money. The child was sent to Yalinks to learn potion knowledge with the potion store owner, ready to save money to buy a magic affinity potion to awaken talent, and later become a great alchemist.

Porta was also the first to eat crabs. When the Datang Chamber of Commerce introduced the magic energy machinery, he was the first to enjoy the benefits. The magic harvester and the magic energy tiller of the combined harvest team brought him There is a lot of convenience. If it was not too expensive, he would like to buy one for himself.

When I saw Porta, the middle-aged man was ruddy and very healthy, almost not like a farmer, but like a wealthy civilian living in the city.

Illuli stepped forward and saluted, "Mr. Porta, thank you very much for this time."

"Oh, my dear lady, you're a shame to me! It's our pleasure to be willing to borrow my farm!"

Porta and his wife immediately panicked, and they were confused about what to do, and wanted to help Yiluli, but their rough hands were so dirty that they didn't even dare touch her white clothes .

Fortunately, Yi Luli also knew her identity, just expressed her heart, and the special deliberate salute would frighten them, and she stood up with a smile.

Porta said with excitement: "I have not thanked the Holy See, thanks to this miracle, I can walk normally again."

Yi Luli glanced at Porta's feet and said with a smile, "It's all because of your devotion."

Porta's foot was injured many years ago. Although he was barely restored to action after being treated by the nuns in the church, he did not fully recover. He walked with a limp. Traces ", but his legs returned to a healthy state directly, years of old problems suddenly disappeared, but Porta, who has changed his walking habits, is not quite used to it, and re-adapted for a few days before he finally recovered Original feeling.

It is also because of this miracle that Porta's faith in the Holy See became more religious.

"No, thanks to your great Majesty Tang En!"

Porta sighed with emotion: "The miracles have not appeared for many years, and many people doubt whether the gods have left the world and no longer protects Prandall, but after Her Majesty Tang En crowned, he did so much greatness That ’s what made the gods happy and lowered their miracles. "

Yi Luli took a quiet look at Tang En and pouted and laughed. "So too."

To be fair, this so-called miracle has nothing to do with the gods. It is indeed Tang En's ...

From Oak Village to Porta's farm, the road was not so easy. After they got into his ox cart, they walked out of the village and walked down a small river.

The ox cart was relatively small, so Orina was still sitting on Tang En. The bumpy dirt road kept her hips rubbing on Tang En's legs, and soon she had a stick against her.

Olina blushed and stunned Tang En, then found a topic to distract him, and whispered, "Although the highway is convenient, it has not been repaired in many places, and the roads in some remote areas are still very Difficult to pass, do you have any way? "

Tang En watched the clear river distracted and said, "Now the capacity of asphalt is not enough, and the manpower is not enough. There is no chance to continue to expand the expressway, and the expressway itself is only the main road connecting the city. As for the following, At the village level, it is not necessary to use such a high-grade road surface, and replace it with ordinary cement road or rock road surface. "

Although cement is a very convenient building material, the pollution from burning cement is very serious. Tang En really didn't want to pollute the blue water and blue sky. After thinking about it for a while, he continued: "Considering the needs of township residents for road conditions In my case, I think that improving the road leveler and roller, using the mud directly to the stone spell, it is enough to lay a flat rock road, and the subsequent maintenance cost is relatively low. "

When it comes to burning cement, although it is possible to pave the road and build a house, ... Prandall has no such demand at all!

The population density of Prandall is very low. Even in the largest cities, the population density is far below the land carrying capacity. Therefore, there is no need to build high-rise buildings, and the largest cement consumption market is lost. This industry is polluted. It's big, it's completely unnecessary.

If the use of mud for stone spells, although the pavement structure is single and easy to damage, fortunately, after the development of the equipment, a large number of township secondary roads can be quickly laid, and without the need to consume materials, construction can be started directly. The efficiency is very high fast.

Therefore, in general, in Prandall, it is really necessary to adapt to local conditions when solving problems.

"I don't know much about this. I just think that these people should need a smooth road. You can take the idea."

Olina's face was bumpy with bumpy roads, her apex was trembling, her chest trembled, or she was wearing her cape with her head down, and it was estimated that everyone would see what was going on. Even so, sitting in Tang Elune next to En still noticed something strange.

Illy reached out and touched it, and then laughed meaningfully.

Of course, in the eyes of those children, Illy's smile is still so sacred and noble to be profane, I am afraid that only Porta's wife will notice anything.

However, she was just an ordinary peasant woman. Even if she noticed anything, she didn't dare to say anything. She even felt that she was wanting to profane the saint, and she wished she hadn't noticed anything.

Although the road conditions are not good, fortunately, the farm is not far from Oak Village. After the ox cart came to the farm of Porta's house, the group of children did not feel uncomfortable.

The only awkward person is probably Queen Olena, sitting on Down's legs and bumping all the way, but she was stabbed by a hot, hard stick, and she couldn't get up. The **** in the skirt were soaked Already.

Now a group of people are staring at it, Olina is embarrassed to say anything, but can only glance at Tang En with a strange look, secretly saying that he is too ridiculous.

What can Tang En say? He was very innocent and said he was helpless. The natural physiological response was not beyond his control.

The two men couldn't hide her from the eyebrows, but she was busy taking care of the little children at the moment, so she didn't say anything, so she didn't see it.

Compared with the aristocracy, Porta's farm is not large, only about tens of acres. After reducing the residential area and the barn area, there are still 30 to 40 acres of land in the planting area. Such a large planting area In the past, Porta had to hire a large number of farmers to help, but with the help of magic energy agricultural machinery, arable land, seeding, fertilization, watering, harvesting, etc. have saved a lot of time and costs. Now such a large area In the region, only one or two people can take care of it. The cost of planting has dropped, and the introduction of agricultural tax reduction and agricultural subsidy policies has also meant that his family income has greatly improved, so he will pay more attention to Tang. Grace is full of gratitude.

Along the way, Porta's mouth was full of praise for Her Majesty Tang En, making Illumina and Olina chuckled beside him.

Olina was even more impressed by the development line set by Tang En. In the past, Victor only paid attention to the aristocratic class and paid little attention to the civilians at the bottom of the society. Although he was kind, he used the wrong object.

From the beginning, Tang En set the target among the grassroots people. He radically reformed the power of the aristocracy, killed the radicals, stabilized the moderates, and directly obtained the strong support of the grassroots people. This was for his sake. Governance stability has laid a solid foundation.

And Porta's response illustrates the correctness of Down's line.

Perhaps in Prandall, the strength of the civilians at the bottom is insignificant compared to the Apocalypse and the aristocracy, but they are the cornerstone of this world. Even the apocalypse and his family, even the aristocracy, have to eat and live. Without these bottom civilians, Working, they may even starve to death--of course, if you do n’t want to starve, you go to work in the field, but in that case, what is the difference between them and the civilians now?

Perhaps it was Tang En's propaganda and reform that made them understand this, so now they have no resistance to Tang En's people-friendly policy.

For those who dare to oppose, either die or mine in the mine ...

After Porta had set up the ox cart, he immediately began to lead the unscrupulous children to learn how to farm. Looking at the eyes that Yi Luli looked forward to, Tang En touched his nose and took Olina with him. past.

He really wanted to tell Yi Luli that following him would not make those children happy, but would stimulate them severely ...

In Ellington, Tang En used to go to the farmland to observe the situation, but now it is significantly different from before.

"Because Oak Village raised money to buy magic energy agricultural machinery, spring ploughing has ended and the farmland has been cultivated, but in order to cooperate with the Holy See's work, I have left a small field for you.

Porta pointed to a vacant lot not far from the house and said with a smile: "This piece of land is your job. The tools and seeds are ready. You must start with the step of reclamation."

Porta started demonstrating to the children from scratch, but those children were obviously unscrupulous and their eyes fluttered frequently.

Because, Ilully was teaching Don and Olena how to farm.

damn it!

The boys looked at Tang En with great jealousy, and we also wanted to teach the sage lady, not this man!

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