Things from Another World

Chapter 1183: Orphans and charity

Illy often takes her children to study as a volunteer, so she is also good at farm work.

Hard to imagine? A high virgin is good at this kind of farm work?

This is simply unthinkable on earth. If there is a religion on earth, it would be appropriate for the saint to serve the pope. How can there be so many things?

"Sister Iroli, we want you to teach too!"

Xiao Yan ran over with the little girls, and Porta smiled when she saw it. She didn't care, girl, of course, understandable.

"Sir, maiden! We want you to teach too-oh! You let go!"

A few little boys also wanted to come here when they saw this, but Porta held them in one hand and said with a smile: "They are all girls, they can just learn to do farm work, but you are all boys. In the future, if you want to support your family, go and catch up with me. Come and learn with me, and I will not be hungry for you in the future. "


It's so abominable!

The boys looked at Tang En, surrounded by girls, big and small, and the unfriendlyness in their eyes grew stronger.

Of course, this has not risen to the level of hostility, but the perfect elder sister in her heart has been taken away, and even the girls and friends of the same age have run away, and they are unwilling!

Tang En noticed their gaze, and after a moment of stun, they suddenly grinned. How could these little guys have courage?

Unfortunately, in the presence of Uncle Ben, you are doomed to fail!

hateful! Sooner or later I will defeat that guy!

Anthony scowled at the land, as if the ugly smiley face of Tang En was at his feet. At this moment, the boy had only the desire to defeat Tang En in his heart. As for the hope of Yi Luli, it was quiet. The time disappeared.

After all, it is a simple child. As long as he stimulates him a little, he will immediately change the goal of his heart.

Watching the young girls working hard in the field, Tang En thought after a smile.

The Holy See adopts orphans and develops their ability to live independently, but this does not maximize the potential of these orphans.

Now, Prandall is sparsely populated, and the orphans in various cities and rural areas are also a valuable living force. If they can be trained as brave warriors from an early age, they will be no small if they encounter war in the future. Use it?

The only thing that is sighing is that they should be directedly trained according to the needs of society. Such targeted training is equivalent to destroying the talents of these children and stifling the possibility of geniuses in other fields.

But do n’t blame Tang En for being too cold-blooded and chaotic army invading. If you ca n’t win, waiting for this world is destruction. Anyone will die here, let alone they are orphans. Tang En does n’t intervene. Most of them are likely to be unable to live. Orienting them, at least giving them a chance to live.

Busy Olina saw Tang En sitting there and pondered, and she put down the farm implement, walked over and gently rubbed his shoulder, and whispered, "What's wrong?"

Tang En briefly talked about his distress and Olina, and finally said, "So I plan to cooperate with the Holy See to open a number of charity schools and also orphanages, which are specially used to adopt these orphans, but I am more worried that doing so will kill The nature of these children. "

Olina said with a smile: "In fact, you don't need to deliberately set up any charity school."


"Aren't you already running a compulsory education school?"

Olina gently shouldered Tang En and said next to him: "Although there have been many recent events, Oli has been paying close attention to education. The number of schools is still growing, but only It's easy to build, but the teachers are not good at training, so the admissions progress has not kept up. "

"You mean ..."

"Yes, as long as the training speed of teachers keeps up, in fact, ordinary schools can also receive a large number of these orphans. Comprehensive education is better than purely militarized education? This will not only allow them to receive normal training, but also Receive basic combat skills training, and then select each person's different talents for subsequent training. "

Olina paused and said, "What's more, living and going to school with the children of ordinary families can also prevent orphans from becoming more and more lonely, making them more cheerful and paying more attention to their current partners ..."

Tang En said with a bitter smile: "But in my experience, orphans and children of ordinary families go to school together, and they will be vulnerable to discrimination over time."


Olina shook her head: "You said that in your world, religions are false and used to fool people, but in Prendall, our religion is real and supported by deities."

"So, we can work with the Holy See to nurture those children to become devout believers from a young age, so that with a strong conviction in their hearts, they will not be easily affected by negative emotions."

"Also, children discriminate against orphans. This is an education problem we should solve, isn't it?"

Tang En laughed: "You are right, I think so much. The orphan school is not necessary, but the orphanage is still necessary. After all, there are still many orphans who have been abandoned. I need people to take care of me, so I decided to work with the Holy See to expand and standardize the Holy See ’s orphanages into a formal management system, to prevent abuse of children, and to use the orphanage's pockets.

Illilly, who had just put down her farming tools and walked over to rest, said with a smile: "The things you think about are still so thorough."

"No way, in our world, everything has happened, not surprising."

"Some of you will violate children as well as those perverted nobles?"

"Yes, and there's a lot of this kind of psychological abnormality."

Tang En said coldly: "So, we must add a clause in our law to have **** with boys and girls under the age of 14, regardless of whether they volunteer or not, they will be counted as gangsters, and will be dealt with directly and sentenced to death!"

"His Majesty."

Olina reminded Tang En: "Everyone who marries a child at the age of fourteen is everywhere, and Elijah ..."


Tang En was silent for a moment, with a big wave of his hand: "then change to twelve!"

Yi Luli glanced at Tang En, this guy was absolutely guilty, right? ?

"About the charity orphanage, I think the Pope will certainly be happy to accept your kindness and work with you."

After talking about it, and thinking about it again, she said, "But it is expensive to set up an orphanage. Orphans in all cities are not in the minority. These financial expenses ..."

"Let the financial expenses go to the Datang Chamber of Commerce. I will tell Fiona when I go back. As for the specific cooperation plan, Ollie and the Pope can go down to talk. I will tell Fiona to let her go, Fiona. Know how to use this opportunity to maximize the value of charity. "

"I always feel that bringing charity to utilitarianism loses its original meaning," said Emily with a wry smile.

"But this is indispensable. As long as it is not a saint, no one can do anything for no purpose. Farmers farm to harvest food to support their families. Merchants sell goods to make money for a better life. The aristocracy supports the rule of the king in order to stabilize his own interests. The king rules the country for a long time. I am the king and the merchant, so my purpose is simpler. "

Tang En said casually: "Although the Datang Chamber of Commerce has made so much money, it cannot be spent casually. The money spent must be meaningful. Just like now, part of the money we make is used to build society and part of it. In the end, it is to give back to the society for improving salary and benefits. Although the establishment of an orphanage costs money, this matter can gain a good reputation as long as it is operated. It is not a waste, and the orphans are not properly placed, so This is understandable. "

Yi Luli looked helplessly at Tang En, even if there were not so many reasons, we would not reject your proposal ...

"The trouble is that the expenses of the orphanage are not one-off, so many mouths need to eat, so many people have to wear clothes, these cannot be changed out of thin air, so the subsequent continuous expenditure is the trouble."

Tang En sighed, pointing at the boys and girls studying farming over there, and said, "They are pretty good. They are a bit more capable, but what can those children under 10 do? Raising them is a pure expenditure, even if it is Datang. The Chamber of Commerce has a big career and cannot afford to burn money like this. "

Immediately hurried: "Your Majesty--"

"Don't worry, I don't want to give them up, but they also have to understand their situation and contribute to their own survival for their own sake."

Tang En said: "In the future, you can consider giving the orphanage some easy tasks, such as letting them process some small parts or weaving some fabrics, etc., and do some relatively easy and low-tech tasks, don't expect them. As long as they can make a contribution, they need to understand that they have earned something, and their current lives are earned by their own hands. "

After listening to Tang En's words, Yi Luli was relieved.

What Tang En said is actually the same as the Holy See's consideration, that is, the orphans should not be allowed to eat white food all the time, they should not be allowed to form the habit of gaining nothing, and they must be made aware of the pressure of life.

The Holy See uses the method of volunteer learning, and Tang En obviously plans to educate them in a similar way.

Regardless of the benefits, at least these children will grow into a hard-working adult, rather than a delicious lazy or cynical anger.

Tang En also intends to set the rules. After the orphans grow up, a portion of their labor income will be fixedly returned to the orphanage to raise children who have itchy hands in the future. A virtuous circle will be formed, which will greatly reduce the economic pressure on the country and the Datang Chamber of Commerce.

The plan is very beautiful, but how to implement it depends on how the Holy See and Aurelia determine the plan. The Holy See or the government is the main thing. These are follow-up things. I want to think so much for the time being. Useless.

And now ...

Tang En only wanted to keep those bear children who were secretly staring at each other and pressed on the ground to rub hard, so that they knew what respect is!

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