Things from Another World

Chapter 1185: Sudden Shura Field (III)

In Ellington, Down's bedroom was getting livelier.

After Lola and Isari sneaked in, the "dressed" Pertis and Serisis also joined together, the purpose is clear, is to take advantage of Isari's soft and simple opportunity, mother Female Qi battles for more opportunities.

After the two people teleported, they were dumbfounded, how could they think that Lola was also there!

Isali is simply bullying, she can convince her to share the rain and rain together, but Lola is different, trying to convince this guy is harder than going to heaven!

"Uh, it's all there ..."

Wanting to eat, he was caught straight, and Portis didn't know what to say, pulled the "clothes" on her body, and said awkwardly.

"Oh huh ... it looks like it will be lively tonight."

Lola glanced at them, then sat down to the window with a smile, and patted the quilt: "When are you going to hide? Don't come out to see Pettis's dress? I tell you, it's super exciting Oh!"

Although all the top powerful men were present, they were in Tang En's bedroom, so they didn't think much about it. It wasn't Tang En lying on the bed.


Fiona's brain was so young that she could not wait to open the quilt to scare them now, but thinking of the rare opportunity now, it would be better to listen to it for a while, maybe you would know what the **** a promise between them and Tang En.

Peltis came to Isari and said quietly, "Isn't your time today? Why is she here?"

Isali retells Lola's words to them, and then Peltis and Cerise are speechless ...

How similar is Lola's excuse to them ... It's just that she's a big-headed fool.


"Since everyone is here, can't you leave empty-handed?"

Peltis broke the weird atmosphere and said with a smile: "Since you also cut in line, let's say no one, let's come together."

"I don't mind. I don't have any opinion today, but ..."

Lola patted the quilt again and said with a smile: "Are you sure you can convince him? Seeing him are scared now and dare not show up. Remember what he said last time?" If you four come together again I just cut it ', do you want to try it? "


Peltis was hesitant. It would be a shame for such an important baby, but it would be too unwilling to give up now ...

"So what do you mean?"

Lola looked at the playfulness of "Tang En" hiding in the quilt, giggled and patted it again: "Dear, don't you think it's time to come out and show your attitude-eh !?"

Suddenly Lola paused and looked at her retracted hand-something seemed wrong?

She squeezed her fingers and then hesitated again ...

Fiona lifted the quilt expressionlessly, and suddenly the four beauties in the room breathed in air.

"why you!?"

"Are you surprised? Are you surprised?"

Isari was the most surprised, and she ran over and asked, "What about Don? Did he forget the appointment? The time tonight is mine!"

"Can't do it ..."

Laura suddenly clapped her hands. "He was scared away by you?"

"Nonsense! He won't!"

Isari said angrily: "He still needs my help ... Fiona?"

These guys ... really don't take themselves as outsiders!

After discovering this, Fiona was even more annoyed and said blankly, "Tang En is not here. He has something to go out."

"Get out? When will you come back?"

"I don't know. He didn't say when."

It's impossible for Fiona to expose Tang En's whereabouts. She is ridiculous and cannot run away with Tang En to take a vacation. Of course, it is even more impossible for these unscrupulous guys to disturb Tang En.

"Oh? Things seem to be interesting."

Lola narrowed her eyes and found that things were not so simple.

Why didn't Tang En leave early or late, but at this time?

"Is something missing?"

A touch of disappointment flashed on Thurrissy's face, and she quickly pulled up her mother's Pettis and said, "Let's say goodbye then-"

After speaking, she planned to teleport and leave, but at this moment, Fiona interrupted her casting with a magical disturbance, staring at the "clothes" on them both meaningfully, "Since they are here, don't So hurry, why not stay and talk about clothing design issues? "

"Isn't that possible ... Naga's aesthetics differ greatly from humans ..."

"How come, isn't Tang En upset by your fans?"

"It's so late, everyone should rest ..."

"The long night is long and I have no intention of sleeping, so I need to chat to comfort the lonely soul."

Selise had a cold sweat, and she faced impeccable Fiona.

When seeing Selise asking for help, Lola smiled slightly and rubbed her fingers. The meaning is obvious. What's the benefit?

After raising her eyebrows, Thurris Hess raised a finger quietly, meaning that the next time it was their turn, she could be given a chance to participate.

Laura shook her head with a smile and raised three fingers.

What is enough once, at least three times!

There was still no chance for bargaining on Selysis, and she nodded her head and agreed to Lola's condition.

Not just three times! What kind of!

In their eyes, although Fiona is still a virgin, there is no doubt that Tang En's first housekeeper, a proper mother-in-law, is not even equal to her.

If you're not sure Fiona, don't say it three times, I'm afraid it will be difficult once!

She will stare here in the future. Who will have a chance to eat in the future!

So now Fiona must be done!

Isari can't count on it, the only chance now is Lola!

"Sit down, I think, we need to talk frankly ... about Tang En."

Fiona took the first seat on the sofa, and sat on the main seat indifferently. Isari, Peltis, and Selise were all obediently sitting in front of Fiona as if they were children. Now, and Lola ...

"Sister Fiona--"

Facing Lola's smile and gratification, Fiona raised her eyebrows and said politely: "Sister --- speaking of the sequence of knowing Tang En, you are all behind me, even in the position of your heart, You can't compare with me. "

It wasn't Fiona who was blindly narcissistic. She knew this very well. If Aaron was the favorite in Tang En's heart, then she must be her ... What? Elijah? She's just a kid!

Fiona's words could not be rebutted by these people. She deliberately did not give Lola a chance, just to make these people who like to eat steal understand this, but also to help Tang En "burden" and watch him lose energy every day Fiona was worried for him like this, in case when he was squeezed out, where would she cry?

"Okay, sister Fiona ..."


Fiona's eyes were dumbfounded, and she was so rude, Lola was so embarrassed to be close! ?

And this guy called her sister without any psychological pressure! ?

Although this guy has never exposed a specific age, she is definitely old enough to be my grandma's grandma! ?

But now that Lola has spoken, Fiona can only answer: "What's wrong?"

"I don't know, sister Fiona, why are you in Down's bedroom?"

Lola sat next to Fiona, playing with her hair, her nose slightly raised, and a slightly obscure smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. She inadvertently asked a sharp question: "As far as I know, Haven't you done it with Tang En? "

Fiona was startled, but said calmly, "Because I know someone will come over tonight, so I came here to convey the news to you, and Tang En went out, so don't come over at night."

"Oh oh ... that's the case, it's really an intimate sister."

Laura laughed, and just as Fiona breathed a sigh of relief, her fingers suddenly slid onto Fiona's clothes, and said with a very exaggerated expression of surprise: "Sister Fiona, this is on your clothes What is it? Why is it slimy? "

Fiona froze, looked down, and immediately froze.

damn it! She was so careful! ?

Didn't Lola find the place where she wiped her fingers just now! ? The shame's slime is stuck on the clothes!

Lola's olfactory talent may not be as good as Tina's, but for her, the smell of body fluids is so familiar that she was almost immediately certain that the mucus on Fiona's clothes was definitely herself of!

In other words, the silly girl was alone in Tang En's quilt, and then she was in a state of anger and began to comfort herself!

After understanding this, Lola almost wanted to laugh and laugh. This woman, this silly woman, this fool, obviously has so many opportunities, but she does n’t know how to start, but she always ran to him while Tang En was away at night. Do it yourself on the bed, it was ... too cute!

Facing the silent Fiona, Lola gave her a "you know" look, but instead of chasing after it, she left a step down for Fiona and said with a smile: " Knowing that Sister Fiona hasn't made a breakthrough with her sweetheart for so long, I also feel bad for you, sister. Now several of us are here. Why don't we give Sister Fiona advice and help her? "

Knowing that Lola had settled the crisis, Celise immediately said, "This is good!"

Fiona was worried that she couldn't answer that question. When she found a chance, she borrowed the donkey: "I really have some questions for my sisters ..."

She is now embarrassed to continue to be a sister.

Just in the room, a few people were relieved, and felt that things could be uncovered, and then happily began to discuss how to help Fiona overthrow Down, when another accident occurred, and another person suddenly pried open the window and appeared in the room……

Seeing the sudden appearance, Fiona took a breath, exclaimed, "Aegwin !?"

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