Things from Another World

Chapter 1186: Sudden Shura Field (IV)

Eggwin! ?

How can she even come here! ?

She will be involved in such things! ? This unscientific!

——Maybe it's to belittle her!

She'll be here, which means that Down's **** has succeeded! ? Damn, when did this happen, he didn't even tell himself! ?

Fiona was a little annoyed at once: "Aigwin, why are you here !? You still need to run over in the middle of the night to eat !?"

Taking Aegwin's appeal to Tang En, I'm afraid that when I say Tang En spit out his tongue like a dog. I ran over, and I can monopolize Tang En. Where do I have to run to eat in the middle of the night?

——Or, because she is too shy to want others to know the relationship between the two of them?

"Igerwin", who had just sneaked into the room, saw so many people in the room, and blinked subconsciously and said, "Well? Why are there so many people? Well, Her Majesty? Why are you there?"

"Egwin ... uh ..."

Suddenly, Sally was speechless.

Fiona was questioning Aegwynn, but suddenly found that many people slipped in from the outside-to be precise, a lot of Aegwynn!



Still Egwin!

Seeing so many Aegwynn, Fiona was instantly aggressive, but in an instant she came to her senses. Aegwynn didn't have so many twin sisters, so it was impossible to have so many Aegwynn!

In other words, these Aegwynn are fakes!

Then an impatient voice sounded at the back: "What are you doing? Don't stop here, don't give him a sober chance, just hold him up and throw him down, so that he is immersed in the sea of ​​'Aegwin'!" At that time, let ’s just do whatever we want. Is n’t it easy to conceive of a child? Should I teach you? ”

The former "Aigwin" whispered, but did not continue to move forward. After a while, they gave way to the people behind.

"So you're too embarrassed, shouldn't you really let me demonstrate ... er, Her Majesty ... er, everyone is here ... it shouldn't be ..."

Grantia muttered. According to her investigation, it should be the time of Down and Isari today. How could there be so many people?

Could it be that the guy is no longer satisfied with one's fight, and what kind of unveiled meeting is he going to hold?

Isari looked at her awkwardly, and she was helpless. Although she had known for a long time that with the help of Grantia, Alli's plans were making good progress, but ... Isali did not expect them to choose today Implementation plan!

Just happened to be hit by Fiona!

This is too awkward!

And I'm afraid the plan will be completely drained!

"Grantia ..."

Fiona's face sank. "Can you explain to me what happened?"

"Uh, this ..."

As soon as Grantia's eyes turned, she was about to make an excuse, but Fiona sang immediately and calmed her: "Don't make excuses, tell the truth!"

Grantia froze, and confessed directly: "Actually ..."

In the bedroom, Grantia told Fiona all about the "Elf Legacy" plan, but wit like she knew that there were things she couldn't say, so she added a lot of lies to her Cover up the truth.

But even so, when she heard that Fiona was still gritting her teeth in the end, she already knew that they were preparing for the night attack on Tang En, and even before they made fun of Tang En, they never took it seriously-- Elves are simple and kind races, how could they do such a cheap and shameful attack on men!

Unexpectedly, they actually did it!

Fortunately, Tang En just escaped in the past two days, otherwise I was afraid that they would be able to succeed without any noise!

"You guys ... let me say what!"

Fiona was annoyed: "If you like him, you can actively pursue him. With Tang En's personality, he can't refuse your pursuit at all, if he wants to marry you as a concubine, you can do whatever you like, but You guys who have no name or name, come to attack him at night, haven't you thought about how shameful this is? "

"Shame? No ..."

Ellie Clover looked at each other without feeling that way.

Shame, it seems that only human beings have it?

Fiona was dumb, and she took a deep breath. As soon as she was about to continue reprimanding these guys, she listened to Lola and said, "Sister Fiona, if you just said, then you ... today ... ? "

Fiona's face turned red, and she was speechless by Lola's words.

"So let's stop talking about it?"

Laura patted Fiona on the shoulder, looked at her with a smile, and said, "Aren't we going to discuss how to help you capture Down?"

"But they ..."

"Don't care, don't care."

Lola said with a smile: "We just want to use his seed of life to continue the better offspring for our race, and we will not occupy your Tang En, right? We just borrow your Tang En for use I will pay you back when you run out, and he will not lose anything. On the contrary, we can help you win him, not my sister, I blow, my sister is still very good at dealing with Tang En. "

-I don't want to lend it to you!

Although I wanted to say so, now Fiona's momentum was completely suppressed by Lola, and the shame in her heart made her unable to say that.

Lola said it sounded very reasonable, but Tang En was obviously his own man. They had to borrow the seeds of their man to give birth to children, but they didn't even mind. What a matter!

But Lola said so brightly and righteously that Fiona was embarrassed to refuse.

Lola held Fiona's hand affectionately: "So ... can you tell us, where is dear?"


Fiona said stiffly, "And I don't know where he went."

"Oh, that's how it is……"

Lola's eyes narrowed, and Fiona didn't seem to be lying, but she obviously didn't tell the truth. I'm afraid it would be very difficult to get Down's whereabouts from her.

In this case ...

Lola called a haha: "Then we won't talk about him today, let's talk about how to help you capture Tang En? It's a rare opportunity. Everyone sits. Sister Fiona, called Tina endpoint tea cakes. Let's have a tea party and talk about your understanding of Tang En, and help you analyze his preferences, which will help you win him. "

The stiff Fiona didn't know how she was persuaded by Lola. In short, Tina and Marlen who had just fallen asleep were woken up again, and then came up with the tea and cakes, and after a while they both joined the discussion. in.

"He likes cute and well-behaved girls the most, just like Elijah!"

"That bastard? He's just an embryo, and he likes to see girls showing offensive, indecent expressions!"

"His Majesty Tang En is a very nice person. He is very gentle and considerate ..."

"His Excellency Tang En is very knowledgeable and knowledgeable. He knows a lot of things we don't know, especially those special gameplay and skills. Many of my inspirations when I created were provided by His Excellency."

"He does know a lot of special skills ... in this way, he's not as simple as he seems on the surface?"

"Yes! He's a boring man at all! Bad stomach!"

"He especially likes girls who are simple and kind. They are especially dominant like Elsa and Eggwin. Grantia is more troublesome ... well, I am not demeaning to you, I just say that your style is not his preference ... ... "

"Huh! I know, he was just a loli-controlled metamorphosis!"

"lo*ic*n? He keeps saying that his favorite is Aegwynn, Queen Isari, should you know this? For you, this is a good thing, but for us, it is also a good thing. . "

"Why? Because Aegwin is simply overdone! All her thoughts are on fighting chaos. She is too slow to love between men and women. She doesn't understand them at all, even if she likes Tang En. I do n’t know what happened, so before Aegwin understood it, it was our chance. ”

"Fiona, you are dangerous, do you know? If Aegwin really wakes up, I'm afraid it will be difficult to accept what Tang En and other women have to do, so if you want to sit firmly, it is best to get Tang as soon as possible. Well, then affect Aegwynn in a subtle way, and let her accept the reality ... oops, don't think about it, I'm not preparing for us to share Tang En, this is for you, understand? "

"As far as I know, girls always like him very well, but he always likes to be stupid-yes! That's right! I'm talking about you Tina! In the beginning you always had something with him The subtle and ambiguous misunderstanding is actually that he deliberately pretends to misinterpret your words and make you misunderstand! His purpose, hum, is of course to see you in an embarrassing and shameful way that cannot be explained! "

"No, no ... then, wouldn't that mean he had long ago ..."

"Yes, he's all clear, just pretending to be stupid and seeing you tangled there, but you are very satisfied ... he is a **** who likes to play with women's hearts!"

"Well, this seems to be a coincidence a few times before, shouldn't it be an opportunity he intentionally arranged and then deliberately created?"

"It's very likely ..."

It's already late at night, but Tang En's bedroom is full of beautiful women who are playing mahjong and playing poker and talking non-stop, if you let others see it, I don't know how to defame Tang En Absurdity makes no sense.

But who knows that it was Fiona's assisting conference that turned into a condemnation conference for Tang En?

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