Things from Another World

Chapter 1188: Full of malicious big universe will

"Another refreshing morning."

In the rooms of the Porta family, Tang En stretched a lazy waist and felt refreshed. In order to stay comfortable, the original things in the room were put away by him and replaced with the furniture he carried with him. The room looked similar to his bedroom, so Olena and Illuli could sleep so well.

Here, both Olina and Ilulli snuggled beside him, leaving the happy aftertaste of last night on their faces. Looking at their unbearable lashes, Tang En's heart was full of accomplishment.

Sure enough, compared with Juice Ji, being with a soft girl makes people feel happier.

Tang En reached into the quilt, holding the big **** in each hand, and then woke them with a smirk: "Get up, lazy men."

Olina and Illy closed their eyes tightly, but their faces were quietly red. They knew the current situation, but they did not have the courage to open their eyes to face each other.

In particular, Olena is Aurelia's mother, but Irouli is Aurelia's childhood friend, and the two grew up together from a young age. Olina almost watched Iluly grow a little bit. Big, she can be considered half daughter of Olena.

But now, they are lying in the arms of the same man ...

Ridiculous, it was ridiculous last night!

Olina had a little bit of complaint in her heart, and she usually likes to make fun of it, but what was it that caught Illy suddenly last night ... She is a maiden and her own half daughter, but now she is all Spoiled by him on a bed, how can he face her after that ...

Olina's tangle is exactly that of Illuli. Last night, because of Tang En, she almost lost her self-control. All kinds of ridiculous things were done. At the time, I didn't feel anything, but now I am sober In the face of Olena, who was half her mother, she couldn't help but.

Tang En waited for a while and found that the two of them were still pretending to sleep there. After a little thought, he knew what was going on, so he put on his own clothes and went out to wash, leaving some private space for both of them. .

Perhaps the two of them need to talk about each other separately-the question of how to get along with each other in the future.

Tang En walked chic, but left two women a fart. It was troublesome, especially last night there were some situations that were not humane enough. They don't know how to speak now.

Olina thought she was going to dress up a little longer, and then she would go out after Illuli got up, so as to avoid embarrassment.

It happened that Yiluli had the same idea. The two lay down on the bed for a long time. They didn't notice any movement. They thought the other party had left. As soon as they opened their eyes, they saw each other's eyes.

This TM is awkward ...

"You're awake ..."

Olena uttered such a word for a long time.

Yi Luli's face was reddish, her head bowed, and she opened her mouth to say something, but found that she was slippery. In this case, it was a bit out of place to say anything.

In the end, Orina recovered her condition first. After all, she was older and calmer, and soon broke the embarrassing atmosphere and said, "Let's put on your clothes first."

Illuli put on her clothes silently, then watched Olina pick up the messy bed there, and she couldn't help lowering her head when she saw the wet marks on the sheets.

That was Olina getting wet, but she was also one of the main accomplices ...

Olina was also embarrassed when she saw the sheets, but her face was calm, and she said, "The sheets need to be washed and dried, or you'll go down first, and I'll clean up before going down."

"That's not good ... after all, it's at someone else's house ..."

"If they see something in your room overnight, it will be even worse."

Olina sighed and turned to look at Illy. "Don't forget, after all, you are the Holy Lady of the Holy See."

Yeah ... sir ...

Yi Luli sighed, but she was not only the saint, but also Tang En's slave under the contract of God's Word.

"I don't ask when you were together. Now that things have happened, we can only accept, let alone, I have no right to say anything, right?"

Orina thought that Illuli was worried about her status and said, "Then I met with the Pope and asked him to marry him next time, so that you can be with him rightly."

"No, I ..."

Yi Luli smiled bitterly and said, "... In fact, the situation is a bit complicated, and then I will explain it slowly to you. In short, it is not important for me to have a name, and besides, Tang ... the master is not Nafei's now. Time. "

Call him master?

Olina took a nap. She didn't know the specifics of Tang En and Yi Luli, and Aurelia hadn't told her, but just mentioned that Tang En and Yi Luli had a bad relationship, but she I didn't expect it to be so unusual.

After calming down, Orina reflected on the current situation, and then she was surprised to find that the relationship between Tang En and Yi Luli was not only a bad thing, but a rare good thing for the royal family!

The regent King Tang En, who is loved by the people, marries the Holy Virgin of the Holy See. On the one hand, the benevolent and powerful Regent King Tang En, on the one hand, is adored and trusted by countless people. The combination of the two symbolizes the combination of royal power and divine power. And the unification, the benefits are far beyond imagination. If this news is made public, it is estimated that all humans in Prandall will be surprised, and it will also be more beneficial to Tang En's rule.

Strictly speaking, in the history of Prendall, there has never been a king and a maiden combined. This is due to the independence of the divine power and the royal power. In order to ensure the non-interference of the royal power and the divine power, everyone follows this potential. The rule is not that the king did not have the idea of ​​a virgin. After all, every virgin, regardless of her appearance, temperament, or character, is the best choice. In the end, these kings who play the virgin idea will be stopped by the Holy See.

The pope would not allow the king to marry the maiden, which would be too beneficial for his rule, and it would be easy for the king to crush and interfere with the divine power.

But Tang En is different. His special status and special mission determine that the treatment he receives is absolutely super-standard. The Holy See will certainly not block this kind of thing. He will become the first king in the history of Prandall to marry the Virgin. .

Olina thought while cleaning the room, at least not letting others see what had happened here.

And Yi Luli took the opportunity to go back to her room and sorted out her grooming a little. The hair before was scattered and the face was spring. The appearance of light was too easy to be seen, especially Porta's wife. It is almost impossible for her to conceal such a long-serving wife.

After taking care of herself, Illuli and Olina went downstairs.

"Oh, come for breakfast. I'm still busy after dinner."

Tang En greeted them to sit down to eat.

Xiao Yan approached Yi Luli intimately and asked, "Sister Yi Luli, I went to see you last night. Why aren't you in the room?"

With a murmur in her heart, Elully glanced at Porta's wife.

Unsurprisingly, Porta's wife stared at her for a long time, her face full of doubts and wonders.

After she noticed her gaze, Yi Luli was lucky, and fortunately she had prepared the plan in advance.

Ilulli said unhurriedly: "I went out last night to blow for a while, probably strayed from you."

"But I--"

Xiaoyan looked puzzled, and just wanted to say that she had been waiting in her room for a long time, and saw that Yi Luli picked up a piece of black bread and put it in her mouth: "Let's have a meal, you have a lot of tasks to finish Do it! "


Xiao Yan immediately forgot to say what he was about to say, and slumped his bread happily.

The shy children were still very simple, but did not notice the abnormality of Yi Luli, only Porta and his wife faintly noticed something, looked at each other but said nothing.

After having breakfast, Yi Luli took the children with Porta to the barn. Today's task is to learn how to feed livestock and poultry and how to milk Cummel.

Tang En and Olina once again had a leisurely time to relax. The two came to the river, each holding a fishing rod, then laid down leisurely on a chair to start fishing, and then looked at the shy children not far away. We don't have a flavor.

It was just that the barn started to stir up after a long time, and the children exclaimed, and from time to time they could hear the screams of Cumir, apparently hurt by the novices.

Olina was born in the royal family since she was a child. Where did she come across such interesting things? After looking at it for a while, she suddenly said, "It looks like it's very interesting over there, should I also learn from it?"

Tang En pulled her decisively: "Don't go."


Tang En said cautiously: "I don't know why there is a deep malicious attack. I always feel that you will encounter very vulgar old stalks in the past ... by the way, you can tell Cummel's Male and female? "

"Uh, I can't tell ..."

"Is this really the case ... without accident ..."

As soon as Tang En's words fell, I heard the unexpected voice over there: "Sister, why are so many people crowded out, but I have only so little here?"

Illy said in panic: "Small! You're wrong! That's just public!"

"Well? Can the male Cummel also produce milk?"

"No, can't, that, that's not ... uh ..."

Illuri had no idea how to describe it to the children.

Sure enough, he shrewdly avoided an old stubborn ...

Tang En was speechless, this malicious universe will!

At this moment, the magic cell phone in Olina's pocket suddenly rang ...

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