Things from Another World

Chapter 1189: Who are you chasing after me?

Olina's mobile phone number has only been exchanged with a very few people, and few people usually call her.

Olina looked at her phone and was very surprised.

After being connected, Fiona's voice came over: "Olena, is Tang En with you?"

In order to prevent people from finding himself, Tang En directly plugged the phone into the space equipment, there was no signal at all, so Fiona directly found Olina here.

Olina found that Fiona's voice was very low, and she could not help lowering her voice. "Yeah ... what happened?"

"Tell him that his wishful thinking was discovered!"


Olina's look was inexplicable, how could it sound strange?

Fiona sighed: "Well, I can't tell you, just let him answer the phone."

Olena handed the phone to Don: "Fiona's phone."

Tang En, staring at the fishing rod, took the phone and said, "What's wrong?"

"Your wishful thinking was found."

Fiona said in a low voice, "Now they are going to send someone to find you!"

Send someone to me! ?

Tang En suddenly said: "I don't need to exaggerate like this? I'm not running away from marriage or giving up all the time, why are you so active?"

"Not because of what happened last night ..."

"What happened last night?"

"You're sorry to ask what's wrong?"

Having said that, Fiona took a sip and was embarrassed to continue: "In short, they are now planning to go to the world to find you. They deliberately dodged me. I don't know what they have plans for. If you find it, quickly find a way ... Yes, it's best to be separated from Olena. If they are looking for you, Olena will definitely not let go. "


A cool air rushed straight to the heavenly spirit cover from the soles of the feet. Tang En didn't expect that they would be so hungry. Thirsty, they just left for two days, they couldn't wait to come out to find someone!

If they were found, wouldn't they be **** and crushed? The chicken who has just slowed down is afraid that it will be ground into a needle!


To escape!

Must escape!

Tang En said in a low voice, "When did they start acting?"

"This morning, it seems that they started planning while I was going to work. If Tina hadn't heard them saying they wanted to find you, I wouldn't know their plans."

"This morning ... it's too late!"

Tang En shook his fist, his eyes firmed up: "Relax, this time I'm ironic and want to rest for a while, they can't find me! Big deal, I ran to the wild mountains and mountains, I watch them go Where do you find me! "

"Whatever you want, I have more work to do, I'll hang up first."

After hanging up the phone, Tang En groaned for a moment, then suddenly said, "Olena, let's go."


Olina stunned: "Why? Isn't it nice here?"

"Because someone is coming for me!"

Tang En said with a bitter smile: "I sneaked out this time and wanted to take a vacation for myself, but I didn't expect them to react so much ..."

"They? Who?"

"... Lola."

Orina was still a little confused: "Why are you so excited about seeing you?"

Juicer is coming, can I not be excited!

But you can't tell Olina this ...

Tang En casually made an excuse, and then packed up and prepared to retreat. Oak Village was too close to Yalinx, and it was easy to be found. If you want to hide the trace, you still have to leave the city!

"What? This is about to go?"

When she heard the news that Tang En was leaving, Yi Luli was very surprised. She wanted to stay here for a few more days and spend a lot of happy days with Tang En.

"Yeah, I didn't expect something to happen suddenly."

Tang En looked very distressed. Of course, for the sake of confidentiality, of course he didn't tell the truth to Yi Luli, but found an excuse to say that he had a job.

"Since there is something serious, there is no way around it, then you go back first, and we will stay here for two more days."

Illuli regrets to say goodbye to Tang En and Olena, and after they leave the village on foot, they are teleported back to Yalinks Palace.

"I'll leave right away. If someone comes to you, you can tell the truth. There is no need to lie."

Anyway, the next destination is not even known to him, it is even more impossible for Olena to reveal any news. Deliberately lying may cause Lola's suspicion and affect Olena's daily life.

"okay then."

Olina asked intimately, "Do you need anything else?"

"No need, I have everything here, it is not too late, I'll go!"

After Tang En finished, she disappeared directly in front of her.


As soon as Tang En left, Aurelia ran over, staring and asked, "Why are you back? Didn't you say you should relax and play a few more days?"

"This ... I don't know what happened ..."

Olina was a bit distressed and told Aurelia about the cause and effect. The witful Aurelia just guessed a little and understood what was going on. She suddenly sneered: "I didn't expect that guy has today Ah, he knows that he's scared. He can't live by himself! After mother, leave him alone. "

Immediately after leaving Yalinks Palace, Tang En had a headache and where to hide.

The Rennes Empire? It is relatively remote and desolate, and it is difficult to find him, but the environment there is so bad that Tang En dislikes it.

Ronitan? The climate is a lot more comfortable, but there are densely populated, crowded eyes, and it is easy to expose traces.

Taris? Sorant? Neither is a good choice.

At this moment, Tang En suddenly thought for a while.

Grace, Blood Rock!

Grace has just experienced the inhumane bombardment of legendary spells. The population is seriously injured and injured. There is nowhere to be found, and the population is small. More importantly, there is basically a semi-isolated state from the outside world. People there rarely know him. !!

At present, the development plan for the western region is still under preparation, and it is not on the right track. The residents there are mainly Gris aborigines. Even the tentacles of the Datang Chamber of Commerce have not yet been reached. It is the best place to hide the trail !!

Decided to be there!

As soon as Tang En snapped his finger, his body disappeared instantly and he went directly to Blood Rock City. Although there were many people near the space anchor, he was not found before he disappeared. He quietly left there, and then came to the blood. An unmanned alley in Yancheng reappeared.

Tang En had just stepped out of the alley, but saw the clothes on his body: "This dress is not good, it's too eye-catching!"

Not only do you have to change clothes, but you can no longer use your own power. People who are familiar with his power fluctuations can easily trace his whereabouts, especially Lola. They are also legendary strongmen.

He moved in his heart, took off his clothes in minutes, and changed to the sacrificial robe she gave to herself when she was playing role-playing in private with Isari. This thing is a genuine product from the Temple of the Earth, which is genuine. Divine magic blessing and anti-counterfeiting effect, when you put on your body, Tang En's temperament instantly turned into the goddess sacrifice of compassion.

Although a human earth goddess sacrifice is also eye-catching and can easily attract the attention of the elves, but ... this is Grace!

For hundreds of years, the people here have not even touched the Illus, let alone the elves, they know a fart!

What's more, people don't often say that the lights are dark. If his identity really attracts attention, maybe he will get rid of the suspicion-Lola they all know that they are going to flee, they will definitely be low-key and low-key, they must not guess Such a highly-regarded sacrifice of the goddess of the earth would actually be herself, and the power that Nora shared with Tang En was the power of life, and the power to camouflage the goddess of the earth could not be more perfect. This identity is the best cover in Grace !!

Soon, Tang En refreshed out of the alley. At this moment, he was completely different from before, not only changed into a sacrificial robe of the goddess of the earth, but also changed his hair slightly. Long black hair. There was a faint hint of greenness at the ends-yes, he even greened his hair ...

He even imitated the appearance of the elf druid, made a vine-like tattoo to cover half of his cheek, and was full of strange beauty, making him look like a man who has escaped from human society's penance, and finally obtained the goddess of the earth. Recognized human sacrifices.

Now in Blood Rock City, there are still few Illus, and Tang En walking on the street looks more different among the tall and burly Gries, plus his earth goddess, which looks like leaves and vines. The priestly robes and the bizarre tattoos covering half of the face are even more noticeable.

Tang En walked directly to the Adventurer's Guild of Blood Rock City-with a disguised identity, but also a disguised occupation, in Prendall, if you want to walk freely in various cities, but also want to easily find employment and solve economic problems, adventurers That's the only choice.

What? Can you be a mercenary? Don't talk nonsense, the two are really different.

Although most mercenaries are registered as adventurers, they are not necessarily mercenaries, and the mercenary associations are very binding on mercenaries. They are a real management organization. Once mercenaries receive The task must be completed at the cost of life. If the task comes back alive, but the task is not completed, it will be punished.

Because of such serious consequences, in the mercenary guilds, the mercenaries are organized into mercenary groups to take up tasks to share the risks.

The Adventurer's Guild, although similar to the Mercenary Guild, is different. The Adventurer's Guild is very weak in binding on the adventurer. It is a neutral institution that provides services to the adventurer. Although the Adventurer's Guild also issues tasks, it must Most of the tasks have a high degree of freedom. First come, first served. There are rewards for completing, and there is no punishment for completion. Therefore, many adventurers are lone rangers competing with each other. Partners.

After considering his own situation, Tang En decided to go into an adventurer status first.

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