Things from Another World

Chapter 1194: Goblins and Gnomes who love each other

The green light containing the power of life abruptly appeared on the battlefield, and it suddenly shocked everyone.

"This, this is-the power of the goddess of the earth !?"

Rockma was startled and looked at Tang En not far away. He hadn't seen Tang En before, let alone notice the cloak on him.

Lockma never thought that these adventurers would actually have a sacrifice of the goddess of the earth!

The surging force of life floated from Tang En's hands to the injured adventurer. Suddenly, a strand of silk stretched out from the severed wound. The broken arm soon reconnected with the body, and the wound healed in a blink of an eye.

"My arms are growing again!"

The severely injured adventurer shouted excitedly. He moved his arm and found that not only the broken arm was restored, but also the tired body was restored to life, so he directly picked up the weapon and rushed to the battlefield again.

"The effect is so powerful !?"

Lockemar was shocked again. Even if the Holy See ’s sacrifice used healing divine magic, it was impossible for him to recover from the injury for less than half a day, but the scene just now challenged Lockerma ’s cognition!

If the sacrifices of this goddess of the earth can be attracted, will not those dangerous tasks become much safer in the future? The death rate of the mercenary brothers will also drop a lot!

After the battle, be sure to find a way to talk to him!

Regardless of success, being able to know the sacrifices of a goddess of the earth must have only good things and no bad ones!

The battle is still going on. The Warcraft who fell into anger because of hunger have not stopped their offense. The wounded are constantly increasing. Tang En, who is behind the front, has now gathered several people with different injuries. Some of them are "Rock Some of them are adventurers. At this moment, they have no mood to ridicule each other. They take time to recover the injuries one by one. Once healed, they will immediately return to the battlefield.

Tang En's powerful healing power has given them a great encouragement. Even if the fighting is extremely fierce, the morale of the two teams has not been reduced.

At this time, in the camp behind the team, Gindy encountered a group of unexpected people.

"How will you be here!"

"I thought it was someone who brought Warcraft, but you leprosy!"

Seeing the goblins in the front, Gindy jumped directly: "Dinge Blackfire! Are you following us!"

"Stupid leprosy, shall we follow you?"

The goblin named Ding Heihuo laughed sharply, pointed at the camp with a sarcastical expression, "Grow your eyes and take a good look, then move your brain that has shrunk to become mentally retarded, think about it, If we follow you, we will camp here first? "

Gindy's face became extremely poor. He certainly understood this, but the thought of this guy's appearance here is most likely to rob him of the excavation rights of the ruins, and he was completely confused.

"Actually, I want to ask you."

Dinge, playing with the cane inlaid with gemstones, asked arrogantly: "Are you following us? Lord Gindy Rivets !?"

"No, no!"

Gindy shouted, "This ruin was discovered by us first! You can't grab it from me!"

"Are you still a kid? Of course this ruin belongs to our 'Infinite Blasting' archeological team!"

Ding laughed again sharply: "You, a mercenary who can't even hire a mercenary regiment, why can't you compete with me for precious ancestor ruins!"

Gindy, who was scolded as poor, was speechless. Unlike these poor goblins who have left money, the funding of the dwarf archeological team is generally tight, so the conditions are more difficult. Food and accommodation are still no different from vacations.

"Let me see ... Well, the adventurer from Blood Rock City, hum, is really a leprosy, and can only hire these out-of-band guys, and the amateur archeological team is only equipped with amateur guards . "

Dinger taunts Gindy mercilessly, of course, this doesn't explain anything, because this is a consistent tradition between goblins and gnomes. If given the opportunity, Gindy will certainly taunt Dinge mercilessly.

"Ha, you are lucky! You have hired a sacrifice for a goddess of the earth !?"

Dinge suddenly widened his eyes when he saw Tang En, a **** expression: "What cost did you hire him for? It's not scientific! You must have lied to him! Guess if I After telling him that you have already lost your house and you ca n’t pay the promised reward, what will he look like? Hmm? Do you think he will accept my employment? ”

Dinge continued to ridicule Gindy. When he heard this, Gindy murmured inwardly that it was not good!

Tempting Lord Noble?

Noble Emperor, but he can gather so many people, if Noble Emperor is tempted by Dinge's price, I am afraid these adventurers will follow the mutiny!

Without guards, it is simply impossible to explore the ruins peacefully by relying only on that little force in their own hands!

Never let him succeed!

Panic-stricken, instead, Gindy was chaotic, throwing Ding directly to the ground: "You can't do this! You green-eared monster!"

"How dare you do something with the great and noble Lord Ding Blackfire!"

Dinge's voice was sharp and harsh, and he waved his cane and knocked at Gindy's head. The two immediately got into a fight, and the goblins and gnomes immediately discarded the valuable instruments and equipment when they saw it. The guy rushed up and the two sides scuffled directly.

The Lockemar in the front heard the sound in the back and looked back, taking a sip and not minding.

Since human civilization has been recorded, these two races have never lived in peace together, and they will never miss the opportunity to spill dirty water on each other. However, they fight back, they are still restrained, at most they beat each other. His nose was swollen and his face was swollen, and then he would sneer at the other side proudly, but it would not kill anyone.

After all, in the prehistoric period, the two sides were still the same family, and they were not life or death enemies—probably so.

Lockma's mission is to protect Dinger from attack by Warcraft and the dangerous constructs in the ruins, but not to help them and the gnome to fight.

The battle with Warcraft in the front is still fierce, and the war between the two races in the back camp has just ended quickly.

Gindy was completely defeated!

Although their physical appearances are similar, Dinge and they have been camping here for a few days after all, Gindy and they just came here after a long journey. They are physically and physically exhausted, and of course they are not their opponents.

"Stupid leprosy! Know your master's power!"

Panting Dinge stepped on Jindi's body, but Dinge's swollen and swollen face was not much better than Jindi's. A dress imitation of a human noble was torn into pieces by Jindi, and his gorgeous cane was also chopped off , Ran is no different from a beggar.

He scolded a few words fiercely, and then shouted at the goblins: "Guys! Take our guys a little, and let these **** Warcraft taste the power of goblin technology!"

"Observe! Lord Dinge!"

The winning goblins ran to the back warehouse with high toes to pick up the bombs. The lost Gindy was extremely embarrassed. As soon as he got up, he saw the goblins rushing to the front battlefield.

"Get off, get off!"

The mercenaries and adventurers in the front just heard the sharp screams of the goblins, and before they figured out what was going on, they saw a round of goblin bombs suddenly flying over their heads, and these guys were suddenly able to Scared to death: "Danger! Hurry up!"

Although not many people have used goblin bombs, they are well known, on the one hand, because of their extremely expensive prices, and on the other hand, their power.

As long as the fourth-level Warcraft is blown up, it is almost impossible to resist the power of Goblin bombs, and the fifth-level Warcraft will be injured if it is not escaped.

Now the largest in the battlefield is the third-order Warcraft, which is completely the best target for goblin bombs.

Seeing the black sphere falling from the sky, the World of Warcraft fighting with humans didn't know what it was. They only noticed that there was no magic wave. Several hungry and crazy World of Warcraft jumped up and swallowed the bomb.


A few loud noises suddenly erupted, and the Warcraft that jumped into the sky was blown to pieces by the bomb before it landed!

The third-tier Warcraft in the back row was blown apart and broken and wounded, and the fourth-tier Warcraft was also severely injured by shrapnel, and the combat effectiveness plummeted.

The adventurers and mercenaries who hurried to the ground were poured into the blood of minced meat and bones, and they all laughed after they got up: "These idiots want to eat goblin bombs!"

Lokma wiped the blood off her face and shouted: "Good opportunity! Everyone will kill them hard! There is a meal at night!"


A group of people cheered, grabbed their weapons and rushed up again to kill the remaining Warcraft.

"See? Stupid leprosy! This is the power of Goblin Technology!"

Dinger laughed wildly to show Jindi the power of the bomb: "Your so-called dwarf technology is not worth mentioning at all!"

Annoyed Jindi cursed: "Abominable green-skinned big-eared monsters! It is your bomb that has destroyed our civilization! You dare to be so proud!"

"Stop! You idiot! That's not our goblin technology's fault! It's the world's fault!"

Dinge was stunned and annoyed by Gindy's poking pain: "The battle is almost over, look at it, I will definitely pull over the sacrifice of the goddess of the earth and let your so-called guard team completely collapse!"

"This Alar ruin will belong to our goblin family!"

At this moment, the situation on the battlefield changed suddenly, and a sound of exclaiming ...

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