Things from Another World

Chapter 1195: The power of self-suggestion is really powerful!

Tang En, who was treating the wounded, suddenly heard an exclamation, looked up, and suddenly the front line collapsed. A World of Warcraft covered with thick hair was fiercely killing Rokuma.

Lockemar is a gold-level battle-axe fighter. The strength of his blood is very amazing. The battle-axe fighter is known for his strength. Even with the full-scale outbreak, even the apocalypse of the Grand Master level would not dare to underestimate.

But the two sides have just begun to fight, and Lockham has fallen into a disadvantage!

The strength of this Warcraft is not even weaker than him!

"Sixth-tier Warcraft! Six-tier Warcraft!"

"It's the sixth-order ice wind demon wolf! Watch out for its frozen breath!"

As soon as the man's voice fell, a cold bitter cold suddenly appeared, and the people around him suddenly returned from the March of Yangchun to the Moon of Winter. The few people who were closer to the frozen seal were unable to avoid it and were directly frozen. Half of my body!

Tang En froze, and immediately shot without hesitation. The pure magic quietly disturbed the frozen effect of the water element, pulled them back from the front of the gate, and then the powerful force of life came, directly saving those people.

"Rangers shoot fast!"

"Can not do it!"

The rangers looked desperately at the storm armor on the ice wind demon wolf. The powerful storm armor is the natural nemesis of the arrows. After the arrows are disturbed by the storm armor, they will lose their power and cannot penetrate it at all!

"Where's the broken magic arrow !? Aren't we prepared to have the broken magic arrow !?"

"The broken magic arrow was used up in the last mission! It is expensive and hard to find, and we have no time to add it!"

"Damn! He won't last long! We have to find a way as soon as possible!"

At this time Tang En stood up and said, "Ready to continue the battle."

"But we can't hurt it!"

"Then kill all the other Warcrafts, relieve some pressure on your leader, and then focus your efforts on this ice wind demon wolf!"

A green light quickly appeared in Tang En's hands, and he quickly said, "I can bless you with magic and strengthen your combat and defense power in a short time."

A group of people suddenly overjoyed when they heard the words: "That would be great!"

Tang En lifted his hands up, and the surging green light covered the entire camp. In order to be more like, he shouted deliberately: "The goddess said that the life standing on the ground is stubborn and will be protected by God. (Fourth-order spell earth power aura)! "

"The goddess said that the warriors of God will be invincible, and wherever they go, the evil will be gone (the fifth-order spell group giant power)!"

"The goddess said ..."

Under the cover of Tang's excuses, several aura-like spells were quietly released. After gaining the spell gain, the combat effectiveness of the mercenaries and adventurers suddenly increased, and they were extremely excited in the blink of an eye. Launched a counterattack, turning those violent Warcraft in turn.

And the most powerful of those people, Rokmar felt more clearly. He could clearly perceive that his power had increased dramatically, and the attack, which was very difficult to resist, suddenly became a lot easier.


How are the effects of these divine magic so similar to the magic auras of magicians?

Lockma was fortunate to have worked with the magician of the Silver City against the experience of chaotic creatures. He was very impressed by the powerful aura of spell gain. He felt he would not admit it.

All in all, the goal now is to solve this ice wind demon wolf first!

Lokma clenched the tomahawk in her hand, snarled, and stood up to the effect of the storm armor, and rushed up and killed the ice wind demon wolf in close range.

In this state, facing an enemy far superior to him, even Lockma felt that the opportunity was rare, and he was full of blood.

The fur of the ice wind demon wolf is extremely silky, and it can easily slide the tomahawk attack, plus its own water and wind dual-line magic power protection, making it very difficult to entangle, sharp claws, sharp teeth, And the invisible wind blade, the sudden ice thorns, are all deadly threats, and Lockma has to concentrate all her spirits against this enemy.

In this high pressure state, Lockma was surprised to find that her bottleneck, which had troubled her for a long time, was a little loose!

He is now at the golden peak, and the limit of the ordinary apocalypse. If it cannot be broken, it will be like this for a lifetime, but if it breaks through, the road ahead of him will be a broader road, and even the opportunity to sprint Supreme Level, with the possibility of becoming a legend!

This discovery made him growl excitedly, and the offensive was even more fierce!

Facing Lockerma's offensive that was more violent than an axe, the Icewind Devil snarled, and the storm armor around the body quickly changed. The invisible wind blade and the power of the water element were combined, and the bitter chill was in To some extent, the attack speed of Lokmar was slowed down.

Tang En found that the speed of the ice wind demon wolf has become faster. It disappeared from the front of Lockemar and appeared behind him. The blood armor of Lockemar could not stop its claws. The sharp claws were in Locke. There were several deep scars on Ma's back, and blood spewed out!

Sure enough, people in this profession are rectal ...

Tang En shook his head and healed Rokema from a distance. This feeling of watching other people fighting and being a nurse in the back was strange to him.

After getting the help of Tang En's buff spells, after the warriors and Warcraft fiercely battled for more than ten minutes, they finally cleared all the Warcrafts, and then they planned to help the Commander Lockma to deal with the sixth-order Ice Wind Demon Wolf.

But at this moment, the blushing Rokmar roared with two eyes: "Don't come! It's mine!"

Others don't know, but Tang En is sensitive. Feeling the magic around Rokma feels very restless at this moment, if nothing unexpected, he is probably going to break through.

No wonder he didn't want others to bother him.

This opportunity is a rare opportunity!

See it!

I finally saw it!

Lockma got more and more energetic, and became more and more excited. After so many years, he finally saw the wall blocking him!

Now the wall is shaky-just need to work harder!

It's almost ... it's only so close!

Lockemar stared at the icy demon wolf that rushed over, suddenly gave up the defense, and directly resisted a frozen seal breath, and it was frozen in a blink of an eye!

This stupid ...

Tang En is a little speechless, this guy really treats himself as a genius ...

It was still Tang En ’s magic halo that gave him an illusion. In fact, if it was not for the benefit of Tang En ’s magic halo, Lockemar would have been swallowed by the ice wind demon wolf as a ration.

The consequence of Tang En's helping hand is that this guy feels that he can single out the sixth-order Icewind Demon Wolf, and wants to resist its spell attack to put pressure on himself ... then the idiot is frozen.

After blocking the Lockerma ice, the Icewind Devil Wolf opened his blood basin and bit his head up without hesitation!

Tang En quietly flicked his finger, a magical force shattered the ice layer of Lockma's body silently, followed by the loud roar of Lockma-this idiot thought he was using his own strength to break the ice The floor shattered ...

Just as the ice wind demon wolf was about to bite off Lokma's head, a very strong blood power suddenly broke out on Lokma, and all the magic around him rushed to him, forming a whirlpool of magical power!

The next moment, Lockma and the Icewind Demon Wolf suddenly disappeared from the crowd!


The whole audience was stunned and silent, and after a while, someone suddenly exclaimed: "Breakthrough! The leader broke through! The leader has finally been promoted to Grand Master!"

The head of Lockma was promoted at this time!

Promoted from a gold-level tomahawk fighter to a grandmaster tomahawk!

For the mercenaries of "Lockma's Axe", this is simply a great news!

The strength of the regimental commander means that these people are safer when performing tasks, and it also means that the regimental commander can become their strong backing and provide them with shelter!

"Grand Master! It's a domain! No wonder!"

"Master ... we actually saw the promotion of a master ... this is incredible ..."

"The strong fluctuation of power just now is really amazing. I seem to feel something!"

The adventurers looked at the mercenaries with an envious look. Their regiments became stronger and they were also good, but the adventurers were different. They could only rely on themselves.

However, in addition to Rockma's promotion, there are also many people who felt something when he was promoted. It was also a pleasant surprise at the moment. They knew that with this experience, the probability of them being promoted to grandmaster was higher. It's up!

At this time, Tang En's face was wrong. Only he knew that Lockham's power was not enough to break through to the Grand Master level, but he did awaken the power of the field and became the Grand Master apocalypse.

What a **** hell!

Tang En felt that his roots were a little bit sour, and the corners of his mouth were torn. Could it be that the effect of spiritual suggestion is so powerful?

Undoubtedly, Lockma can be promoted, absolutely inseparable from Tang En. In the face of pressure, he is eager to break through the bottleneck and become stronger. At this time, Tang En's aura of spell gain gives him an illusion of breaking through the bottleneck, and then He thought that he would be able to break through today, even at the expense of using his physical body to resist the attacks of Warcraft.

Tang En rescued him again, and then deepened the illusion ...

It turned out that the dog. The **** guy really broke through ...

"Boom!", A huge head suddenly smashed in front of everyone, just the fiery wind devil wolf just now!

Immediately following was the red-faced Lockma, who patted the body of the ice wind demon wolf that resisted him: "Brothers! You can add meals at night!"

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