Things from Another World

Chapter 1196: The temptation from the goblin

In Dingle's camp, the campfire crackled, and there was a circle of kebabs on the side of the campfire-those Warcraft apparently had now become their supper.

A group of people drank around the campfire, drinking wine and blowing cows, and laughter echoed around them. They all toasted around Rokmar to celebrate his final promotion to the Grand Master. Rokma was obviously very happy. Undeniably, it was drunk and dim in a while.

Today is really lucky. The pressure of the Icewind Devil Wolf gave him the motivation to break through. Now it has become his experience value for promotion. The magic core in his body has also become Dinge's trophy, and even the fur on his body. It has also become Dinge ’s cloak. There is no waste on and around the body. It is really miserable, too miserable ...


The sharp laughter unique to Dingna's goblin came from a camp, and he pushed the curtain open and walked out in the blue-and-white devil wolf's cloak-although the fur of the ice wind demon wolf was huge enough to sew Dinge Made a bed sheet or rug, but he clung to it-even if more than four-fifths of the fur was dragging him to the floor.

——Yes have money, want style, talk about suffocation, do n’t talk to him about what is appropriate or not, he only knows that the ice wind demon wolf's skin is worth at least 100,000 gold! One hundred thousand gold that can be put on the body!

Not surprisingly, this is what Dinger is thinking at this moment.

"It's ridiculous, you know?"

Dinge pointed at the mercenaries outside and said to Jindi, who had a blue face behind him, "If it weren't for this mercenary group I hired, your people would have been buried in Warcraft's womb. Now you dare to mention it to me What trophy is split? "

According to the customary rules of Prandall, whoever first encounters Warcraft belongs to who belongs to Warcraft, but if he is not able to kill Warcraft and ask for foreign aid, then this Warcraft will have five or five points of valuable resources.

In addition, it is necessary to say that the loot of adventurers is generally exclusive, while the loot of mercenaries and mercenary regiments belongs to the employer. This is because the employer has paid for the mercenary while accepting the employment. With a generous remuneration, this is equivalent to buying out their power within a certain period of time, and the loot obtained with their power naturally belongs to the employer.

So Ding is very happy, let alone say that this sixth-order ice wind demon wolf alone, the total value of the demon core plus fur, claws, bones, etc. exceeds 200,000 gold, and he was let him The cost of hiring Lokmar's Axe is still slightly profitable, can he not be happy?

Now in Dinge's eyes, the reason why these batches of Warcraft brought by Gindy can turn into supper is all the credit for the "Roma of Axe" he hired.

"Shameless Greenskins!"

Gindy screamed, and seemed to want to override Dinger's voice: "If it wasn't for Lord Noble's healing divine magic, those of you would have died! How could you have killed that sixth-order ice wind demon Wolf!"

"Well, that may not be necessary."

Anyway, the ice wind demon wolf is dead, and it is impossible to fight another time, what else does he say?

Gindy couldn't wait to punch him hard: "You shameless guy--"

"Wait, I think you're right!"

At this time, Dinger took a meal and suddenly said, "His Lord Noble is indeed working hard."

"and so--"

"So I can share the loot directly with him, why should I share it with you?"

Dinge looked at Tang En coming from a distance, put on his clothes, and greeted him with a very bright smile.

"Her Excellency Noble! My friend! Are you satisfied with the hospitality tonight?"

Tang En was listening to the intelligence gathering, and Ding, who suddenly appeared in front of him, almost tripped him. Tang En stunned: "Are you?"

"Dinger, Dinger Blackfire, employer of Lockhema's Axe, captain and investor of Infinite Demolition Archeological Team, expert and security consultant, and economic consultant ..."

"Oh, Hello."

A series of famous names came down. Dizzy Tang En only remembered that his name was Dinge. Heihuo, the employer of this mercenary group, the captain and boss of the Goblin Archeological Team ...

"His Noble Emperor, in order to thank you for your great contribution in the fight against Warcraft today, I specially decided to ... give you the core of the ice wind demon wolf!"

After Ding hesitated, he made a decisive decision.

He is an unprofitable goblin. If it is someone else, Dinge will probably change his reward, but the sacrifice of the goddess in front of him has to be treated with caution.

His keen sense of smell told him that the body in front of him was full of breath of wealth-this means that investment in this person can at least get more than ten times the return!

Even if he didn't invest, he could die at a critical moment, and the investment income this time is already considerable!

"Oh, thanks."

Tang En took the core of the ice wind demon wolf and closed it directly.

that's it? Gone?

Ding blinked, and the reaction was a bit strange ...

That is the magic core of the ice wind demon wolf. The magic core of the sixth-level Warcraft magic core is already very pure, and the value is almost overtaking the essence of magic. In other words, this magic core is a treasure worth 10,000 gold!

His response was so bland-oh! Yes!

Dinge saw the cloak on his body, and then suddenly remembered that this man was a sacrifice of the goddess of the earth. Similar to the elves, he should be living a penance life from the forest. He did not know the value and role of money, so He would be so indifferent, otherwise how could a person suddenly receive such a huge sum of money, how could there be no excited response?

Well, it must be true!

Ding himself thought he saw the truth, so he began to ponder again. He didn't know the meaning of wealth, so it would be meaningless to use wealth to seduce. So what should I use to entice him to join his team?

What human beings like to pursue is nothing more than wealth, power, beauty, and strength. The wealth that they have the most confidence in has lost its effect, and power and strength cannot be given by themselves. So ... is there only beauty?

But where can I find him this beautiful woman in the wilderness? There are a lot of beasts ... you can't let your Xiaomi accompany him?

Then again, isn't it clear which one of Xiaomi and a goddess of sacrifice is more valuable?

Ding began to seriously consider the feasibility of letting Xiaomi warm his bed to seduce Tang En.

If Tang En knew what he was thinking, he would probably hesitate to slap Dinge's face with his shoes without hesitation--a Xiaomi, a goblin used to warm the bed, what could be other than a female goblin ...

But soon Dinger dispelled this idea again, for no reason, just because he suddenly wanted to understand a little bit-a human being who is practising in the jungle and serving the goddess wholeheartedly, does n’t even care about wealth, how can it be Care about a beauty?

So the question came, how was he moved by Gindy to join his team?

Dinge asked this doubt casually.

Tang En said, "Because I am also very interested in exploring the ruins."

……It's that simple?

Dinge was dumbfounded, but a human, but interested in exploring the prehistoric relics of the dwarf and goblin civilization, sounds strange.

But this is certainly better!

Dinge said immediately excitedly: "Hi Noble, do you know if you are interested in joining our archeological team? Our infinite blasting archeological team has the most professional staff, the most considerate configuration, and the best logistical support. , So that you can live as graceful as aristocracy even in the ruins! IMHO, following those who are leprosy, you will not feel the fun of archeology. "

Tang En froze, why did this suddenly start digging the corner?

"Don't promise him!"

Gindy suddenly rushed out from behind and shouted anxiously: "These green-skinned monsters can do nothing but destroy ruins! I don't know how many precious civilization ruins have been destroyed by them!"

"You bullshit!"

Dinger shouted: "Our personnel are the most professional! What can you do with those outdated equipment !?"

"You idiots!"

Gindy also shouted, "You will only use the bomb to violently break the door. What else will you do besides using violence !? This is also the case in the last relic. You do n’t know how much those things were smashed by you. Valuable! It is likely that there is information that cracks the secrets of our ancestors! "

"Only idiots who can't open the door to the ruins will find this excuse! In the end, those devices have not been taken by us? If it were not for us, you would not even have seen the devices inside!"

"Do n’t have an idiot with no professional knowledge to stop the great and professional cause of archeology! Those devices have not been given to our great craftsman Croto by your Leviz, begging us to crack the mystery inside as soon as possible ? This in itself shows that you green-eared monsters are not as technically as us! "

"Ha! What stupid words did you guys haven't cracked after so long! If you leave it to us, we should have already studied the mysteries inside!"

Gindy and Dinge scuffled again when they didn't agree, and the mercenaries and adventurers not far from the campfire saw Haha laughing.

"A fight again!"

"Yeah, the gnome and the goblin are truly a family ..."

Down next heard the conversation between the two of them and hesitated. What they said was that it was the prehistoric communicators that Leviz asked him to give to Croto?

That thing was actually dug up by them?

Tang En's eyes narrowed slightly. If so, the two archeological teams would still be quite successful.

So the question came, from which relics did they dig out those communicators?

There ... will there be other intact equipment left?

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