Things from Another World

Chapter 1197: Robot guards of prehistoric civilization

In the collapsed mine, the channel is abnormally rugged, and there are cracks and falling rocks everywhere, and a dark and weird sound is heard from time to time in the dark channel.

A group of archeological teams composed of humans, goblins, and gnomes moved forward carefully in this environment. It was only a short while after the mine collapsed, and the surroundings were completely dark. The torches held in their hands gave this dark underground passage Bring a touch of light.

"Although I agreed to let you in, but you listened to me and listened to my commands. I am the supreme commander here! Understand !?"

"What stupid do you say to a layman! Of course, in such professional occasions, you still have to listen to my expert!"

"You idiot! I should just let them throw you out!"

Not surprisingly, Dinge and Jindi quarreled again because of command. Of course, this is already the routine of this team, so no one cares.

That's right, after Tang En's hard work, Dinge finally compromised and reluctantly agreed to accept Jindi's team to join the exploration of the ruins at the same time-strictly speaking, the person he really wanted was actually Tang En.

There are many dangers in the process of exploring the ruins. Even with the protection of the Lockheed Mercenary Regiment, accidents are easy to occur. However, with Tang En's presence, these people's lives are guaranteed, although he is "not fighting" But the significance of his existence is more important than a strong guard.

"To shut up!"

After the breakthrough of the strength, Lockma's right to speak also increased a lot, and his attitude towards Ding Ge's speech was not as pretentious as before.

Lockma said very cautiously: "It's dangerous here, if you don't want to die, don't make any big noises!"

Although there was nothing special here, Lockham's intuition told him that it wasn't quite flat here-think about it, if it was really peaceful here, the goblins wouldn't hire them.


Ding Ge snorted and ignored Gindy.

Gindy slipped his lips and whispered next to Tang En: "Hi Lord Noble, if this guy is injured, you must not heal him immediately, delay him for a while!"


Tang En was speechless.

Lockma asked: "How far is it from the destination?"

Dinger took out a scroll and glanced at it: "It's been almost ten degrees since we entered the mine ... according to the news we got a little deeper, and then we can see the entrance to the ruins."

"Abominable! Those idiots got this information!"

Gindy cursed and wasn't stingy.

"Idiot, as long as you have money, what information is not available?"

Dinge shook the scroll in his hand proudly: "What we got was the most detailed information. Compared to what you have ... Oh oh, I remember that some people with leprosy seem to have no money to buy everything. Intelligence, so you do n’t even know where the entrance is? ”

Gindy's face turned black, but he had nothing to say, because he was telling the truth.


The moving Lockma suddenly stopped and waved her hand, her expression quite serious.

Rustling rustling ...

Dinger's ears shook: "What is it?"

The sound quickly approached them, and Lockma immediately pulled out the tomahawk on his back, listening only to the loud sound of "Boom". The tunnel wall on the side of the crowd suddenly cracked, and a huge black cricket insect appeared and bit him He took the nearest mercenary, and then went straight into the dirt on the other side!

"Andy! Damn it!"

The worm was extremely fast, even though Lockemar was ready, and even the axe waved out, but it still did not stop it.

On the contrary, the adventurer standing next to the mercenary, because he had always maintained a high degree of vigilance, rolled out the first time, and fortunately saved his life.

"What the **** is that !?"

"I just saw its teeth! A lot of teeth!"

"I have never seen this kind of Warcraft!"

"be quiet!"

Lokma yelled: "Be vigilant, don't stay here, move on!"

"But head, Andy he--"

"I'm also in pain, but do you think he can survive with Andy's strength?"

Lockma said very painfully: "We can only find a way to avenge him."

The team started to move forward, but the speed slowed down a lot. They also took out their weapons and were always alert to the monster that just appeared again.

"So I said, these guys may not be as reliable as the adventurers we are looking for. Do you mean, Lord Noble ... Noble Noble?"

Gindy suddenly realized in horror that Tang En, who had been standing beside him, disappeared!

Could it be that he was also attacked by that monster just now! ?

"The big deal is bad! Your Noble Lord is gone!"


"He was just here!"

"We are fast--"

Tang En is the life support for these people who dare to come here to explore. Now he is gone and everyone is panicked. When the flustered team is preparing to find Tang En, Tang En rushes back out of breath, still beside Followed by someone, Lockma looked at it, and immediately rejoiced: "Andy! Your kid is not dead!"

"Leader! Come on, everyone! The monster is chasing again!"

Andy, who had walked in front of the Ghost Gate, was clearly frightened, shouting and running towards this side.

"What to run!"

Lokma clenched the tomahawk, her whole body climbed to the extreme, and she yelled, "All are ready to fight, let us leave it here!"


The mercenaries of the Lockma's Axe immediately began to prepare for battle. Due to the narrow terrain and very dark vision, the peacetime battle plan was very different. The elongated team was easily attacked by Warcraft from the middle. They were directly divided into three columns , Shorten the length of the team as much as possible, and at the same time surrounded Dinger and protected them.

"Let's do it, too."

The adventurers also started to act. Unlike the mercenaries, they took a lot of items from the backpack, traps, potions, etc. They placed the traps behind the walls and the team, and then they were very powerful. The acid potion was placed on the trap, and then retracted into the team, holding a crossbow with paralysis potion, ready to fire at any time.

The tunnel began to vibrate again, and the dust ran down. The entire tunnel was filled with smoke and dust, and everyone had to cover their noses and mouths. The apocalypse inspired the blood armor and blocked the dust outside.

Just then, a sloppy **** mouth suddenly appeared in the darkness, rushing straight towards the person at the end of the team!


The mercenary standing at the back was terrified, and a tumultuous roll rolled away from the fatal blow!


The moment Warcraft hit the wall, it triggered a trap set by the adventurers. Various precious potions directly hit the shell of Warcraft. The burning potions illuminated a part of its body. The silver-gray surgery reflected the weirdness. Although the acid potion was poured on the body of Warcraft, it did not seem to have any effect, and the explosive potion did not prevent it from advancing.


The adventurers shot their arrows at once, and then heard a dingling clang.

"Step aside!"

Rokmar, who shone with red light, snarled and rushed up. Two axes were severely chopped on the body of Warcraft. Then everyone was horrified to find that many sparks were shot in the darkness!

Even Rockman's hands were numb with shock: "Damn! How hard is this guy's shell!"

Tang En looked at the "Warcraft" thoughtfully. Was it just ... an alloy shell?

If it is an alloy shell, that is to say, this so-called Warcraft is actually ...


Gindy suddenly shouted: "Don't carry it hard! It's a mechanical construct made by the ancestors! It must be because the ruins collapsed, so it woke up from sleep!"

Mechanical construct! ?

Rockma, who was shaken out by "Warcraft", was taken aback: "You said this thing was a product of 10,000 years ago! Is it so strong?"

Dinger said with pride: "This should be the mechanical guard used by the ancestors to protect the place, so it can be seen that this relic may be very important!"

Unsurprisingly, it really is a robot!

Tang Enmo rubbed his chin, but was the robot still moving ten thousand years ago? The energy technology of this dwarf and goblin prehistoric civilization seems a bit out of order!

But as Jindi said, there can be some important clues about prehistoric civilization where there is such a guard robot to guard!

"Damn it, this is not a good place!"

Because the place is too narrow, they ca n’t go all out to fight. Mercenaries and adventurers are all in a mess, lest they accidentally hurt each other, but if the enemy is too dangerous to go all out, there is no way to defeat the other party.

Abnormally yakumo yelled, "Let's back down! Give it to me!"

Rokmar roared, and while the others were backing, she rushed up alone, and immediately followed, the huge mechanical construct disappeared from the eyes of everyone-it was entered into his realm by Rokmar.

No one knows how fierce the battle in the realm is, only half an hour later, when the realm was lifted and Lokmar reappeared, one of his arms was broken, and a large piece of meat was missing from it. Sensen's bones, his body is also scarred with abnormal scars.

The two tomahawks in his hands were stuck on the head of the mechanical structure behind, and the structure was motionless, apparently the central computer was damaged.

Tang En looked at the broken robot with regret. The stuff of prehistoric civilization that might be stored in this gadget might be too bad to destroy it.

If one can capture one to crack the research, it is likely to greatly improve the current level of science and technology.

However, after treating Lokma well, after everyone observed the mechanical structure for a while, this pity disappeared from Tang En's mind ...

Because it's not a guard robot, it's just an ordinary mining robot.

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