Things from Another World

Chapter 1198: Stuck horse honeycomb

Gindy knocked on the hard alloy shell and pointed at the front structure. "You see, according to my analysis, the front structure is obviously designed to facilitate the rapid and rapid crushing of earth and rocks, as well as the two sides. The mouthpiece is clearly used to crush large ore-so this construct was actually made by the ancestors for mining. "

Having said that, Gindy looked at Dinge with a mock face and said, "A stupid man thought he was a guard robot left by his ancestors? He was stupid enough! Is he worthy to be the leader of an archeological team? It looks green There are really no talents over there. "

"Asshole! You say it's a construct for mining. Is that it? The evidence?"

"Evidence? You'll see evidence later."

Gindy shook his lips. Although they really wanted to dismantle the mining robot for research now, they may have more important discoveries before, so they threw the mining robot here first-it couldn't run anyway, If nothing is found before, it doesn't make much difference to look back.

The team continued deep into the collapsed pit. After a while, they came to a hollowed out underground cave and stopped at the wall on the side of the cave.

"It's here! It must be here!"

Dinge looked at the wall in front. There was a twisted crack on the wall. From the shape and material on both sides of the crack, it should have been cracked by the impact of the legendary magic star falling. The original sealed inside was therefore And exposed.

He looked at the scroll in his hand. The image of the crack drawn on the scroll under the fire was the same as before. This was the passage exposed after the battle.

"Don't go in first! Let me try."

Lokma threw a torch in, and the torch flew into the ground, and there was only a small spot left. The drop before and after the crack was about tens of meters, but the dirt and gravel in the collapsed tunnel poured out from the crack. After entering, a **** was formed, which saved a lot of effort.

In the dark ruins, the fire lit that ray of light all around, and everyone saw something vaguely, but couldn't see what it was because it was too far away.

Tang En, who stood behind, raised an eyebrow, and the people of Plandal have also discovered the existence of "air" in the exploration, knowing that people will suffocate and die in a confined space-but specifically because of what suffocated, they It has not been studied yet.

But then again, due to the existence of the four series of elements, in addition to the combustion reaction of the combination of oxygen itself with the material, there are also forms of heat released by the fire element itself. The two methods coexist at the same time, which is very puzzling.

"The torch didn't go out, you can go on."

Lokma waved her hand, stepped into the rift first, and then slid down the **** with a torch. Everyone watched as his figure became smaller and smaller. Eventually, the whole person disappeared into the darkness, only swaying. The torch's light was shaking in the darkness.

After waiting for a long time without receiving a response from Lockma, the crowd could not help but shouted, "Head, what's going on?"


At the bottom of the pit, Lockma looked at the mechanical structure in front of her, and shuddered: "... don't come down ..."


"I said-don't come down !!!"

Lokma roared, and rushed back in an instant: "Quickly withdraw! This is all the monster just now!"


Everyone was stunned, and then they saw a dark cave, and suddenly a red star was lit, and the jerky metal friction sounded slowly, just like when the equipment that had not been maintained for a long time finally reactivated, A slightly stiff mechanical sound sounded in the cave.

"It's an ancient language! It says 'system restart'!"

Gindy was very excited to help everyone translate those voices, and also quickly recorded the voices in the cave.

"... failed to synchronize the satellite network link ... time synchronization failed ... task list loading failed ... retry connection timed out ... connection resetting ... connection failed ..."

"... The offline local system is starting ... Restart is complete ... Self-inspection begins ... The energy system self-inspection passes ... 12% of the remaining energy ... The energy system begins to be recharged, and it is expected that the recharge will be completed in 36 minutes ... Self-balancing system error, gyroscope calibration failed ... Mining function module detection passed ... Ore screening and melting module failure ... Abnormal furnace temperature ... Self-maintenance system failed to start ... Repair module is damaged ... Warning, it is recommended to stop operation immediately, Waiting for engineers to rescue ... emergency help message has been sent ... stop order has not been received ... "

The red light below was getting brighter and brighter, and Rockmar ran all the way. After rushing up, I saw Gindy and Dinger recording the following voices, and suddenly yelled at them: "Not yet !? Do you want to die !? "

Just one construct just made him so embarrassed. There are at least a dozen constructs below, how could they win!

"Don't go! I hire you just to protect us in this situation!"

Dinge was completely excited at this moment, even forgot the grudges with Jindi, and he hugged Jindi and shook him: "Hold it down! The pronunciation of these ancient words are precious information! "

"Without your nonsense! I'm already doing it!"

Looking at the two dwarfs who had forgotten the danger, Lockma suddenly understood why so many colleagues in the past had never been willing to accept the employment of goblins after working with them once.

Once these guys get excited, they don't know how to write dead words!

Their duty is to protect the employer, but it does not include death!

And now this is simply a situation of death!

"Damn! I knew I wouldn't accept this mission anymore!"

Lockemar cursed secretly. Although he was promoted to the Grand Master level for this task, it would be meaningless to die here.


There was a sudden buzzing sound in the cave, and a fiery steam spewed from the crack.

Immediately after that, a sharp alarm sounded in the cave: "Warning, unauthorized units were found in the mining area ... vital signs failed ... non-protected units, authorized locally, allowed free attacks-destroy invaders!"

Lying down!

Tang En was stunned to discover that the mining robots even came with their own enemy-friend identification function, and found that these people did not match the feature database, and immediately launched an attack!

"It turns out that after the furnace temperature rises, they will automatically release pressure to protect the internal structure! It is indeed the ancestor!"

Despite the yelling of the hot air, Gindy and Dinger and their group of dwarfs were even more excited.

There was a loud noise from "Booming", and the dark cave wall suddenly collapsed. More than a dozen mining robots rushed out of the ruins below and rushed directly at them!

Dinge shouted as he stepped back, "Rockma! Those who took you-kill them-but be careful not to damage them! These things are all treasures of 10,000 years ago! More expensive than you all add up!"

"I do. Your mother!"

Rao is a greek strong man like Lockham, who can't help swearing at the moment, kill them? What else can't be damaged? Tease me too! ?

"Now it is not a question of whether they will be damaged or not, but it is a question of whether we can survive!"

When Lockemar looked at the mining robot coming over, his face collapsed. Why did he stand on such a stupid employer?

"Cover and retreat to each other! Watch out for flanks and you may be attacked!"

While the mining robot was playing "Protection of the Mine" in turn, it approached the archeological team quickly. The pulverizer in the mouth had been activated, telling the rotating grinding wheel and lithotripter to look creepy.

The foremost mining robot slammed into it severely. With a loud noise, the entire Rockman was hit by a huge force on the wall, and his internal organs were paralyzed by shock.

So strong!

Tang En spilled the healing wave in a timely manner, and Lockma was relieved, struggling and jumping down, yelling, "Dinger! Illuminate here!"

"Got it!"

Dinge took a painful face and took out a bag and handed it to the next ranger. The ranger found a fist-sized light crystal from the bag, tied it to the arrow, and shot directly at the top of the cave!

After being inspired by the magic, Guangjing's light illuminated the entire cave, and everyone can finally see the full picture of the mining robot.

These mining robots have a total length of about 30 meters and a width of 5 or 6 meters. The sides of the body are equipped with many easy-to-move mechanical feet. The front end is a huge entrance for swallowing the earth ores. The body should be a melting furnace. After finishing the process, the ore can be directly smelted in the first step, which can remove at least 99% of the magazines. This is also a way to reduce the weight of the transportation and improve the efficiency.

The shells of these mining robots are scarred, and the original paint surface is no longer visible, leaving only the silver-white alloy background.

If Tang En talked about it, the mining robot would look like a big hoe, and the densely packed mechanical feet would continue to squirm, even if it knew the mechanical structure, it still made the scalp numb.

Tang En blessed the aura of magic gain to the people present, and quickly thought about the countermeasures.

Now they must not be able to solve these mining robots ... in other words, if you don't want to watch them die here, you have to shoot!

Thinking of this, Tang En planned to take a shot, but at this moment, a deafening crackling sound suddenly sounded in his ear, and the mine above his head suddenly shook violently. The cave just illuminated by Guangjing was suddenly Into a ray of sunlight, a figure appeared in front of everyone in the golden sun ...

Looking at the sudden appearance, Tang En was stagnation for a moment, then suddenly excited!

Eggwin! ?

This is a godsend!

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