Things from Another World

Chapter 1199: Aegwynn

When the mine suddenly collapsed, and everyone thought they were going to be buried alive, the earth above them suddenly cracked, and the dazzling sunlight like gold poured into this underground world, which did not know how long it had been closed.

Like a goddess, Aegwynn suddenly appeared in front of everyone, followed by falling from the sky, and a sword easily pierced a mining robot, and the violent sword gas shouted to tear the mining robot into pieces, and then the hurricane Aegwin in the center fluttered her blond hair and looked at Tang En. When she saw Tang En, she was puzzled for a moment. Apparently, Tang En's dress was also confusing her, and she didn't even recognize her for a moment. Get him out.

A moment later, Aigwin's face showed a surprised and confused expression, it seems that he did not expect to encounter Tang En here.

Tang En was also shocked and happy at the moment. He had planned to pull Aegwynn together for this escape holiday, but it was too sudden, he didn't even have the chance to call her and ran away!

I did not expect to meet each other here instead!

All this is God!

Genie! ?

Lockemar noticed the man's ears, which were pointed and long, and his body was very slim and slender. His face was even more beautiful and sighing.

Who else besides Elves?

Lockemar was covering his chest and his heart was pounding. He felt like he fell in love with the elf at first sight, but ... this is bound to be a beautiful unrequited love ...

Because the elves have not been intermarried with humans for many years, age is one aspect, and the contradictory relationship with humans is another aspect-not to mention, Lockma is also a Grace who is more eye-catching in the human kingdom ...

The sudden appearance of the elf caused a commotion in the crowd. They even forgot to continue to escape the attack of the mining robot. When they looked at the face obsessively, many people were recruited, and a wounded appeared instantly.


As soon as Aegwin was about to speak, Tang En suddenly shouted in surprise: "Isn't this Emilia !? Why are you here !?"

What the **** is Emilia?

As soon as she was ready to ask, she saw Tang En winking at her, and then she heard Tang En shout, "Everyone can be relieved, Emilia is my Noble Emperor's good friend! You are so kind, Even if I am a sacrificial sacrifice to the goddess of the earth, so many wounded people are difficult to take care of, and quickly kill all the mechanical structures-if possible, it is better not to destroy them too hard! "

Emilia? Noble? The sacrifice of the goddess of the earth?

Igwen suddenly realized that Tang En was playing a game of hiding identity, and wanted her to follow her identity too. Aiwen's eyes turned, nodded, and took out two ordinary Ellington swords to smash. Mining robots!

"Her Lord Noble knows that elf?"

Dinger was surprised: "Humans and elves make good friends, this is very rare."

"What an idiot!"

Gindy despise his IQ very much: "Since Lord Noble is a sacrifice of the goddess of the earth, it must have been recognized by the elf tribe, otherwise how could it enter the goddess of the earth? Now that it is approved, knowing one or two elves also Is it normal? "

"But ... this elf lady doesn't seem to be an ordinary elf ..."

The mercenary next to him couldn't help but swallowed his mouth and pointed at the front battlefield stupidly: "More than twenty such powerful mechanical structures, only four or five are left in the blink of an eye ... Ah! He was killed again! "

While talking, just listening to the "bang" in front, another mining robot fell down, and Aegwynn fluttered her blond hair, raised her two swords and continued to attack. It was too easy to deal with these enemies. She even had her own strength. No excitement.


There was a hint of doubt in Tang En's eyes. Was it an illusion? How does it feel that Aegwynn was a bit stiff when using swordsmanship ... It wasn't because what happened to Morolt ​​made her a little embarrassed, so when I suddenly saw me?

Well, with her simple character, it must be like this, nothing wrong!

Lokmar rubbed her chest and walked to Tang En, asking tentatively, "Her Lord Noble, is she your friend?"

"To be exact, she is my fiancee."

At a glance, Tang En saw what this guy thought, and he simply and rudely thought that he shouldn't have it.


Rockma's eyes were straight: "You're human, she's an elf, right? You actually have an elf fiancee !?"

"Is there anything strange about this?"

"It's not that weird that it's strange, it might as well be weird everywhere!"

Rockma didn't know where to start vomiting. It was better for a human to become the sacrifice of the goddess of the earth. Now he even has an elf beauty fiance! Where did this guy emerge as the winner of life!

"But this is true."

Tang En shrugged and shamelessly described his relationship with Aegwynn as an established fact.

"It's really amazing! You actually have an elf fiancee!"

Even Jindi looked at Tang En in amazement. This kind of thing was a big news for them.

Even if the dwarf has been living in the mountains and forests, he often hears about the elves from the dwarves. It is not a day or two thing between the elves and humans. It seems to have eased up until recently. Therefore, Tang En can become an elf beauty. Husband and wife, Jindi will be so surprised.

Just as Tang En was talking to them, Aegwin had defeated all of the mining robots. She turned over the robots and chuckled towards Tang En with a smile.

Seeing her mysterious smile and sloppy posture, Rockma was even more excited. He could not wait to replace Tang En as the lucky man, but now he can only look at the lucky man with envy and envy. Embrace with the beauty of the elves.

Dunn whispered in Eggwin's ear, "Why are you here?"

"I just happened to pass here and felt the fluctuations in the fighting here, so I broke in."

Aegwynn whispered something and then asked curiously, "What's going on with Noble? And Emilia?"

"It's just a pseudonym of rivers and lakes. In short, it's not convenient to reveal the real name now, you can remember."

If Aigwin accidentally said his real name, it wouldn't be long before the elf girls who followed him would hear the news. At that time, he couldn't even run away if he wanted to run.

Thinking of this, Tang En suddenly remembered a very important thing-Aigwin was also an elf, what if she was also invited by Isari to find herself! ? Wouldn't this be a direct self-trap! ?

"Aigwin, were you asked by Isari to come out and look for me?"

After asking this question, Tang En looked at her very nervously. Even if she was very happy to see her sweetheart, if she was caught back as a breeding stallion, it wouldn't be good.

"Why do you ask that?" Eggwin tilted his head and looked at Tang En with a little confusion. "Is there anything your Majesty is looking for you?"

"It's nothing, I just ask casually ..."

Tang En chuckled, wondering why he didn't always feel right. To be on the safe side, Tang En even secretly tested it with magic when he was in contact to make sure there was no spell effect such as deformation on his opponent. It is said that Aegwynn is in front of him!

But Tang En always feels that her eyes are a little bit wrong ...

——It is like the proud look after the success of the prank ...

-Probably an illusion ... How could Eggwin play a prank on me? You ca n’t even ask for that kind of thing ...

——It's impossible that she suddenly changed her character?

After he couldn't figure it out, Tang En simply didn't want to, and smiled and issued an invitation: "If you don't mind, why not be with me? It's a chance to relax yourself."

"A chance to relax ..."

Eggwin murmured and nodded suddenly with a smile: "Then I'll be here with you for a few days. But I can't stay too long."

Although Aegwin emphasized that she could not stay too long, Tang En, who was surprised by the unexpected, was still unable to do so, and immediately pulled her to introduce it to others.

And this time, he even made it worse, bullying Aigwin simply and not sensible, and declared directly to her in front of everyone-"This is my fiancee Ai ... Emilia! Come and say hi to everyone."

"Hello everyone, my name is Emilia and I'm happy to meet you."

Aigwin greeted with a smile. The elegant and generous elf etiquette flattered everyone present, especially she was such a strong and powerful man, and this etiquette made them even more unacceptable. Panickingly in return, Eggwin looked indifferent.

Tang En said helplessly: "Don't be polite, first talk about how these mining robots handle it!"

Dinge waved his cane excitedly and shouted, "Do you still need to say this? Of course, you should remove them first and study the internal structure! If you can successfully imitate them, it will be a lot of wealth!"

"Ignore this idiot who only knows wealth, he doesn't understand the significance of these constructs at all!"

Jindi said with a cold hum: "If this mining structure can be re-imitated, the future excavation work will be greatly improved, and the mining efficiency will be more than doubled. Even the entire Prandall will be affected by this. Benefit! "

Tang En has no interest in this mining technology. He is more interested in how to analyze the advantages of this mining robot and then use it on existing equipment, such as gyroscopes, or according to this mining robot. , Re-developed a war machine-strictly speaking, this kind of multi-legged robot that ignores terrain is more suitable for the battlefield than humanoid robots.

The reason why so many people are enthusiastic about developing humanoid robots is just for one reason, handsome!

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