Things from Another World

Chapter 1204: Between us is simple

The next day, in a messy tent, Tang En glared at "Aegwin" sitting in front of him, and gritted his teeth, "I really want to kill you now, do you know?"

"Igwin" blinked and said very smartly: "So didn't I remind you last night? Just don't kill me today ..."

Having said that, "Aigwin" rubbed the red and swollen area and said a little bit grievously, "Not to mention, haven't you taught me hard?"

Tang En said a little annoyed, "Pretend to die, even this body is obviously replaced, at best it is just an inflatable doll, it will hurt?"

"It's so ruthless," "Aegwin" grinned, "Who was so crazy last night?"

"Every night!"

Tang En blushed: "Last night you asked for it! No wonder I!"

That's right, the "Egwin" that suddenly appeared in front of him yesterday turned out to be every night!

This is really ridiculous!

It's so ridiculous that Tang En can't understand it!

However, this seems obvious again ...

No matter how you think about it, Eggwin can't suddenly understand Tang En's feelings for her, let alone just understand it, and immediately rush to come like this ...

Or is he too young to think too simple!

If he asked a few more words yesterday when he noticed a sense of disobedience, things would not have reached this point.

Now every night he started to tease him, what majesty can he say!

Every night, he looked at Tang En very playfully: "Who was so excited when he knew I wasn't Aegwynn?"

Tang En snorted coldly: "I was to punish you for your boldness!"

"It's a good excuse. Even I feel like I really do."

Every night he clapped his hands and looked at Tang En with a smile: "But how do I feel that you are really upset because Igwin has not responded to your feelings, and I really regarded me as Igwin last night? "

In the face of every night's playful eyes, Tang En was speechless, because what Ye Ye said was almost a fact.

"Abominable, how could I be so easy to win ..."

Tang En was very distressed. She laughed every night without saying a word. When she used "Infatuation Incense" last night, she controlled the amount. She tried to use infatuation several times in a row. It's easy to find if you use more.

With the image of Aegwin as a cover up, only a little bit of scent as a catalyst can play a role beyond imagination.

From the results of last night, her plan went very smoothly.

and many more! ?

Tang En suddenly took a breather: "Aren't you helping Isari and Lola find me?"

Every night a charming smile: "Guess what?"

"I do not guess you guess guess?"

Tang En gritted his teeth and looked at her: "I'm not honest yet, be careful, I'll make you speechless!"

"I'm so scared ..."

Every night she covered her mouth and laughed, just as Tang En was about to start, she waved her hand and said, "Okay, don't tease you, I'm really helping them find you, and it's not just me, the elves side But a lot of elves were dispatched. "

Speaking of this, he blinked every night, looking at Tang En indifferently: "Guess what? It's all" Aegwin "..."

Tang En took a breath of air: "Are they crazy?"

"Well, I had a hard time understanding them at first, but now I seem to understand ..."

Every night I filmed Tang En: "Younger generation, your technique is good, I am very satisfied! I will continue to work hard!"

The distracted Tang En gave her a look of anger, "Go away ..."

"But you don't need to worry about it."

Ye Ye said with a big grin: "Except that I can easily change the body, they are just a simple make-up, and there are many differences from the real Eggwin. In order to reduce the possibility of exposure, they even You dare not use metamorphosis, you can see it if you are more careful. "

"Do you think that after this happened, I can still have the mood to pay attention to how they make up?"

Every night laughed: "Just whatever you want, anyway, it wasn't me who fled ... Well, it's a memorable day. I have lived for more than a thousand years, and I didn't expect that I would also be a real woman."

"Have you never married before?"

"No. At that time, I was obsessed with martial arts. How could I think of something else? Otherwise, I would not be a legendary power?"

Shouting every night: "Speaking of which, have you ever seen someone who became a legendary powerhouse when he became a family? Feelings can distract people and not focus on becoming stronger. Even geniuses can easily stop at the supreme level, so all People basically have to think about feelings after they have been promoted to legend. "

Tang En thought for a while, as if she really said that ...

"Now that you found me, that is to say, next you have to send them a message and ask them to come to me?"

Looking at Tang En's eagerness, he suddenly laughed out loud every night: "Look at your nervous look ... what did they do to you to make you panic?"

Tang En said blankly, "Nothing, just the things we did last night."

"Don't you look happy last night? Why are you so scared?"

Tang En continued to say blankly: "No matter how interesting the thing becomes interest once it becomes work, it will become dull and boring ... Especially, there are people waiting in line every day waiting for you to pay rations ..."

As if recalling the fear of being dominated by Isari, Tang En could not help but stun.

Every night he looked at Tang En with ambiguousness: "So what do you want me to do?"

"Of course I hope you continue to keep me secret!"

"It's not difficult to keep secret, but ..."

Every night I got to Tang En and exhaled in his ear: "How do you buy me?"

"do not do that."

Tang En is uncomfortable. If it was Ye Ye's original appearance, he would not have any reaction, but Ye Ye now stands in the image of Aegwin, which is going to be fatal ...

"I'll call and tell them you're here."

"do not!"

"and so……"


Tang En conceded and asked dejectedly, "What do you want?"

"What do I want ... a lot of things I want ..."

Every night licked his lips, and suddenly a charming smile appeared: "Why not put it first? I think about it later?"

"No, now, right now, right now, expired!"

Tang En put aside his face and watched "Aigwin" 's face show such a charming smile, which really made him ... his heart beat faster.

"It's really not considerate to the lady at all. Obviously I was still so intimate last night. Could this be the so-called turning face and not knowing anyone?"

Tang En said sternly, "We don't have any feelings at all, right?"

"Then you're awesome, you can be so happy with you without emotion."

Every night he laughed again: "But it ’s really hard to think about what I want. Of course, what I want is to make up my body to become the strongest perfect doll body in history. Unfortunately, the Hohenheim family now Doesn't seem to have that ability ... "

Tang En silently, he suddenly thought of a very important question: "Wait? How did you know I was here? Does anyone know?"

"Of course it's because of the contract. How could anyone know?"

Every night rubbing his chest and giving him a white eye: "We have signed a contract between us, I'm anyway a legendary strongman, it is not a problem to sense your general direction through the power of the contract."

"Mingming is now just a pseudo-legend, what more is there to say!"

"A pseudo-legend is also a legend! Well, if I can find a powerful source of life and let me make up for the missing pieces, I can restore the true legendary power ..."

Ye Ye spread his palms every night and was about to say something, but his face suddenly changed, and he looked at his palms in shock.

It turns out that ... No wonder they ...

He smiled every night to disguise the expression just now: "It's better, I won't report your whereabouts to them for the time being, and I won't go back. How about following you like this? This completes the task without revealing your whereabouts It ’s beautiful. "


"why not?"

Every night put on a pitiful look: "Although I'm not Aegwin, you can think of me as Aegwin. You see, if I stay with you, you can keep your eyes good during the day, and you can warm up at night. ! "

Tang En's breathing was abruptly rushed a lot: "You, you, do you have a little bit of exercise!"

"Don't hide it, your eyes have betrayed your thoughts."

He laughed every night, "It seems that you are also looking forward to my proposal ... Although it is not genuine, at least you can use it as real, isn't it?"

"Don't you be sad at all when I treat me as someone else?"

"Why are you sad?"

Every night, she looked at Tang En in amazement: "You let me experience the feeling of a real woman, and I still want to thank you, if you think I will fall in love with you because of this ... ha ha ha ha ha ha ... don, don't Blame me for laughing too much, in which case you would be too naive and cute ... we would at best use each other. "

"Like you said, we do n’t have any deep feelings. The relationship between us is very simple, it ’s just a physical relationship ... oh wait, my body is not a body, it ’s just a puppet, so You are even less psychologically stressed. "

Tang En's brain is blue and straight, it is already a physical relationship, and she is just an egg!

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