Things from Another World

Chapter 1205: Drank 10,000 years of history

"Oh my friend, why did you get up at this time? We are all-uh, huh ..."

Seeing Tang En step out of the tent, Lockma said hello, and then he saw Ye Ye behind Tang En, and suddenly his face became stiff, and he laughed, his eyes full of envy. .

It's enviable to marry an elf ...

After all, compared with human beings, elf life is extremely long. From the perspective of men's selfishness, marrying an elf wife, you never have to worry about the wife is old and young, and you are always so young and beautiful.

As for the lonely life of his wife after his death? When that kind of thing is on the brain of the sperm, who cares!

"Nah, I found out yesterday, that guy ’s look at‘ I ’is very wrong. He ’s probably concerned about your‘ Igwin ’. Do n’t you be jealous?”

After her identity was revealed, Ye Yeke didn't have that kind of stubbornness anymore. She completely let go of her and returned to nature, holding Tang En's arm and laughing.

Tang En said angrily: "He didn't do anything. I can kill him, but can I still restrain others from thinking?"

Every night straightened his lips: "Cut, it's boring, I thought you would kill him without saying a word, you're not overbearing at all."

"Am I the kind of person in your eyes?"

Every night immediately refreshed and excited: "It's the kind of talent that is interesting. Otherwise, the two of us leave here, and then turn into couple adventurers and run around. I'm responsible for pulling hatred. How about you responsible for killing people? Not me Blow, go out in the face of Aegwin. Nine out of ten men want to go to me. There is also a problem with orientation, which will definitely make you happy! "

Tang En looked at Yeye with a terrified look: "I didn't expect you to be so cruel!"

"What is this?"

Every night disdainful: "It was after the first chaotic invasion war that Gilad Illus unified the Kingdom of Orlando and the Kingdom of Kansas. Only then did Prandall usher in the era of civilization. I haven't seen anything? It's just killing some social scum, dregs. What's the big deal. "

Tang En shook his head, grabbed a breakfast for Ye Ye, and said casually: "But those people probably didn't want to do bad things at first, but you planned to hook them up, lead them, and darken their hearts. Zoomed out, that's why I wanted to attack you and gave you an excuse to kill. "

"I feel nothing bad."

Ye Ye didn't feel anything wrong with her thoughts: "It's just that you are too simple and kind ... Oh, I just mean this."

"Don't do that anymore."

Tang En shook his head. He wanted to purify society. He relied on positive education, orderly guidance, and effective sanctions and deterrence against evil. In this way, after several generations, the ethics of the whole society naturally became very good. It is impossible to count on killing some potential bad guys in front of you to make the whole society better.

"So boring ..."

Ye Ye was actually very excited at this moment. She wanted to find a place to find an object to vent, because when she was in the tent just now, she found that her strength had increased!

To be precise, it is a little recovery from the realm of pseudo-legend to the realm of original legend!

To explain, if the realm of legend is 100/100/100, when the night is dying, it will be transformed into a puppet body and reduced to a pseudo-legend, the upper limit of strength will become 50/50/100, and the strength will be greatly reduced.

But when she was trying to drive power in the tent just now, she was shocked to find that her power limit had increased to about 50.1 / 50.1 / 100, which was minimal, but she was keenly aware of it!

What special happened yesterday?

Solving robots and exploring remains are nothing.

The special thing is, of course, that she was incarnate Aegwynn, and was successfully overthrown by Tang En!

After careful analysis, Ye Ye came to an amazing conclusion: with Tang Enpa. Pap. Pap can actually restore her original strength? Or even stronger?

Every night I do n’t know if this is a unique situation for her or for other women. If everyone has it, then Lola and Isari are so hungry for Tang Enpa. Can understand.

No one would be willing to give up a way to become stronger so easily.

Obviously, only the source of life can repair her flaws, and let her regain her strength. Is that thing that Tang En can be regarded as the source of life?

Ye Ye didn't expect that the source of life that she longed for for a long time was even beside her ...

If that thing is the source of life she is after ...

Try drinking next time?

Maybe the effect will be better ...

Of course, Tang En didn't know what he was thinking about every night. He simply ate something and went to Jindi. They seemed to have started work last night, and they didn't know what they found.

"Lord Noble!"

Jin Di just saw Tang En and immediately shouted excitedly: "You can't guess what we found last night!"

"A new alloy?"


Gindy paused: "How did you guess?"

"Isn't this obvious?"

Tang En shrugged: "What else can be found in an ore refining center?"

It is said that it is an ore refining center, but judging from the scientific and technological level of prehistoric civilization, it should actually be an integrated ore smelting and synthesis center. Prehistoric civilization is likely to use the ore here to synthesize their commonly used alloys. When disasters occur, It must be running normally here, and it is normal to leave a lot of finished and semi-finished products.

"Well, you guessed it, we did find a new alloy, which seems to be the type of alloy used in mining constructs and patrol constructs. Now we are analyzing the composition of the ingredients in reverse based on the raw materials. If we work out, maybe we can synthesize this alloy! "

"You think too much."

Tang En said: "The synthesis of an alloy requires various conditions, such as high temperature, high pressure, or a special catalytic environment. Even if you have analyzed the alloy's raw materials, it cannot be manufactured if the conditions for the preparation cannot be reduced."

"Uh, you're right ... but how do you understand these things?"

Gindy froze again. This knowledge is generally only studied by gnome engineers. Even he is only half-knowledgeable, but Tang En came in handy without any hesitation. It is strange that he knows this very well.

Does the sacrifice of the goddess of the earth have to learn the smelting of metal ore?

Tang En shouted: "I just accidentally saw something similar in the notes of an alchemist of the elven family before, so I got to know a little."

"That's it ... by the way, we also found something weird, if you're interested--"

Gindy nodded, and as soon as he was about to speak, he heard a snoring sound.

Turning his head, Dinger was holding a strangely shaped container, which was almost half empty.

Before Tang En spoke, Gindy next to him exploded and snarled: "Look what you've done! The green-skinned big-eared monster with **** in your head! Are you crazy !? "

Gindy twitched Dinge's neck and shook it hard: "Spit it out! Spit it out for me!"

Tang En stunned, he couldn't help whispering, "Isn't it just a bottle of water, such a fuss ..."

Tang En smiled discouraged Jindi: "Yeah, there is no need to be so angry ..."

Even if he knew the dwarf and goblin were at odds, Gindy's reaction was too exaggerated.

"Just a bottle of water? If it were just a bottle of water, I would be so excited !?"

Gindy shouted with excitement: "That's what we found from the ore refining center!"


Tang En stared at Ding Ge in horror. In other words, this product just drank more than half a million years ago?

Due to historical reasons, during that dark period, the goblin did not eat and wear warm, so it became a habit to eat everything, but even if you know that goblin tastes heavy, you dare to eat anything, this taste is too heavy ... ...

Isn't that water?

Tang En glanced at the bottle in Dinger's hand, and suddenly found the bottle ... not so much as a beverage bottle, but more like a plasma container ... there is also a wire tube slot on the horizontal tank ...

He dare to drink this stuff?

Tang En could not help admiring Dinge deeply.

"Let go!"

Dinge struggled to escape and screamed, "Why don't you put something on the table to drink!"

"That's my stupid thing I'm going to compare with what's written in the literature!"

Gindy growled: "Do you know that thing is most likely a container for ancestors to store data and information !?"


Tang En paused, staring at the "container" in Ding's hand.

"What stupid thing are you talking about, Lord Noble, do you say he is too stupid haha ​​..."

Dinger laughed wildly, but after a while he found that Tang En didn't laugh.

"Uh, Lord Noble, don't you think he is telling the truth?"

"Let's not say he's right ..."

Tang En blinked: "Dare you drink something 10,000 years ago, I admire this courage ..."

Ding didn't take it seriously: "What's this, our goblin is the courage to try new things so that we can go to the present."

If it makes sense, this is really not a "new" thing ...


Tang En's expression is quite weird: "In theory, it is also feasible to use liquid to store data ..."

What Tang En refers to is, of course, DNA storage technology. This technology uses liquid DNA to store data, and the data density is quite large.

"In other words, Dinge, you probably drank the ancestral history of your ancestors ..."

Suddenly Dinger's face turned green.

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