Things from Another World

Chapter 1206: Behind happiness is the tremendous pressure of the two waists

Prehistoric civilizations used liquid media to store data. Although it sounds incredible, it seems reasonable to think about it carefully.

After all, the civilization of that era worked out even satellite transformation. It was able to transport large quantities and frequent materials to the satellite. Aerospace technology was already very developed, and supporting computer technology was normal.

Especially now that Tang En don't know whether the prehistoric civilization only reached the level of transforming satellites or whether it has already entered the level of interstellar immigration.

If it is the latter, their assessment of prehistoric civilization has to be readjusted, and the importance level must be higher.

Tang En even thought that if one day they suddenly discovered that prehistoric civilizations had even made things like star destroyers, it would be interesting.

The Star Destroyer bombed the chaotic army that invaded Prandall in orbit. It is very interesting to think about it-of course, provided they only invade on the surface of the planet ...

"Since it has been drunk, there is no other way. You can't let him spit it out."

Tang En smiled and said, "By the way, the theory that this thing is used to store data is just your guess?"

"Although it's just speculation, I have full confidence!"

Jindi said very seriously: "As far as we know, at present we have found that there are many ways for ancestors to store data information. We have found books made of alloys, which is also the most important way we can obtain information."

With a raised eyebrow, Tang En can resist alloy books that have not been corroded by oxidation for thousands of years? interesting.

"Then we found the very precise metal boxes found in some of the ruined houses, and we found small boxes that we suspect should be used to store data."

Tang En thoughtfully used by civilian computers? Probably something similar to a hard disk ...

"Then, this is what we are seeing now. It contains a cylindrical container containing liquid. This should be a more advanced data storage method, because we only found this kind of container in the remains of similar scientific research centers. Yesterday We only discovered in the evening that the room where these containers were stored was marked as the 'archive room'! "

Jindi said directly here: "So we think that this thing is absolutely used to store data! And the technology is very high!"

Nonsense, can't it be high ... that's liquid storage technology ...

In other words, Gindy actually found a “hard disk” that stored a lot of information about prehistoric civilizations, but now they do n’t have the technology to read the information in it, or even the substances used to carry information in these containers-most likely Something like protein or DNA-I don't know if it has failed in these ten thousand years ...

The air guard Baoshan can't get in, this TM is very embarrassing!

Tang En sighed. This is an unsolvable problem. With the development of technology, the storage density of information is getting larger and larger, and the level of technology required to read information is getting higher and higher. If the reading technology is lost, the storage That information is equivalent to all being scrapped.

If you can find a device that can start normally, and try to connect these storage devices, you may try to read the information in it ...

At this moment, Tang En suddenly hesitated, something emerged in his mind.

The communicator of that prehistoric civilization!

That communicator is still lying in the Magic Energy Engineering Research Center, and is strictly guarded by the gnome. It is the only prehistoric device that can be found at present!

Although it is not known whether the two systems are compatible, it is currently the only device that can try to read this information.

Tang En's face was cloudy, and this matter was too important. It can be said that as long as he could get a little bit of information from the information recorded in prehistoric civilizations, they could make their overall strength leap forward, considering his heavy mission. Now, the most important thing to do now is to go back immediately, find Croto, share this discovery and ideas with him, and then start researching.

But this disrupted his plan ...

He came out this time but made up his mind to let him rest for a while. How can a man repent? If you go back, wouldn't you throw yourself in the net? Still being joked by those guys?

Is the mission important, or is the importance of a man's face and respect?

Tang En was in a dilemma.

After a moment of hesitation, Tang En breathed a sigh of relief, and he made a decision.

Let's go back.

The holiday can be put back later, but if the threat of the chaotic army cannot be solved, I still can't settle in my heart.

"Let's go."

Tang En suddenly said to Ye Ye: "Go back, this matter is more important and you can't delay."


Every night showed a very exaggerated expression of disappointment: "How can this be, people finally made up their minds to betray them and give you a good rest. If you just go back like this, what am I making such a difficult decision Meaning! "

Tang En hit her angrily: "So doesn't this give you a chance to make a contribution?"

Although I took the initiative to go back for business, it was too shameless, so I could just use Yeye and let her pass the message back, and then be taken back by them, so that she would not be joked by Fiona-see, I did n’t want to come back, they were so cunning, and I was desperate!

Then you can ask Croto for business.

Although Yeye still had her own abacus in mind, she wanted to take a few chances with Tang En while she was alone, but she obviously couldn't interfere with Tang En's decision, so she had no choice but to compromise.

It ’s already like this anyway, and the big test is the same after going back ...

The only trouble is that Ellington is staring at too many women now. The elaborate and thirsty girls of the Elf Tribe are probably too busy for him, and the sneak attack at night cannot get her. Every day, the "schedule" schedule is full, otherwise he won't scare him away, what can I do ...

Every night he took out the magic cell phone and dialed it directly to Grantia: "Hey, I found him ... yes, you can come and take him directly."

Every night after hanging up the address, he hung up the phone and looked at Tang En with a resentful expression, saying that good day. Day. Night. Night. Day. Night? You don't talk much!

When she stared with this kind of eyes, Tang En felt creepy. How did this guy's eyes look like Lola?

Could it be that she also awakened a strange interest?

Tang En and Ye Ye's conversation did not hide Gindy and Dinge, and the two of them were struggling to look at Tang En with confusion: "What are you talking about?"

"It's no longer necessary to hide from you ..."

Tang En spread his hands and said, "Actually I am--"

Every night skimming: "Escaped from marriage."

"you shut up……"

Tang En made a black line: "Don't listen to her nonsense, I am actually Tang En, uh, yes, the regent of the Illus Empire."

Gindy and Dinger froze, and they talked down for a few words, then Gindy looked up and asked in confusion: "What is the Regent? And oh, how is the King of the Illus Empire not Vic? "


Tang En almost vomited blood, he tried his best to hide his identity, but the two goods did not know who he was?

Is his popularity so bad?

Anyway, I have worked with Clotto and Leviz for so long, and even the gnome and goblin they knew did not know him?

However, Tang En soon understood that Gindy and Dinger were members of the archeological team. They had been engaged in archeological work all year round and spent most of the time outside, so it was understandable without even knowing the political changes.

Perhaps, they may not even know that Solant and Grace have been taken back by Illuth ...

Tang En asked for a while, and it turned out to be the case. The two seemed to be cut off from the world. The news was too late.

"Victor has ... forget it, all in all, now I am the King of the Illus Empire."


Gindy nodded: "But why did you suddenly tell us this?"

"Because the findings here are important, and may be an adaptation of Prandall and change the future of your gnome and goblin."

Tang En said very seriously: "So, I must go to Master Croto as soon as possible and discuss it with him."

"Master Croto!"

Gindy jumped up: "I've sent someone to inform Gear City, but it is another thing if Master Croto is willing to come, you can just talk to him directly !?"

"Of course, didn't I say that? We are friends."

"But you are talking about Nokia!"

"Nokia is Klotto's assistant. Of course we know each other. I didn't lie, but I didn't finish talking. He is now in charge of an independent laboratory."

Dinger froze: "Sly human."

Tang En smiled back and said, "The treacherous goblin."

Gindy was already in a state of extreme enthusiasm at the moment, and the results of his work could finally enter the eyes of Master Croto. This is a great honour as a gnome!

"Main! What about my comb !? And my most decent clothes! Get ready for me! Master Croto may be coming—"

Gindy glanced at Tang En, Tang En nodded, and he said very excitedly: "No, he will come! I need to dress up!"

As soon as Tang En wanted to tease him, he noticed that a very strong wave of magic appeared next to him, and Tang En stared at every night—this guy even carried space coordinates!

Every night he spread his hands and looked at Tang En innocently: "Can't blame me, they are afraid you will run away again, I can't catch you."

"If it weren't for you looking at Aegwin now ..."

Tang En squeezed his fist, gritted his teeth and said, "I must let you know why the flowers are so red!"

"My dear ~"

Lola stepped slowly out of the portal and flew directly into Tang En's arms, giving him a sweet kiss intimately.

Lockma, who had just opened the curtain and walked in, just saw this scene, and her eyes suddenly turned black, almost vomiting blood.

This guy-what a lucky lucky man!

Unfortunately, he will never know how much pressure Tang En's two waists endured behind this happiness ...

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