Things from Another World

Chapter 1209: Computer starts! Shake it! The glory of communism!

"Empty? How could it be empty?"

Croto even got his head in, but it was empty and nothing.

Tang Enmo rubbed his chin. After a moment, his eyes fell on Selna: "Keep driving on."

"Ah? No! It's so tiring!"

Selna shook her head vigorously, and Tang En stared at her coldly: "I remember well, in the newly issued decree, the sentence for theft is not small. Now it seems that it is lacking a typical one. The thieves seemed pretty good ... "

"I do!"

Selena jumped up and said, "Isn't it okay! You are a demon!"

At the urging of Tang En, Selna started to open the cabinets one after another, but at the beginning it was relatively unfamiliar, but after opening a few, she seemed to find the knack. Tang En was astonished-could this guy's talent really be unlocking?

If she ca n’t keep mixing in the future, she can advertise on the taxi “Selna unlock, official record, your trusted partner” to hang out.

"Why does it always feel like there's a deep malice around me ..."

Selna muttered while she was busy, and somehow she mumbled. After a while, she stood up and stretched out: "It's all done!"

As soon as Ding wanted to get together, Gindy pushed him away and looked up: "This is there!"

In the end, I counted about 50 cabinets in the room, and less than ten liquid containers were stored.

Croto frowned. "That's too little!"

"In fact, I can understand," Tang En pointed at his feet. "This is just an ore smelting center. How much data can there be? What can be guessed here is nothing more than the equipment operation records and videos here. , Or something related to the ore smelting process. "

Tang En closed all the liquid containers, and then a group of people rushed to the central control room again.

"Can't dismantle!"

Croto waved his hand: "Protect the whole here! We are here to work in situ! Just in case, let's record the whole thing thoroughly now, if you can't remember, draw it out with drawings! Whoever made a mistake I killed him! "

Cloto's last ruthless words made all the gnomes around them vigor and act swiftly, while cleaning and protecting the equipment in the central control room, while recording those connections with pen and paper.

The internal circuit is okay to say, but the circuit connected to the external smelting equipment is no longer available, and it can only be temporarily suspended.

Theoretically speaking, it is the best choice to dismantle the computer back to the Magic Energy Engineering Research Institute to work in that environment, but this thing has been here for 10,000 years. Who knows where it will break when disassembled?

So for insurance purposes, starting on site is the only option.

The cleanup lasted for two days, and then Tang En brought all the equipment they needed from the Magic Energy Engineering Research Institute.

"Get started!"

As soon as things were ready, Croto immediately fell into extreme enthusiasm. He brought all the assistants he was most familiar with. These assistants had previously accompanied him to disassemble and assemble many products of prehistoric civilization. Experience will definitely come in handy this time.

On the side of Tang En, he was also recruited by Alsace, Angus, Edward and others who were proficient in alchemy. It can be said that all the scientific research forces beside Tang En were concentrated.

"These devices ... I seem to have seen them before."

Yustisa looked at the prehistoric computers and suddenly said, "People from the Einzbelen family brought back a similar thing, but we didn't research anything and threw it into the warehouse."

"This thing is not uncommon in the ruins. Unlike the crude production of the green-eared monsters, these things made by the ancestors are surprisingly durable. Even after 10,000 years, there are still many equipment that can still work. In our hands The shrinking rays and gravity wells are typical examples. "

Croto looked at the circuit diagram and reconnected those devices, and said casually: "It's just this ... oh, you call it a computer? This computer is quite sophisticated and has been in existence for ten thousand years, although the parts inside have not been damaged. , But do n’t know where it ’s going to malfunction, or something like dust, it ’s hard to find one that works. ”

"This time the ruins have been sealed underground. These computers are relatively complete. Maybe we can try to repair it and restart it. It will be better if we can read those data."

"I can't wait to see the lives of the ancestors."

Croto laughed, and then went back to his busy life, whispering some unknown words in his mouth-although they are all computers, but the computers developed by prehistoric civilization here may not be the same for Plantar. Just like on the earth, relying on a little knowledge of Tang En, there is no chance at all. What he can do now is sit quietly next to handing tools, and then try to understand from Klotto's work.

Angus and Yustisa also went up to help them. Although they did n’t understand these things, they learned very quickly and quickly understood the general structure and the principle of some parts. What I have to say is The products of prehistoric civilization had a strong impact on them, making them look at the little dwarfs next to them-their ancestors were once the masters of this world, and they also created such a developed and brilliant civilization!

The inspection, repair and assembly of the computer lasted for more than half a month. It was not until the month of growth that these computers unearthed from the ruins were finally assembled and the internal cleaning and inspection were completed.

"I dare not say that it is completely normal, but at least, this computer is the most complete one we have ever discovered!"

Klotto looked at the new computer and was filled with a sense of accomplishment. He knew that in the current environment, the civilization of the dwarf may not be found again, and once the new artificial soul quantum computer technology is developed, It is definitely not weaker than the computer developed by the ancestors, and the development direction of civilization has completely changed.

However, even if they were to embark on a brand new road that their ancestors had never set foot on, their civilization and glory must not be forgotten.

Clotto shouted, "Are you ready?"

"The energy system is ready!"

Croto waved his hand: "Get started!"

The assistant Nokia immediately turned on the energy, which was the core of the energy removed from the patrol robot. After being modified by them, they were connected to the computer. It is not known whether it will come in handy.

After the energy was turned on, the light on the computer that had been silent for thousands of years in front of everyone suddenly turned on, and no sound could be heard.

If you think about it, you have already developed liquid storage technology. If the computer's heat dissipation system is still uncertain, it will be too ridiculous ...

At this time, a holographic projection suddenly started in front of everyone, and Tang En realized that it was no wonder that he hadn't seen anything like the display just now. The original holographic projection technology was used, but then, Tang En's face changed. !!

"I can't vomit ... I absolutely can't vomit!"

Tang En restrained his desire to spit, forcibly swallowed the "lying trough" that almost popped out of his mouth.


Because on the screen of the holographic projection, an image of a hammer and a sickle crossing suddenly appeared ...

He wouldn't think that this was the great glory of communism shining into another world. After all, when this thing appeared, even civilization on the planet had not yet appeared. This can only be described as an amazing coincidence.

Yes, yes, it's just a coincidence!

The image flickered, and then a simple interface appeared. What appeared to everyone was the very familiar interface of Tang En ...

User login interface ...

After seeing this interface, a group of people were all aggressive: "What is this? What should we do?"

After a few moments of thinking, Croto tried typing a few keys on the pop-up projection keyboard ...


Immediately after the alarm sounded, everyone heard a soft ... goblin voice. The language it spoke was similar to that of gnome goblin, but there was a difference. It was obviously a 10,000-year-old language. He had studied the language of the ancestors. Tuo barely listened, but he was clearly not as clear as Tang En.

The voice said "the account number and password are wrong, please re-enter" ...

This TM is awkward!

Obviously, it was very difficult to find a good relic. It was hard to find these good computers. After hard work, it was repaired and even successfully started, but in the end, they were told that they could not log in because they did not have an account password! ?

Croto was now anxious to kill!

Tang En was also very impatient, clearly a door to prehistoric civilization was in front of him, and even a gap was opened, but they couldn't get in. What could be done?

Croto's anxious rumblings: "Account ... password ... damn, how do we know this kind of thing?"

Tang Enmo groaned under his chin.

Use Eve's powerful parallel computing capabilities to brute-force? It seems feasible, but the two are not even the same as the underlying code, and the database is even more incompatible. In short, Eve and this computer are not able to communicate with each other at present.

Generally speaking, the account password must be known to the staff here, but their bones have disappeared and nothing has been left, let alone any account password ...

Suddenly, Tang En took out a few alloy nameplates from the carry-on space—the workers' badges that had disappeared!

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