Things from Another World

Chapter 1210: Video information from 10,000 years ago

Tang En remembers clearly that there are some words on those metal badges. If he knows before, some people who ca n’t remember the account password will write the account password on the badge!

You can try your luck!

Even if it ’s not a password, if those people ’s names are account numbers, you can try some simple passwords, such as 123456 or something ...

Don't think this method is too stupid. In fact, many people like to set such a simple password, so the hacking is so bad ...

Downe handed the badge to Croto: "Try this."

Croto glanced at: "What is this?"

"The badges found in the room should be badges. The bodies of your ancestors have disappeared, but these badges have been left."

After a pause, Tang En said with emotion: "How do you say, although they have disappeared from this world, the evidence of their existence has remained, at least it can let you see that they have been brilliant in this world . "


Croto also gave a sigh of emotion, and then started work directly: "Let's try it, I will first see how to enter these words."

After studying for a long time, Croto finally entered the two sets of characters on the badge. Unfortunately, the result was not ideal, and it was still a mistake.

"Try this group again ..."


"carry on……"

Still wrong.

Tang En stepped forward, pointing to a row of numbers on the projection keyboard and said: "You first enter an account number, then enter the numbers in the password field, starting with the first one, entering them in order and then trying again."

"Password? So simple?"

Tang En shrugged. "Sometimes the answer is that simple."

Klotto tried it, and it turned out that something unexpected happened. When he entered the third name, and then entered eight numbers in sequence, the login of Real TM was successful!

Everyone around me was stunned. No one thought that the account password was really that simple. The assistants immediately recorded the account passwords that could be used for login.

"(Ancient language) Employee No. 02493754, the first-level monitor Lavan Kerr of the Magu Mine Smelter logged in successfully ... Welcome back, the monitor, His Excellency Lavan, the intelligent assistant Margu is at your service, the central network connection failed, unable to Get the production demand instruction, which is currently in the local working mode, please read the monitoring log, adjust the production process, or issue a new instruction sequence ... "[Discover information of prehistoric civilization]

"This, this is what it is talking about? It can even speak like Eve !?"

Alas, it ’s rare and weird. Can primary artificial AI do it well ... Then again, their ancestor's last name is different from the current gnome goblin. Could it be that the current gnome and goblin forgot their own in the beginning? Last name, so I use what I like next to it? Wrench rivet cylinder bolts or something ...

"Smart assistant ... so amazing ..."

Croto is already excited to observe the user interface.

Tang En also made the past. This user interface is different from what he knows. There is no neat interface and icons. Instead, there are floating **** with simple icons on it.

"Shouldn't these let us choose what to do?"

Croto wanted to touch the icons, but he was hesitant to break the baby.

Tang En suddenly said: "You can try to ask the smart assistant with voice commands. Although it is not a real life body, basic questions should answer us."

Croto nodded, and after a moment of hesitation, he tried to say in jerky ancient words: "Magu, show the production process map."


The holographic screen is suddenly divided into two, and the picture on the right becomes a very complicated process map. Important parameters are marked on each key structure point. When you see this process map, Clotto, Tang En, Angus and others breathed a lot.

"This, this is the alloy process map of prehistoric civilization! This 'Anas alloy' can withstand the erosion of thousands of years, and the performance is really excellent! Maybe it is inferior to universal alloy or Orly in some aspects. Harbin Steel, but this metal can be produced in large quantities! "[Discover the production process of Anas alloy]

Angus stared, as if trying to keep the entire drawing in mind.

At this time, Tang En began to pour cold water: "You are too optimistic, or as I said before, we simply do not have the ability and technology to produce this alloy."

"Uh uh !!!"

"Have you seen here?"

Tang En pointed to a high-temperature reaction furnace: "After the molten material enters, the required synthesis temperature here is very high, and at the same time, it is necessary to provide super-strong pressure. At this temperature, the catalyst is added. What is Catalyst #? "

This is just a condition that is insurmountable on the surface. What's more important is that the ghost knows what kind of temperature and pressure of the prehistoric civilization is based on?

It is not impossible to reproduce the alloy production line of prehistoric civilization, but the difficulties are too great to overcome.

The cold water of Tang En poured down, and the excited Croto and others calmed down and began to re-face the process map in front of them.

"You're right, let's put down the alloy production process for the time being. Let's take a look at the employee log. Maybe we can have a chance to see the image of our ancestors."

Cloto then called up the employee's video log and saw the figure appearing in the picture. The dwarfs and goblins beside Tang En suddenly stopped, and everyone's eyes were staring at the figure tightly, although Appearing in the picture is a dwarf, but at this moment, they forget their contradictions, and they are all in a strange silence.

"Time: April 1, 2239 ... I'm Raven Kerr, a routine record ... Damn, I don't know what records there are in this ghost place, ore, dust, noise, high temperature ... who would want to be a first-level monitor here! My dream is to go to the aviation center to become a pilot and build a great space fortress! Damn Rooney ... Blame you for my quota! I curse your mother-in-law's explosion! It was blown to pieces by a psionic engine in space! "

Tang En's mouth twitched. It seemed that no matter what world it was, cursing words were not much different, but the point was ... Is the energy they use called psionic energy?


"Time, May 1st, 2239 ... I'm Raven Kerr, a routine record ... I'm going crazy in this ghost place, but there is still more than half a year before the next shift ... No, I have to find a way to spend this long time. The second-level employees in the dormitory are really boring. I do n’t even dare to drive with me. What is the meaning of such a person living? "


"Time, January 1, 2239, Chronicles ... I'm Raven Kerr, a routine record ... Today, the engine of the mining robot on the 23rd has a problem, it seems that the power output pressure on the 8th energy path is too high. It ’s a big energy leak, I do n’t know if it was because I was bored yesterday to use it to go around the earth ’s crust ... Ha, anyway, they do n’t know, right, who knows this thing? Right? Rooney! You shameless dirty bastard! I'm going to tear your big ears apart hahahaha ... "

"Next, next ..."

"Time, July 1st, 2239 ... I'm Raven Kerr, a routine record ... Nothing to say about the smelter today ... Looking at the news on the Internet, it is said that the satellite transformation plan has fallen into a bottleneck because we The existing single-energy engine is not enough to drive the satellite out of gravity ... so a new engine has to be developed ... ha, a new engine? I have a good idea-they can install Rooney on the surface of the satellite, and then Just let him open his mouth! Believe me, the stench in that guy's mouth will definitely make our home run away! "

In this room, Tang En and they saw with their own eyes the member of the civilization that dominated the planet ten thousand years ago, and also heard the fancy cursing mother of the other party, and felt his deep resentment to the name Rooney ...

"Time, August 1, 2239 ... I'm Raven Kerr, a routine record ... Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Rooney's **** actually contacted me today-hey! Guess! What ?! He came to show me off! Because he was selected as a member of the satellite patrol! It should have been my glory! "

"Time, August 15th, 2239 ... I'm Raven Kerr, a routine record ... a bad news ... the monitoring room seems to have detected strong noise deep in the ground, maybe it's Earthquake, maybe 'those guys', who knows? Maybe it wasn't because I went deep into the earth ’s crust last time? I do n’t remember this pot! But this discovery seems to be moderate with the monitoring data of the geological department ... Damn it, this planet Sure enough, there is something wrong with her. She may not be able to persist for a long time. Kirkin and Gaia are making the right decision. Our way out is in the universe ... "

Tang En was shocked, those guys? Is it referring to the devil? But who are Colkin and Gaia? Can determine their future ... Is it the two leaders?

"Time, August 29, 2239 ... I'm Raven Kerr, a routine record ... I heard that there is a major event in the center city recently. If we can succeed, we can get a steady stream of Energy ... This new energy is more powerful than psionic energy. If we get this new energy, we can even get rid of physical restrictions and completely promote higher levels of life, but I did n’t have the chance to witness this event. ... "

The breathing of Tang En and others suddenly hastened a lot, they captured a few keywords: central city, new energy, stronger than psionic energy, get rid of restrictions and promotion!

"Time, the epoch on September 1, 2239 ... I'm Raven Kerr, a routine record ... Success! They turned out to be successful! They opened the way to the Rohhots world! Master Rohhots' theory That's right! There really is a world of pure energy! Next they have to try to open a larger channel and try to draw energy from it-stronger and more pure energy than psionic energy! I don't know why, Although it is good news, I always have an inexplicable feeling of panic and hope everything goes well!-I will watch the live broadcast with my own eyes and witness this historic moment! "

Croto almost shouted: "Play the next one!"

Magu: "There is no log at the back, do I need to replay it? Or I can help you create a new log."


Everyone was silent.

The calendar year of September 1, 2239, was the time of the big bang.

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