Things from Another World

Chapter 1211: The shame that ends up being washed out! (under

It can be said that Prendall's current world form originated from the big bang ten thousand years ago. Without that big bang that destroyed everything in prehistoric civilization, there would not be so many races on this planet.

In the records that can be checked at present, all of this was because the goblin was so mad that the bombardment of the bombs had taken off his hometown, and then he even blasted his hometown, and even blasted the continent to what it is now.

But ... Tang En has long suspected, what kind of bomb can blow this planet out of such a big mouth? Even if all the nuclear bombs on the earth have exploded, the earth is estimated to remain motionless, at most it will fade a layer of skin and extinction of surface creatures-but the earth itself will not be harmed at all.

What about Plantar? Explode a sea of ​​abyss directly! Even the orbit of the planet may have changed!

bomb? It is said that it is almost a giant meteorite!

But is it possible?

Prandall has two satellites! The probability of being hit by a meteorite is even lower than astronomical figures!

If it hadn't been explained to him by Otinia, I'm afraid he doesn't know what the truth is now! (See Chapters 1053, 1054)

"What do you think?"

There was silence in the room, and Croto turned around a little irritably. After a moment, he looked up and said, "What happened on that day ten thousand years ago?"

"It must have something to do with the Rohhots world. They opened the way to that world, and may have attracted some terrible enemies-most likely chaotic creatures!"

Dinge vowed, "So, the culprit of the destruction of civilization 10,000 years ago is not our goblin at all! It is only those chaotic creatures!"

However, Dinger's words attracted a disdainful look, and even the goblins next to him felt a little shame aside their faces.

Even if you want to get rid of the shame of history, using this reason is too ridiculous ...

If chaotic creatures had invaded Prendall 10,000 years ago, there would still be room for life in this world?


"Look again!"

Even looking at the log would take a whole day, Croto thought it was worth it—even he didn't expect to get information about the disaster here.

Tang En thinks the same, because the information is too valuable. Unlike Croto, he doesn't care much about the species extinction. After all, it is history. It ’s better to know, but it ’s no difference to know It doesn't have much to do with his mission anyway, does it?

Looking at Croto's look, Tang En couldn't help but said, "If you really want to know the truth of that history, just ask Otinia directly? She shouldn't be too shy to say it?"

Croto paused, and they stayed with Nokia.

"Yeah! Why didn't I think of it !?"

Soon Klotto thought of the reason, working with Otinija for so long, but Otinija has always been very quiet, except for the necessary work, not even saying a superfluous word, the sense of existence is very Weakness—Clotto even forgot she was an authentic goddess!

A goddess who may have witnessed the destruction of Prendal's prehistoric civilization in person!

"Why did you never think to ask her when I knew she was a goddess before ..."

Croto was dull, and suddenly he felt his IQ was low.

"Goddess? What goddess?"

Dingo froze. He didn't believe that there would be a real goddess in Prendall.

"It has nothing to do with you!"

Croto threw him a bad word, and then said to Dunn, "My friend, please invite Otinija, now the desire for the truth has been occupied, if I do n’t know, I will crazy!"

"Okay, look at the log first, I'll go back."

Tang En nodded and teleported directly.


"Want to know the truth?"

Since Croto and they both left, Otinija finally had time to continue to study her figure bread. When Tang En suddenly broke in and told her things again, Otinija closed the book in her hand, Frowning Xiu Mei said: "Is this important? Your task is to fight chaos, and nothing more."

"It doesn't matter to me, but it matters to Croto."

Tang En spread his hand: "And Croton is very important to me. Now he wants to know the truth is going crazy, he has no time to continue working, and I don't know if I should say it, so you still have to come Decide. "

After Autinia was silent for a moment, she stood up: "Let's go."

"You agree?"

"It's not a secret that can't be told, I just find it troublesome."

Sure enough, it's Otinija's style ...

As soon as Tang En took Otiniya back to the ore smelter, Croto and they gathered around and looked at her with anticipation.

Otinija ignored their eyes and said calmly, "Let me see the videos."

Dunn motioned to Croto to open the video, and soon those key videos appeared in front of her.

After watching the video, Otinija was about to speak, and a sharp scream stopped her: "Wait! At such an important moment, our great leader, Lord Rives, should also be present!"


Croto nodded and said, "It is true. If the truth of the big bang can be unlocked, perhaps the 10,000-year-long battle between our two races will also yield a result."

"give it to me."

After Tang En spoke, he teleported to Nanila without stopping.

"What !? The truth about the disaster ten thousand years ago !? Of course I'm interested!"

Hearing Down's words, Rives almost jumped off the tricycle: "I'm going! I must be there at such an important time!"

"Let's go then."

Tang En rushed to the scene with him.

After seeing the bloated Leviz, Clotto immediately laughed: "Oh, Leviz, your body is still so bloated. I don't know when I will die from obesity? I really look forward to that day By that time, I will definitely fulfill your wish to launch your body outside the world. "

"I'm obese because I'm too nutritious, unlike some guys who can't even eat enough food."

Liviz didn't care about Croto's ridicule, and his eyes fell on Otinija: "This must be the goddess, right? Liviz Kingfang salutes you."

Otinija nodded, calmly accepting his gift: "Can we start?"

"Please speak."

"First question, do you know what he called the Rohhots world?"

"A world of pure energy--"

With that said, there was a flash of light in Jean's mind: "——Astral Realm !?"


Otiniya nodded: "The development of the ancients surpassed our estimates. They accidentally mastered the technology of tearing space in advance, and then they opened the channel to the astral world, but they did not have the technology to control the astral energy That ’s why it caused that big bang and destroyed everything, and this is the truth you desire to know. "

Croto: "!!!"

Riviez: "!!!"

The truth that has always been hidden in history appears so simple in front of everyone, and for a while they are still a little hard to accept!

"That means ..."

Leviz clasped his hands, he was afraid that if he didn't, he could not help scratching his face: "... The so-called big bang was not made by our goblins? So ... we Actually wronged? So ... are we innocent? "

"Strictly speaking, none of your ancestors were innocent."

"As far as I know, the technology of space tearing was discovered by the ancestors of the goblin, and the idea of ​​using astral energy was proposed by the ancestor of the gnome."

"That is ... the Big Bang had our responsibility?"

Croto's mood suddenly became extremely complicated. How could he have thought that the truth he was craving would end up like this!

Otinija was silent for a long time before she said: "The destruction of civilization, no one is innocent."

At this moment, Leviz even knelt on the ground and burst into tears. The truth finally came out!

The heavy shame that has been carried on the head of the goblin can finally be washed away!

How heavy this shame is, I am afraid only they know!

For a long time, they were unable to raise their heads in front of the dwarf, and no matter how hard and proud they were on the surface, they couldn't hide the guilt and pain in their hearts. It was like an unsolved curse, entangled in them For generations of people!

Today, I finally figured it all out!

Croto looked at Otinija in a very complicated mood: "Since you know, why didn't you stop the ancestors at that time?"

"Because of the civilization of the ancient survivors, we have no interference during the whole process. They do not know that we exist."

Otinija said lightly: "And their actions were too abrupt, and under the interference of chaotic forces, even if it is impossible for us to see clearly the future."

Croto nodded, and suddenly took a breath, taking a breather: "Did you just say ... chaos? There were chaotic creatures at that time?"

"Yes, strictly speaking, you ..."

Eutinia pointed to him and Riviez: "Your ancestors were created to study a possibility of countering chaos. You did not have special power, but your wisdom was adjusted to ordinary creatures. It ’s a pity that being too smart is also a mistake. "


Croto opened his mouth and stunned, "We gnomes and goblins are also gods!"

This is ridiculous!


After finishing Otiniya, she looked at Tang En and said, "You said that this big bang has nothing to do with you? In fact, you are wrong."

Tang En stunned: "Why?"


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