Things from Another World

Chapter 1212: High energy news bombing! (this

Eutinia's words stunned Tang En.

This big bang is still related to him?

This is not scientific ...



Otinija looked at Tang En and said very calmly: "Although their civilization has been destroyed, they obviously have strong potential and are very likely to find a way to counter chaos."


"So we sorted out the seeds of their civilization, packaged them into a stream of information, and created a messenger ..."

Eutinia looked at Tang En: "Let the messenger who carried that information to your world, come to your planet."

!! !! !! !! !! !!


Suddenly, Dunn's scalp was about to explode: "You mean, the civilization of our world was developed on the basis of the seed of prehistoric civilization of Prandall !? This is too nonsense!"

In other words, the numerous splendid civilization discoveries on the earth, as well as the scientific and technological achievements, actually all originate from gnomes and goblins! ? Zu Chongzhi's Pi is not called Pi. It should be called Dal Cylinder Ratio! ? The Sea of ​​Dirac should be called Rohotz World! ? ——No, it should be called astral now!

The stupefied Tang En couldn't help but said, "In the history of civilization in our world, there have never been traces of gnome and goblin civilization!"

"This is an acceptable differentiation in the development of civilization."

Eutinia said lightly: "The seeds of civilization have been planted, but what they look like is not exactly the same. Different worlds, different environments, and different races will cause huge differences, even because of these two. The 'distance' of this world is so close to each other that it exists as a mirror image, and Prandall's information will be projected to you, so you will be affected there, and so many works of art similar to this world will be born. And that's why we picked 'you' from this world. "

"Don't say anything, I'll call Croto an old ancestor ..."

Tang En covered his head, feeling a bit confused.

I originally thought that this was just a big event of gnomes and goblins. But I thought I would hear such explosive news. The earth ’s civilization actually started in Prendall ...

"as you wish."

Otinija did not force Down to continue listening.

"But," Clotto couldn't help but asked again, "Although our civilization is ruined, but you said that we are the most likely creatures to find and deal with chaos. Why don't we help us rebuild civilization in the later period?"

"Because the conditions are not appropriate."

Eutinia shook her head: "Creating life is not so random, and the birth of civilization is not as simple as you think. It is not just something that we so-called" gods "can solve in one sentence or one thought."

"The impact of astral energy has led to the enrichment of Prandall's energy, the level of void energy is too high, and ordinary life forms can not bear it at all. For a long time after the big bang, the gnome and goblin survivors Living in the hollow of the ground, this barely kept the race's tinder. But living in the underground world for a long time, and the faults of the previous civilization also led to the complete extinction of your civilization. "

"Then Void Energy decayed into Phantom in the passage of time ... Oh, it's called" Psionic Energy "in the video, we call it Phantom, that is, your ancestors have used it on a large scale but are still not satisfied. energy……"

Speaking of which, Otinini Arden paused and slipped her lips subtly: "Obviously the faint energy is enough for them to become the most powerful civilization in the world, but our initial setting is too much, they are extremely Exuberant curiosity, curiosity, and strong self-confidence will destroy them. "

"Although the phantom energy is less harmful than the energy of the void, it is still too powerful, but there is not much time left for us, so we will immediately begin the next restart of civilization."

"Under the conditions of psionic energy enrichment, we gathered all the power to create the giant dragon family, and let them help us adjust the order of this world. Then Nisclair created the elven family to restore the nature of this world. balance……"

Tang En suddenly realized: "These two races were born in a psionic environment, and they also wasted a lot of their efforts, so their strength and talent are so powerful."

"You can understand that."

Eutinia nodded: "Then the psychic energy decayed a second time, and the energy enrichment situation was alleviated. After meeting the creation conditions of a part of life, they began to create large-scale creations. This time, they are no longer extreme. , Started to use their own ideas, use their areas of expertise to create different races, and this time, only humans are races created under the influence of your world. "

Tang En was dumbfounded again: "Human beings in this world were created by the influence of my world?"


Eutinia said very surely: "At that time, the humans in your world were still in a state of insanity, but they gave them some inspiration-if it was not the extremely extreme genius in a certain field, but all of them Are races that are mediocre in all respects, is it possible to give birth to a sighing civilization? This is the origin of the Prandall humanity. "

Messed up, completely messed up ...

The earth civilization originates from the prehistoric civilization of pygmy goblin of Prendall, and the inspiration of Prendall's current human creation comes from the earth. This is almost a mess!

Eutinia didn't care about Tang's feelings. Since she had already started, she simply continued: "After the second energy decay, it becomes a stable inert energy that can be absorbed by living beings. It can even be interfered by a strong enough mental power, and this is the power you are familiar with-magic power. "

"Originally this world is full of magic, but it is not so rich, it is difficult to be directly sensed and controlled by ordinary living beings, but the reckless behavior of the ancient relics dumped the energy of the astral world into this world, leading to The energy concentration of this world has been greatly increased. As a result ... the races other than the Dragon and Elf races, which are mainly humans, have been affected this time, and they have slowly mastered the method of controlling this power. ... "

Otinija looked at Tang En again: "After discovering this, they were also shocked, but soon they accepted the reality and then began to actively interfere in the development of this world and came to this world as a god, in To some extent guide the development and direction of this world ... "

The stunned Gene murmured, "This is where the Holy See came from?"

"Yes," Otinija nodded, "they selected a few people and gave them the power of" theology "and let these people replace them to stabilize the order of the world and guide the direction of civilization. This is the Holy See. The intention from the beginning. "

Angus couldn't help but say, "But then ..."

"But since the interference of chaos became stronger and stronger, in order to reduce the erosion process of chaos, they reduced the number of gazes here, and focused their attention on other planets as much as possible. After all, it is more important here-although it would be It makes you sad, but here, Prendall is actually an experimental field, a precious experimental field we use to experiment with how to develop a civilization that can fight against chaotic creatures. It cannot be found here. "

Experimental field?

The faces of these people who are present at this moment are not so good. Is their life just a test of the gods?

The feeling that this fate is completely controlled by others is definitely not good.

Even God.

Jean was in a very bad mood: "Did you just play with our fate in secret ..."

"Toying? Where did this come from? Did we influence any decisions you made? No! We just use the power of the Holy See to ensure that the world does not self-destruct through a little bit of" God Initiation ". As for civilization We ’re just watching quietly, looking forward to the final result! "

Eutinia said sarcastically: "If we do n’t create your ancestors, you wo n’t even exist. If we do n’t use the Holy See's interference, after mastering the power of magic, you will be self-destructed by your own expanding ambitions. We don't come ... haha, if we don't come, there won't be the dialogue we have now. "

Indeed, as she said, if there were no gods, they would not even have a chance to talk now.

To put it another way, not everyone is qualified to be an experiment of the gods-all the civilizations destroyed by the chaos in the universe are crying silently ...

After saying this, Otinija returned to her indifferent state before: "Later ... you know what happened later, although we have procrastinated as much as possible, chaotic creatures are pervasive and constantly Infiltrate the world, shake the scarred holes eroded by the "shell" of the world, and finally noticed here and made a small invasion here. "

"You said ... small area?"

When Tang En thought of what Eutinia had just said, he suddenly felt a scalp: "You mean ..."

"You guessed it, the threat of chaos has never just existed in Prendall's crisis, but the whole world, or a threat that has affected the entire universe."

Lying trough trough trough trough trough! !! !! !!

Tang En wanted to scold his mother: "Lao Tzu has enough energy to save this planet, but he can't do enough. As a result, you actually told me it was this universe!"

Eutinia looked at Tang En with a look of calmness and said, "If I remember correctly, Niss Claire told you to save you the world, right?"

"That's right, but--"

Tang En suddenly suffocated.

Otinija just said lightly: "Since your world is already so developed, don't tell me you don't understand the concept between 'world' and 'planet'."

Save this "world"!

Instead of saving this "planet"!

I **** your Uncle Claire!


You are a naked scam!

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