Things from Another World

Chapter 1213: The reason why heroes are heroes

Saving the world in the concept of ordinary people must mean saving the "world" he lives in, the planet under his feet, right?

Whether it ’s an alien invasion or a little monster waking up, in short, the end of the world is coming, so there must be a hero to defeat them, and then welcome HappyEnd, which is called saving the world, right?

What a ghost to save the universe! ?

Tang En wanted to quit on the spot-it wasn't me who didn't do it, it was impossible for me to do it!

"Of course," Otinija said with a look of Tang En's rather ugly face, and continued calmly. "Considering your ability and the existing human and material resources, things like saving the universe are coming to you. Too difficult to say ... "

Tang En's eyes lit up: "So?"

"So, your task is just to save the planet."

Otiniya said lightly: "I said, here is an experimental field, you only need to complete a sample, as long as it can successfully resist the invasion of chaos and stabilize the defense line, this means this development model, this There is hope for this kind of civilization, and we can try to restart a few more civilizations, copy the current development model, and form a similar civilization. "

"When these civilizations develop to a certain scale, they can blossom more and fight against the invasion of chaos at the same time."

Otinija slowly said: "It is not necessary to completely destroy them now-it is very likely that they will not be destroyed. As long as you can restrain their infinite growth and stabilize the line of defense, your task will be completed."

Tang En was relieved: "That's it ... if it's just this planet, I'm a little more confident ..."

"If you can't do it with the help of astral resources ..."

Eutinia pouted her lips: "Then you might as well arbitrarily thank the world now."

"Don't do this ... I'm stressed out, okay ..."

Outrigger suddenly smiled: "Of course, if you are particularly confident and want to save the entire universe with the power of this planet, then of course it is better, we all will support you."

"Don't tease, that's impossible ..."

Tang En almost cried, let alone say, even with so many resources and so powerful technology, he can fight against chaotic creatures, but there are not so many human resources available for him!

Now that the output of grain has greatly increased, and driven by the fertility policy, the population of Prandall has barely recovered, and the population that can be increased is only barely more than 20% more than the death population. To achieve an explosive population Growth, the rate of population growth must exceed the rate of death several times in order to form a rapid iteration of the population.

"Heroes can be heroes because they can complete impossible tasks."

Eutinia looked at Jean and Angus next to them: "Just like them, although their identities are not special, they are just the most common aborigines on this planet, but they are in the Second Chaos Invasion War In China, they successfully defeated the invasion of chaos, so they can become heroes. To the people here, they are also true heroes. "

"You are overrated!"

This was a compliment from the goddess. Jean and Angus were instantly flattered and had light on their faces.

"So, I have basically finished the cause and effect. What else do you want to know?"

Eutinia looked at Tang En: "If there is nothing, I will go back."

"Nothing for now ... you go back first."

Being bombarded by such a pile of high-energy news, Tang En is now in a mess. How can I know what to ask?

Otinija nodded, then looked at Tang En silently.


Tang En: "What are you looking at me for?"

Eutinia pulled Down's arm: "Send me."

"I'm dizzy, won't you go back yourself? You're a goddess!"

"Then you want me to make another hole in the space structure of this world to meet chaotic creatures?"


Tang En had nothing to say, and honestly sent Otinia back.

After Down and Otinia left, Jean, Angus, and Croto were silent for a moment, and looked at each other with a very complicated mood.

Yeah, no matter who it is, you suddenly discover the world you live in. Oh, it should be said that the planet is actually just a "game" by others, and no one will be happy?

Although this is not a game, but just an "experimental field", the nature is the same.

The first one to speak was Leviz. His fat fingers scratched his head, and his face was carrying tears just now, but now he looked very distressed: "Why do I suddenly feel like I am now Is everything meaningless? "

The heavy shame on the head of the race was finally injustice Zhaoxue, but before he was excited and excited, he heard more shocking news, and his brain was a bit not easy to use.

Angus sighed: "Yeah, everything is just a test of the gods, an experiment, what is the wealth and power in our eyes? There is nothing meaning other than the power in our own hands. "

Jean smiled bitterly: "Even the so-called power, it is only low-level, and can be ignored ... I now understand how huge the gap between humans and oracles ... The guys who are trying to replace God are all a bunch of stupid idiots. They don't understand what kind of existence they are facing. "

What does the world look like in God's eyes?

What we are looking at is the order of the entire universe. Life is born in our hands, civilization grows under our observation, the planet is destroyed under our gaze, we are omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent, yet Constrained by their own power, in this case, there is no alternative but to give the future of the entire world to ordinary mortals.

What does the world look like in the eyes of mortals?

Full of temptation, wealth, rights, opposite sex, power ... everything can become something they fight and **** against each other. In order to occupy more resources, they will kill each other and fight, focusing only on the things in front of them, only a few Talents will have a long-term vision and see the future. If these people become leaders, then this civilization has a future. If these people have no right to speak, then this civilization will always die in internal consumption ...

This is the gap in the realm.

Tang En soon returned, and then they looked at each other, silent and awkward.

I thought I came from a civilization and developed earth, but who would have thought that the earth's civilization actually came from the prehistoric civilization of Prandall ...

What is the relationship?

"Forget it, don't think about it for the time being. Now that this computer is turned on, the focus of our work now is how to use it as much as possible to obtain more information about prehistoric civilization."

Tang En shook his head and said, "The storage in those archives is likely to have a lot of valuable information, especially the video logs of those employees. We need to analyze it carefully. Maybe we can analyze many useful things from their words."

"Yes, that's right!"

Klotto's eyes brightened: "If we can analyze some of the computer's technologies from their logs, we may repair more computers, and then we have ample resources, and we can use Eve to try to crack these technologies. . "

Tang En slowly said, "Once Eve has established a complete prehistoric technical database, we can completely abandon these computers and conduct our own research."

The computers of prehistoric civilization may be very good or powerful, but after all, they were developed by prehistoric civilization. They could not be copied at all, and they could not be repaired even after they were damaged. It is impossible to use this kind of computer all the time. Only their own artificial soul quantum computer is the long-term solution.

After setting up a complete database, and later discovering things in the ruins, you can use Eve to analyze these things in reverse.

"Let's get started!"

Croto waved his hand, then looked at Leviz, his eyes were a bit complicated, he walked over and held out his hand: "Anyway, now we know the truth, at least as the ancients, we should reconcile, hope we can We will work together to create a glorious civilization like our ancestors in the future. "


I don't know why, Suddenly Levyz was suddenly a little helpless. He thought that the gnome and the dwarf could never be reconciled, but who would have thought that this day would happen in front of his eyes and was discovered under his own witness.

"Yeah, reconciliation."

"I'm really ..."

Riviez thought for a moment, and could not think of words. He stretched out his huge palm. Just one hand was bigger than Clotto's whole body. Clotto held one of his fingers. This is the beginning of cooperation between the two parties.

Tang En filmed the scene next to him-this is a historic moment for Plantar.

Suddenly, Croto let go of Riviez's finger like an electric shock and screamed: "Damn! What is this in your hand !?"

Riviez said very calmly: "It's just a mixture of food residue, grease, dirt, saliva, tears ... wait! What's this smell on you !? So pungent?"

"Just a little industrial grease!"

Croto wiped his hands hard, and even took off his clothes, screaming, "Can I take back what I said before ?? I still really hate you guys!"


Leviz chuckled, but they all knew that it was just a joke. Peace did not come easily. None of them wanted to destroy this precious opportunity.

After the reconciliation between the two sides, the research work on the ruins has been renegotiated. This time, more goblins have been added, on the one hand because the goblins have more material resources, which can make the archeological team work more comfortable. The aspect is because they need to learn.

Yes, follow the gnomes to learn their skills-in this regard, even the goblin with superb chemical knowledge has to admit defeat.

In order to fully understand the technology of the ancestors, both of them must cooperate sincerely, and it is incomplete without either party.

Seeing that they were willing to cooperate with each other, Tang En was relieved, and then ... it was all about breaking the data of prehistoric civilization!

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