Things from Another World

Chapter 1214: rapid development

The day after the dwarf and goblin reconciled, various media in Ellington immediately reported the historic event.

"Shock! Million-year-old enemies shake hands and make peace, the reason is ... "

"The truth about the destruction of prehistoric civilization is finally revealed! ? 》

"The shocking discovery of prehistoric civilization! Where will Plantar's civilization go? 》

Newspaper snowflakes flew in all directions, the announcer's voice spread the news to the distance, and the Magic Projection Tower also invited Tang En as a guest studio for the first time, describing the event carefully for the audience, Analyze the future impact for them.

"Simply put, it is more opportunities for everyone to see gnomes and goblins working together on the street."

Tang En smiled and said, "The return of the two parties is good. For the vast majority of people, there is not much impact. More impact is in places you can't see."

"For example?"

"For example, most of the prehistoric technologies in the hands of goblins are focused on chemistry, while gnomes have acquired knowledge and technology commonly used in engineering fields such as physics and mathematics. After the two sides have returned, they will learn from each other and learn from each other. Those things will be more quality-guaranteed, so that they do n’t often break down. On the dwarf side, after acquiring the goblin chemistry knowledge, their development areas will be more extensive, and the two sides will cooperate in depth, which involves all aspects. "

"In other words, for ordinary people, their cooperation will not have any impact on our lives."

"Is such that."

After a pause, Tang En said with a smile: "But thanks to the discovery of the prehistoric relics, we have decided to accelerate the deciphering of the information of prehistoric civilizations, hoping to master their knowledge and technology. Once we have gained something, we will That knowledge will be turned into productivity as quickly as possible. "

"That is, if we break it, our lives will become more comfortable?"

Tang En nodded: "It is understandable that the most obvious manifestation of the increase in productivity is the substantial improvement in people's living standards."

"Then I sincerely look forward to your results soon."

Tang En smiled. "Thank you, we won't let everyone down."

However, after Tang En made this promise, things went beyond his expectations.

A whole month of growth has passed, and the progress of cracking computer technology is still very slow. Basically, no effective progress can be seen. However, a lot of work has been accumulated on the side of the Magic Engineering Institute, which made Croto them have to The idea of ​​cracking the computer was temporarily slowed down, and several copies of Eve's computers were produced, which were transferred to the ruins for cracking work, and their main scientific researchers returned to the research institute to continue the original action.

The month of life, once again entered the early summer, the temperature began to rise rapidly, and the crops began to grow rapidly. Previously, due to Nora, many seasons have already been harvested. This can be regarded as the second season of this year. People all Very happy.

Even if the crop of this season is not harvested due to the weather, with the previous crop, you will definitely not be hungry this year.

The development of the Illus Empire is also progressing steadily and orderly. After the temperature has risen, the speed of the highway over the Rennes Empire has begun to increase. A few joints have already begun.

After the opening of some highway lines, the Illus Empire and the merchants of Ronitante became active and acted one after another, intending to open the almost empty market of the Rennes Empire, and a large number of fresh goods passed through. The opened highway was transported to the city of the Rennes Empire, which opened the eyes of the orcs here, and also made the merchants profit.

At the same time, the aviation towers in first-tier cities have already been completed, and the aviation towers in second-tier cities have begun to be completed. The main line of air transportation has actually begun to form, and the first batch of personnel have also been trained. Asia intends to begin trial operation of air routes between major cities recently. After Eve's optimization calculation, the most important are the following routes:


Ellington-Preston-Paganis-Overhang Fort-Harouin-Magis-Nanila;


Ellington-Casparmy-Blood Rock;

Ellington-Forgehammer-Gear City;


Alynx-Taris-Poleni-Song Anthem;

Alynx-Arcelor-Storm City-Yarkna-Anthem City;

These air routes almost cover the main civilized cities in the current human kingdom of Plantar, and they are also the most prosperous areas. The commercial activities are the most frequent, so the demand is greatest, and the potential for development is also the greatest.

Not surprisingly, these routes will be opened one by one next month, the Jubilant Moon. After two months of trial operation in the midsummer month and the bumper month, they will all be opened before the celebration month.

By then, Yalinks will usher in the largest tourist crowd in history. This will be a huge challenge for the city that has a long history, so Tang En is planning to visit Egypt this year. Arlington also held a celebration to divert a large number of people from Yarinks, while also letting more people in the world visit the current Ellington.

After all, people rumoured that it was more impactful than seeing it in person. If they really came to Ellington, they would know how beautiful it is. It ’s a wonderful place, and then it will be able to absorb a group of fixed residents and increase the labor force. Already.

Compared with the momentum in the civil aviation field, the development of the civil land transportation system is also fast. With the increase of market demand and the influx of a lot of resources provided by the Astral Base, Datang Heavy Industries has opened up With more than a dozen production lines, the scope of the production workshop has been more than doubled at once, and it is used to produce different types of magic cars for different markets.

Cheap low-end magic cars are certainly selling well, but so far, the most popular are those large and medium-sized functional vehicles used to carry cargo and solicitation. These vehicles are expensive, but they are highly sought after.


This, of course, has to be said from the social form of Prandall.

Before the birth of the magic car, the main force of transportation was large carriages, and the use of these carriages often required the raising of a large number of horses. Many forages must be carried on the road to meet the needs of long-distance transportation. At the same time, poor transportation conditions can easily cause cargo. The damage is beyond the time and it is easy to miss the best period for the sale of goods, so those businessmen are very distressed.

But now it's different. The expressway network extending in all directions has basically taken shape. The roads to major cities have become very flat, transportation efficiency has improved a lot, and even transportation means have undergone reform.

Although the magic car is expensive, there is no need to prepare extra space for transporting forage, and it does not need to consume resources to maintain the horse's life when not in use. All the space inside the vehicle can be used to transport goods, and on the highway The ride is very smooth and fast, far from being comparable to a carriage.

Taken together, not only is the transportation cost of magic cars much lower than that of horse-drawn carriages, but even the cost performance is much higher than that of horse-drawn carriages. In this case, as long as they can buy magic-energy cars, why do they choose horse-drawn carriages?

It ’s not just the magic cars that have been enthusiastically sought after. The shipment of magic phones every week will be robbed by everyone. After more than half a year of fermentation, the true power of magic phones has been demonstrated. Is there a magic phone? The difference between the chambers of commerce in China is very obvious. The chambers of commerce that have Magic Phones are not only closer to each other, but also many chambers of commerce have achieved information sharing and can notify partners in their area of ​​business opportunities as soon as possible. Let the other party prepare the goods in the shortest time.

As a result of saving a lot of time, these chambers of commerce who have mastered the information have made rapid incomes and become more and more powerful in the past six months.

Along with the hot sales of magic mobile phones, Ellington's identity cards have finally been universally recognized, and nearly one million have been issued one after another, and many city guards have begun to get used to checking identity cards. To reduce the burden, people's acceptance of the identity card is certainly good news, but here in Ellington, in order to maintain the information of identity cards in various places, they had to expand the management department's establishment, and members turned over several times. Times.

Tang En has asked the Magic Energy Engineering Research Institute to add database management functions to Eve-if this continues, their management efficiency will not keep up with the speed of social development, and all information must be informatized as soon as possible. Management.

In addition to the above changes, the most important thing is the plan for developing the western region.

With the promotion of Aurelia, the preliminary selection of people interested in the Rennes Empire to participate in the Western Development Program has begun. Most of these people come from the relatively remote and poor areas of the Rennes Empire, where life is very Hardships, they can't even live there, and for Tastro, they are also a heavy burden on this country.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to cooperate with the Empire of Illus this time, these orcs were sent home. If these people can pass the screening and participate in the western development plan, it will greatly reduce the pressure of the Rennes Empire. Promote further integration between the two countries.

This is a win-win choice for each other.

The premise is ... that everything goes smoothly.

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