Things from Another World

Chapter 1215: Ulterior motives

New Burkeso, in the backyard of the Datang Chamber of Commerce, the bustling people lined up. The team lined from the yard to the outside street, winding to the distance, and even seeing the end without a glance. The hair is dry and the complexion on his face is not very good.

They all came here from a remote area of ​​the Rennes empire. After careful consideration by Testero, he decided to send these people to the Gris area as the first pioneers.


As soon as Xiao Ai's voice fell, she was enveloped by a shadow. Looking up, a face flinched her back, the two amazing **** on her chest trembled, and the waves were scary.

Standing in front of her was a Leon Lion orc. This man had strong muscles, dry hair, and was stained with thick blood. His leather was very worn, with scars and patches everywhere, and the oil was dirty. He should haven't cleaned his body for a long time, and there was a pungent odor all over his body, and he didn't know whether it was the bad smell of the body or the **** smell of deterioration.

Compared to the little beautifully-dressed little love sitting there, they are totally two worlds ... orcs.

Xiao Ai also seemed to find her reaction a little exaggerated. She blushed slightly: "Hug, sorry ..."

The main reason is that this guy's body is too big and mighty, and his body is full of old scars. It can be seen that he often fights. He should be a soldier. The most scary thing is in the middle of the cheek. A scar passes from the upper left corner of the forehead to the left. Eyes and nose are terrible, this is the real reason that makes little love tremble.

After being stared at by the lion orc for a while, Xiaoai came back to her, and hurriedly came up with a new form: "What's your name?"

"Leo, Leo Bloodclaw."

Leo's voice was very hoarse, as if the blade rubbed against the gravel.

"Uh, uh, where are you from?"

Leo's pupils narrowed, staring at Xiao Ai and slowly saying, "Blood Shadow Town."

"Oh, Blood Shadow Town ... let me see ... well, a remote town in the northeast ..."

Xiaoai looked at the list for a long time, and frowned slightly: "However, there should be no people in Blood Shadow Town ..."

"Do you mean, am I coming in?"

Leo lowered his body slightly, and brought his terrible face closer to Xiao Ai: "You mean, after we received the notification, and after thousands of miles rushed over, you may not have received the notification error. , You have to rush back again, where is your starvation? "

"No, not like this ..."

Xiaoai shrank with tears in her eyes. She was terrified by the orc. Poor little love was an important figure of the Datang Chamber of Commerce in New Burkeso. When there was an accident, the orc guards around him immediately came around. .

Leo narrowed his eyes, straightened again, and said lightly, "If you want us to come, let us come. If you want us to go, let us go. What do you think of us?"

"No, not like this ..."

Where did Xiao Ai encounter this situation, she was immediately at a loss.

"So, give me a reply."

Leo looked at her: "Do you want me to go to that Gris area to work as a hard laborer to earn a bite to eat, or do you want me to starve to death on the way back?"

After all, Xiaoai was also a member of the Rennes empire. After hearing what he said was so miserable, he immediately relented: "Then, then I will register it for you ..."

Leo nodded, no longer talking, and the surrounding guards recovered their weapons when they saw it.

"your age……"

"48 years old."

"Is it the Apocalypse? If so, what kind of profession?"

"Golden tomahawk fighter."

Gold Apocalypse?

Xiao Ai stunned: "How could the golden apocalypse starve to death ..."


"I, I will register now!"

Leo just hummed, Xiao Ai immediately abandoned the doubts in his mind, quickly completed the registration procedures for him, and also registered his identity card.

"You have passed the preliminary registration information, and then someone will conduct a second investigation on your information. If there is no history of vicious crimes, you can pass the secondary screening, and then reassemble here at the end of the month. Show your permit, there will be an airship to take you to Grith's Blood Rock ... Do you have any questions? "


Leo looked at Xiaoai: "Are we assigned to this? Are we going to work there till we die?"

"No, no, it's up to us, the Datang Chamber of Commerce--"


Leo frowned slightly.

"——The western development plan promoted in cooperation with the royal family of the Illus Empire. Our purpose is to make it a habitable area and fully utilize that land. This time, the Rennes Empire's personnel joined Among them is the opportunity that was obtained because of His Majesty's hard work. If you perform well there, you can get very rich returns ... "

"Got it."

Leo nodded indifferently, turned and left. When leaving, Xiaoai seemed to hear him whispering, "As an orc, he turned out to be a human running dog. The guys of the second-class sub-race should really be controlled "It's okay."

Illusion? It should be an illusion ... After all, everyone is from the Rennes Empire, how could they say that?

After all, Xiao Ai is too kind. I do n’t know the sinister heart. The apparent peace in this world is the result of the efforts of countless people to maintain it secretly. Not to mention anything else, even the flourishing Illus Empire is high in everyone. Now that Her Majesty Hu Tangen is wise and worldly, the crimes that occur every day are not a small number.

There are even many people who want to overthrow his rule and replace it.

But in the face of his absolute strength, these guys are just clowns. There is a special security management team responsible for handling these things. These things will not even pass to Tang En, and they will only become Aure. There was only a written report in front of Princess Leia. For Aurelia and Down, their lives were just meaningless numbers in the report.

The same happened to the Rennes Empire.

After Leo left the Datang Chamber of Commerce, he wandered aimlessly in the street, while paying attention to whether anyone was following him, and after he was sure that he was safe, he slowly walked into an inconspicuous tavern.

"Sorry, our store is closed ... you are back, go, they are all in the basement."

When the boss saw Leo, he lowered his head and continued to wipe the spotless table.

After Leo nodded at him, he went down into the basement.

After knocking at the door in a special rhythm, an observation hole was opened on the door of the basement soon. After looking at Leo, he opened the door and put him in.

There is a group of orcs in the basement. If you look closely, you will find that the orcs present are all first-class sub-tribes, and they are generally very vigilant.

"I am back."

"How's it going?"

Leo went down, raised the glass and sipped the beer, and then said, "As we investigated, the young Koi girl from Beicun was very timid and simple, she scared her a little, and she was at a loss. I have successfully passed the first screening and this is what they call an identity card. "

Leo took out his identity card and put it on the table. The orcs in the room all stared at the thin card, his eyes spitting fire.

Humans want to use this card to bring them into management.

"Don't hesitate, I tried to find her for a long time and got this card smoothly."

After a pause, he continued, "In addition, I found one thing, that little love, no, not just her, or even other orc employees of the Datang Chamber of Commerce, I am afraid that I have stopped thinking of myself as a Rennes Empire. Orcs, they have completely regarded themselves as a member of the Datang Chamber of Commerce-they have become human companions. "

The other orcs in the basement roared indignantly immediately: "These traitors! They are actually helping those abominable humans to invade the motherland!"

"They betrayed the great Rennes empire! Betrayed the orc! Betrayer Vulcan Lord Carlo Marine!"

"Slave them! Restore the glory of the orcs! They are only worthy of our control!"

"be quiet!"

One of the Lion Lion Orcs roared, and the quiet in the basement immediately calmed down. He said slowly: "It is not the time to start. The development of our Alliance of Glory and Recovery is at a critical moment, and we must not make a mistake! Rest assured, these traitors will be punished when we really rise! "

"Punish! Punish! Punish!"

"Now, our mission is to send more companions into Grace to participate in this program."

The orc said in a deep voice: "This so-called western development plan is simply a cover. Their real purpose is to use this opportunity to merge our great Rennes and Illus Empire ..."

Another orc snarled immediately: "How can a great orc be with those mean humans! This is an insult to Lord Vulcan!"

The Lion Lion Orc said: "Our Majesty Tastro has been blinded by the wealth in front of him. He is no longer the king who represents the interests of our orcs. He has betrayed us and turned to humans. He is betraying our Rennes empire, betraying our interests, so Tastro must be punished! "

"We must undermine this plan!"

"Send more people into this plan. When the plan officially starts, we will mobilize our staff to awaken more companions and join our Alliance of Glory and Recovery Alliance for the glorious recovery of the Rennes Empire. Dedicate your strength! "

"Destroy the western development plan and destroy the alliance relationship between them! Let the war rekindle, let us wash the shame with blood, and let the Rennes Empire rise above the world!"

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