Things from Another World

Chapter 1216: Glory Recovery Alliance


"These are the list of personnel in this batch. As last time, a total of 10,000 people, including their preliminary investigation data, are in these boxes."

Xiaoai secretly glanced at Princess Aurelia in front of her eyes, struggling to suppress her nervousness, and reported to her in an orderly manner.

It stands to reason that Xiaoai, as an employee of Datang Chamber of Commerce, only needs to be responsible to Fiona, there is no need to be responsible to Aurelia.

However, the relationship between Tang En and Olina is still there, and the Western Development Plan is still led by Aurelia, so all relevant information must be reported to her.

Aurelia motioned for the guard to bring the catalogue. She turned the catalogue and asked, "How about the recent response in the Rennes Empire about this matter? Do the people have any opinions? Or are they resisting cooperation?"

Xiaoai Yiyi said: "No, everyone is very cooperative ... I heard that after going there, you can have enough food and clothing, and even your income can be greatly increased. Those who have been notified are very positive, not even The people who have been notified are all actively signing up ... "

She thought of the terrible orc named Leo, and she was so impressed.

Aurelia, who was flipping through the catalogue, said, "Everyone who hasn't notified comes to sign up? Does Testero publicize this matter widely?"

"No, just targeted small-scale propaganda work in the target area ..."

Aurelia's brow frowned: "Who volunteered to register? Come and point me ... And, in the future, the information of such people should be put together separately, don't combine them together, it's very troublesome to check. You have to learn how to manage your data. "

Xiao Ai blushed and said, "I have sorted out their information separately, which is your first encounter on the left ..."

Aurelia paused, glanced at the stack of documents on the left hand side, raised an eyebrow: "You are really attentive and have a strong learning ability, otherwise you do n’t have to be a supervisor there, come here to help me . "

Xiaoai said very shyly, "No ... I have promised him to help him manage it there."

"Hmm ... I say I'm pure, but this shy person's technology is quite strong, and I've turned everyone's soul ..."

Alleria whispered an underestimate, then opened the stack of files.

After watching for a moment, she said to Xiao Ai, "Do you still have any impression on these people? Describe them, and don't let go of any details."

"Uh ... ah, okay!"

Xiao Ai recalled it carefully. The others seemed to have no impression, but the one named Leo was very clear.

She carefully described Leo's dialogue and the image of Leo to Aurelia. After listening to her description, Aurelia groaned for a moment and said, "OK, I know this. , You can go back-yes, after this matter goes back, don't tell others, keep secret. "

Xiaoai Yizheng: "These people have problems?"

Aurelia slowly said: "It's not yet certain, you need to investigate carefully, but you don't need to worry about it for the time being, you just need to do your job well."

"okay then."

After Xiao Ai left, Aurelia turned her head and said to the shadow next to her, "Did you write down everything she said?"

Hailey slowly stepped out of the shadows and said with a sippy mouth, "Of course, what do you think I do?"

"Investigate these orcs and leave them to your ghost agent."

Aurelia handed the stack of documents to Haili: "You can start the activity with the eyeliner you placed in the Rain Empire in advance. It is now the third month of growth. Is it enough to give you seven days? "

Haili opened the file and glanced at it, then closed the file and said, "Give us access to special equipment and give you an answer in three days."

"You're looking for Tang En."

"This is good."

Haili smiled with an eyebrow: "I can just look back on him ..."

Aurelia's eyes changed instantly, just a second before her anger, Hayley disappeared from her eyes instantly.

"Abominable! How many women have that **** involved?"

Alleria patted the table indignantly, feeling unworthy of her mother.

The process by which Hailie found Tang En for technical support is not mentioned. Three days later, she really brought back Aurelia with detailed information on time.

"They belong to an orc organization called the Alliance of Glory and Restoration. This organization was not born for a long time, only more than a year, probably after Testero announced full cooperation with the Illus Empire. The organization Its roots are northeast of the Rennes Empire, a place called Blood Shadow Town. "

Hailie sat at her desk with her legs crossed and said, "They are an organization of a group of extreme nationalists. The head of the organization is Anelin Goldmane, a Leon lion orc who was once a member of the Holy See. A sacrifice, but because this person has a very strong racist tendency, highly respects the status of the first-class sub-tribe, and also misrepresents the teachings of the Holy See without authorization, publicly proclaiming that the second-class sub-group should become the slave class, this is the Vulcan card Loma River's will has therefore been listed as a wanted criminal in the Holy See. "

Aurelia, and Tang En, who got the news, were stunned: "That is to say, this one called Annelin is unhappy, so you want to infiltrate this plan to secretly destroy our relationship with the Rain empire?"

"That's almost it."

Haley cast a wink at Tang En: "The main reason why he wanted him was that this guy claimed that he was the last messenger of the gods in the world, and what he said was the real enlightenment, and he wrote The "Bible" is sacred and inviolable. It is the only and most accurate Bible that does not allow future generations to continue to modify it ... hey, this guy really doesn't take your authentic God as his eye. "

Tang En suddenly said: "This guy's courage is not small ..."

Aurelia whispered, "It's mainly because the gods haven't lowered the revelation for nearly a hundred years, so many people think that the gods have fallen, and now we are in the age of mortals."

"There is even more amazing news."

Hayley took out a piece of paper: "According to the investigation, this Anelin was also related to Shamanism. It is said that when he edited his Bible, he absorbed the teachings of Shamanism and misinterpreted and merged the teachings of the Vulcan court. Such a malformed organization. Their goal is to build a country dominated by first-class orcs, and turn second-class sub races, as well as humans, elves, dwarfs, and dwarves into their own slaves, and serve them, after all, in their Of the doctrines, those who do not believe in them should go to purgatory. "

"Although it is an alliance, is it actually a sect-like organization ..."

Haley raised her hand and said, "Correct, it ’s a cult. They are trying to avoid the Holy See's attention, so they use the form of confederation to develop members. And judging from the available information, they ca n’t stand up to the existing ones. Waves, as far as cults like the disappearing Five Sects, which are about to be suppressed by you, this cult has a huge potential for harm in the future-because this sect is a family-based mission, and newborns are born to teach, there is no right to choose, from They brainwashed them from the beginning. Even after they grow up, they will adopt the teachings of this cult as a lifelong belief, and in their teachings, it is not allowed to retreat to change their beliefs. "

Tang En frowned: "It's true, this way of preaching is impossible to prevent ..."

Haili shrugged: "In their teachings, the status of women is very low. It can be regarded as a private property or a fertility tool. Based on this, a male can have many 'fertility tools', so they can Quickly use women's fertility to expand their organization's membership base. Once the potential threat is not addressed now, give them a few years and their members can expand to a very exaggerated number at an incredible rate. "

She said sarcastically, "And in the investigation, we found a very incredible thing. At the birthplace of this confederation, the women there also believe in this denomination, and they don't feel that there is discrimination against them in this doctrine. How serious, they even take the initiative to defend the sects, these people are too stupid. "

Aurelia said very angrily: "Such a cult is under the eyelids, but those guys of the Vulcan Church did not find it? They are too stupid!"

Haili's skeptical: "It's easy to understand. After all, the Rennes Empire is sparsely populated, and the location of Blood Shadow Town is very remote. Even the mayor of Blood Shadow Town is a member of the Alliance of Glory and Recovery, and he has taken the initiative to provide shelter , Of course they cannot be exposed. "

Tang En said: "This matter must be taken seriously, we will send someone to act immediately."

Aurelia shook her head: "After all, it is the Empire of Rennes. It is inappropriate for us to shoot directly. We should contact the Holy See now and let them solve this problem."

Tang En smiled bitterly: "They may not even know about it yet."

"So you need to inform me about this. Isn't your relationship with those two saints very good? It's up to you."

Alleria said: "In order to prevent these people from fleeing for the time being, we will set a trap for the time being, and then we will catch all those who are trying to penetrate."

"Catching them is a trivial matter, and the most troublesome is how to disperse them across the Rennes empire. All members of this cult are wiped out in one fell swoop. Missing one of them may cause a huge scourge ..."

Tang En suddenly smiled strangely: "This is not strictly speaking difficult, but we need Tastro to cooperate with us ..."

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