Things from Another World

Chapter 1222: Are you stupid?

In the wasteland of the Rennes Empire, a group of dragon cars are running on the highway. Although the highway has been repaired, the current economic conditions of the Rennes Empire and the number of people who can now buy magic cars are a minority, plus The current production capacity of Upper Ellington has not been further expanded, and there is no excess cargo provided to the market here. Therefore, after the highway is built, basically except for the chamber of commerce coming from the side of the Illus Empire, basically You can't see many locals on the road, and the spacious road can let them run wild at will.

"Although I don't want to admit it, building this highway is a relatively good thing for human beings."

Sitting on a stable dragon car, Aston couldn't help but be sighed. It used to take a few days to travel. With the highway, it only takes a couple of days to reach the destination. Too much convenience.

The orc driving in front said, "Unfortunately, from Blood Shadow Town to our headquarters, the secondary road has not yet been built, and that road is the place that really tortures people. These humans and goblins are really abominable, obviously so Convenient technology, but not in one step, must be deliberately pitting our orcs. "

Aston said with a sneer: "Wait, wait for our leader to rule the world, and let those humans and goblins build roads every day, until all the places are fixed. They are only at our disposal and do it Those coolies ... are you saying that I am right? This ... Honor Noble? "

Sitting down opposite Aston, he shivered and hesitated, and whispered, "It's not that we humans don't build secondary roads as soon as possible, but because the current labor force is limited and the material capacity required for paving roads is limited. Therefore, we can only build the main roads first. I think that after the main roads have been laid, I will consider building a secondary road. "

"Stop! You mean man! Put away your rhetoric, we won't be deceived by you like everyone else!"

"be quiet."

Aston stopped other people's abuse, raised an eyebrow and said, "You look like you know this a lot?"

"So, that's because ..."

Tang En looked up at him timidly: "Before I came here to find vanilla, I was working at the Datang Chamber of Commerce ..."

"Oh, I didn't expect you to be an employee of that chamber of commerce."

Aston sarcastically said: "Your chairman, now the regent of the Illus Empire, Tang En, but it has done us a terrible damage ... Or hang him? Or expose him to the wilderness? "

"No! You can't win him!"

Tang En shouted with excitement: "He is invincible! He is the wisest king! You younger generations are simply not qualified to compare with him-"

Coco and Vanilla, imprisoned behind, couldn't help but rolled their eyes at each other, have seen shameless, but have never seen such shameless ... so proud of himself, he is not blushing at all?

Aston is very aware of the maintenance attitude of the worshipped leader. Seeing him like this, he is even more proud: "Stupid guy, you have no idea what kind of power our great leader has ... wait to see him Kneeling down and licking his toes, begging for his kindness, maybe he will look at the opportunity that you brought us this opportunity, spare your life, so that you can see the day when the human kingdom collapsed. "


Tang En snorted, no longer cared about Aston, and performed an angry human interpretation to the fullest.

Soon it was getting dark. The team left the highway and stopped next to a wood. After bundling Tang En, some people were left to guard the hostages, while others went out to hunt their prey for dinner.

Noting those people lighting a bonfire in the distance, Vanilla whispered to Don to come up, and then said a little annoyed, "I said you can't take advantage of the opportunity to speak out and put out useful information? For example, their headquarters Where? How many people? "

"Are you stupid?"

Tang En looked at Vanilla's eyes as if he were watching Yeye ... Uh, it was like looking at an intellectual disability: "How could such news be disclosed casually? And did you not hear what he said? We are going to be Those who took it directly to the headquarters could see that Annelin! And that Anelin probably had some powerful power, which gave them a feeling that they could overthrow the regime and become a king. "

In fact, it was very unexpected to be able to inquire about this information on the road. The bigger surprise was that they could see the Annai Lin directly, as long as they waited to see him quietly, then killed him, and then eliminated those stubbornness. Extremist elements, and those outside members who are not determined will probably not be long before they will be dealt with by Tastro.

"But we are uncomfortable being **** like this!"

"Take it easy ..."

"Why do I feel like you're happy to see us tied up?"

"Is there an illusion? It must be an illusion! I promise you to kill this guy by yourself when you get there, okay?"

"That's pretty much it!"

"Shh, be quiet ... they are back!"

As soon as Coco reminded them, Down and Vanilla closed their mouths immediately.

Those who went hunting came back with a few huge Warcrafts.

"It's Shador again ... Rarely we're out, can't we have something else?"

"Some are good, don't be picky."

"But I want to eat fat ... these Warcraft meats are too thin and not fragrant at all."

"Rest assured, the Shador here is fatter than the surrounding headquarters, there must be a lot of oil and water."

Due to the pressure of survival, the Warcraft here needs to be in a state of movement all the time, so the meat is dense and there is very little fat. The fat here is a relatively rare part, and the animal fat is more expensive. Even the Illus Empire ’s Residents are not always able to eat animal fat, let alone the poorer Rennes empire.

Tang En listened to their conversation, trying to analyze some useful information from the middle, but their conversation seemed to have been moving around the dinner, basically no analysis.

At this time, Tang En noticed vanilla's eyes, he quietly gathered together.

Vanilla whispered: "Sadole is a low-order Warcraft common in the jungle area northeast of the Rennes Empire. It uses plant rhizomes as food. Its general strength is only first-order and second-order. It has strong fertility, good meat quality, and often Being used as a hunting target is a good source of meat. "

Tang En raised her eyebrows, beauties, I don't want to hear you popularize the knowledge of Warcraft with me, can you say the key points?

"You stupid!"

Vanilla was in a hurry: "Blood Shadow Town is located northeast of the Rennes Empire, but most of the area around Blood Shadow Town is deserted, and there is a jungle only near the southeast Gorgalon crater!"

Tang En knew for a moment the meaning of vanilla!

Shador, as a kind of World of Warcraft that uses plant rhizomes as food, will only appear in the jungle area, but there is only a jungle around the southeast of Blood Shadow Town! And these people often eat Shador, and even the headquarters has Shador, which shows that their headquarters is located in the southeast of Blood Shadow Town!

After thinking about it, Tang En quietly took out his mobile phone, quickly compiled a short message, and sent it out. Then he put away the mobile phone and nodded at Coco and Vanilla.

"Humble humans, come and eat!"

At this time, Aston shouted, and after Tang En hugged Vinnet, he threw the roasted Warcraft meat on the ground with a smirk and then stepped on it with his foot, saying: "This is your dinner tonight, don't thank me, at least I cooked it for you ah ha ha ha ha ..."

Aston's approach immediately caused a series of laughter. In their laughter, Tang En turned with a sad look, shrank under the tree, and went to sleep next to the two saints.

"This guy would rather sleep than eat next to the maiden!"

"Hahahaha, this shows that our two saints are very skillful and charming!"

"Don't eat? That means it's still hungry."

Aston said happily: "It's good to have bones, but ... you only make me look forward to seeing you hungry when you can't do it, crying and begging me to look at your food!"

The orcs around them laughed again, and Aston saw Tang En shrunk under the tree, and seemed to be frightened. He was content to bite down a big piece of hot barbecue and swallow it, and then swallowed it again. The trick is repeated, trying to insult Cocoa and Vanilla.

Of course, they didn't eat the trampled meat.

Aston also knows that this is just a day, and hunger can be endured. After all, cocoa and vanilla are good virgins, but what about that human being? He endured it for a day, and the next day, and the third day? What about that little daughter?

Soon, they will bow to themselves for mercy ...

Green light flashed in Aston's eyes, and the feeling at that moment must be very beautiful. Wonderful ...

And this time, New Burkeso, in the royal palace.

Testro's phone suddenly rang. Testro, who was talking to others, glanced at the screen, and his eyes flashed, "There is news!"

Pope Imir XXIII, who was sitting opposite him to the Holy See, immediately asked: "Which news is it? Sharp teeth? Or His Excellency Don?"

"It's Tang En-no, wait! There's news again! Progress has been made on both sides!"

Testero looked at the screen in surprise and couldn't help laughing after a while: "I didn't expect things to go so smoothly ... the members of the cult mixed with the immigrants on the airship have all been arrested, now Is returning. His Excellency Tang En is also very smooth. The cult's headquarters is located in the southeast of Blood Shadow Town. The exact location is still unknown, but it is said that they can directly see Annai Lin. Let ’s not hurry and wait for them After entering the headquarters, clean up Blood Shadow Town. "

"I will let the Red Lotus Knights prepare in advance and surround it there in advance."

Ymir XXIII said coldly, "The guy of Anelin ... this time, he will never let that blasphemer escape again!"

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