Things from Another World

Chapter 1223: You have no chance

The dragon car creaked along the uneven gravel road. After several days of trekking, the walls of Blood Shadow Town could be seen in front, but at this moment, the team stopped.

Aston did not intend to let the convoy enter Bloodshadow Town. Instead, he sent a group of people to buy some goods. After they returned, they proceeded directly from the south branch of Bloodshadow Road to the southeast.

Originally, Tang En wanted to explore the situation in Blood Shadow Town here, but now he can only give up.

Leaving the area of ​​Blood Shadow Town, although they did not deliberately avoid passersby along the way, they went further and further, and soon saw no crowds. Finally, they came out of a jungle, and Tang En could even dimly watch Go to the Gorgalon Crater in the distance-it should be called Lake Gorgalon now.

Since that war with Shamanism, Gorgalon has become a huge inland lake. The pure water source from the water element world has made this dry area very humid, and the lake water has passed from the gap between the mountain peaks. Slowly flowing out, converge along the terrain into rivers, meandering to the distance, and these rivers nourish the surrounding land, make the surrounding woods more dense, full of vitality of life.

This green color is quite rare in the Rennes Empire.

The vegetation is dense, there are more WoWs that feed on plants, and more vegetarian WoWs. The number of carnivorous WoWs that feed on these WoWs has also gone up, and the ecological cycle has been re-established.

The headquarters of the Alliance of Glory and Restoration is hidden in a jungle about 40 kilometers away from Blood Shadow Town.

This jungle is very remote, and no people can be seen around. The dragon car team slowly entered the jungle, and the surrounding light suddenly darkened a lot, holding the fun of Tang En's face, This jungle seems quiet and peaceful, but there are many dark whistle hidden in the secret. As soon as he enters the jungle, he feels a lot of sight in the dark.

At this time, there was a sudden commotion and shouting in front.

Aston frowned. "What's going on?"

"Sir, there seems to be a hunting guy who broke into here inadvertently, and now the guard is letting him choose."

Aston nodded. "Let's leave them alone. Our business is more important."

The dragon car moved on, and soon Tang En saw the unlucky egg caught.

"Say, how do you choose? Did you die here? Or did you choose to become a slave? Or did you choose to believe in our Lord and join us?"


"You don't want to join us and you don't want to die. It makes us very difficult ..."

Seeing the **** Tomahawk rising high, the man suddenly panicked and shouted, "I join you! I choose to join you!"

"Very well, you are our companion to join our organization. This is your honor. You should call all your family and children to believe in our Lord together, but you must know that faith in our Lord is one A sacred and great thing is not allowed to quit. Once you choose to quit our organization, then you are a traitor, a traitor ... must die! "

That man was obviously frightened: "I, I see ..."

Tang En watched all this happening with no expression, and his mind was more determined to destroy this cult organization.

If this kind of compulsory brainwashing missionary harm is not restrained, it will become more and more terrible, more and more difficult to control, and sooner or later it will become a kind of cancer that erodes the entire civilized society.

This is not alarmist, but fact.

It didn't take long for them to reach the village hidden in the jungle. At first glance, this village is similar to the Shamanic villages they encountered in the Gorgalon crater, but there are more villagers living here. Some, it seems that during their development of the organization, members of the organization have formed a certain size of living area here.

The villagers saw Aston and they saluted him next to each other. They lay on the ground, bowed their heads, and were very religious and humble.

Tang En's eyes narrowed, it seems that the ranks here are severe, the upper and lower classes are clear, and people dare not go over.

The living environment in the village is similar to the previous Rennes Empire villages and towns. It is neither primitive nor advanced, and it is not comparable to that of Ellington, but the residents here seem to have been brainwashed and the life here is very satisfying It seems that those who live outside are living in deep water.

This is weird ...

Tang En silently looked at this strange village. If this is a closed and isolated village, after a long brainwashing process, it is not surprising that they will have this mentality, but this village has not been formed for a long time, here It seems that the residents have been deeply brainwashed ...

This is too abnormal.

Near the north of the village is a cliff. There is a huge cave on the cliff below the cliff. The cave is covered by vines and shrubs, so you ca n’t see it from a distance or from the sky. Will find this cave.

"Welcome your return! Lord Aston!"

Aston asked loudly, "What about the Prophet !?"

"The Prophet is communicating with our Lord in meditation. He has foreseen your return and instructed us to take you to the majestic hall to wait for you after your return."

Aston esteemed, "The prophet is indeed a prophet--"

Vanilla sneered suddenly. "What a fool."

"You stinky **** dare to slander Lord Aston !?"

Vanilla sneered and said, "Did I say something wrong? Isn't he stupid? What 'has foreseen your return'? This method can also deceive you idiots who don't understand 'survivor bias' . "

Aston looked at Vanilla coldly: "What do you mean?"

"Don't you think about it, if you died outside, would you still hear these words?"

Vanilla looked at him sarcastically: "Do not believe you ask these guys, see if your so-called prophet foresees that we have been kidnapped by you?"

Aston turned to look at them.

"This ... the Prophet didn't say ..."


Aston snorted and stared at Vanilla. "Do you think using this sophistry technique will shake my piety? You're too naive! Be honest!"

Vanilla closed their mouths, and then they followed Aston into the cave. This cave should have been excavated and reinforced on the basis of the natural cave. The cave was extremely wide and surrounded by torches It's bright here.

After entering the hall, Tang En and they instantly felt dense and malicious eyes fell on them.

The people here ... are very abnormal.

The spiritual fanaticism has completely occupied their minds. When they see the bound Tang En, their eyes are filled with a strong desire to kill, and it is a fanatic urge to completely remove all the pagans from this world. .

"Crazy ... these people are all crazy ..."

Coco saw those guys who were obviously out of mind, mumbling to himself, and subconsciously leaned around Tang En. This may be just her instinct, but it is enough to show her uneasiness at the moment.

Vanilla's status is similar to her, but the calmer vanilla will not be so easy to compromise. Facing those dangerous eyes, she stared back directly, and began to think about how to purify these cultists.

Did not let them wait too long, after about half an hour or so, a Leon lion male wearing a white robe slowly walked out from a cave on the side. As soon as he appeared, the flame in the entire cave instantly The skyrocketing, as if welcoming his appearance, even the faint music could be heard faintly in the cave, and the cultists all fell to the ground, even Aston next to him.

Anelin Jinmane, the wanted man, the blasphemy, and the cult leader of the Vulcan court that hid in Tibet appeared in front of them.

"Welcome back, my dearest family, most reliable partner, Aston ..."

Annalin was smiling. He looked at Coco and Vanilla, her eyes glowed faintly, and slowly said, "My lord told me that you brought back a very precious gift for me ... then you can tell me now that you What gift will we bring back for the Glory and Recovery Alliance? "

Although he was asking, Annalin's eyes kept looking at Cocoa and Vanilla, and it was clear that the identity of the cat-earsmaids was clear.

"Yes! Great Prophet!"

Aston was refreshed and said loudly: "This time after completing the mission with Leo, we are ready to start the return journey, but at this time, we were surprised. We met them ... the twin virgins of the Holy See ! "

Annalin was very surprised: you actually brought back the twin maidens! ? ——No, I mean, you are doing well! "

"Not just the Virgin, but this human!"

Aston smiled stupidly: "The noble and holy lady of our vanilla empire, when she fled to the human kingdom in the past few years, she even had a child with this human being! It was the girl he held in his arms! "

"Oh oh oh!"

Annalin suddenly widened her eyes and showed a very bright smile: "Madam Vanilla, I didn't expect you to do this kind of thing. The gods you believe in are really false gods, otherwise, how could he Sit and watch you do such a degrading thing? Only our Lord is the real, the only supreme existence! "

"grown ups!"

Aston looked at him frantically: "Now that we have this secret, and two virgins, and this human father and daughter as evidence, it can completely shake the believer's foundation. This is a rare thing. Opportunity, sir! "

Anelin said with satisfaction: "Well, you are right, but I can't act now because I haven't fully grasped the powerful power that my Lord has given me. We still have to wait ... at least to the Grace area Plan went smoothly before we could really start moving. "

"No, you have no chance."

A sudden sound made them choke.

Is that ... the dad holding his daughter?

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