Things from Another World

Chapter 1224: Lightning Offensive!

In the sky, more than a dozen airships were hidden in the clouds, and the decks of the airships were heavily armed orc warriors, among which the largest number were members of the Red Lotus Knights of the Vulcan Temple.

In the final analysis, the Alliance of Glory and Restoration was actually a shattered thing by the Pope's traitors, so Pope Imir XXIII insisted on solving the incident with the power of the Holy See.

"Fast, fast-everyone is in place right now! We have ten minutes to reach our destination! Blood Shadow Town must be completely blocked as fast as possible! No one can leave the target area!"

"What !? Dixinglong hasn't been fed yet! What to do if they fly into the sky are they uneasy?-Are you the breeder or me the breeder !? Go and solve this problem-or throw you away ! "

"Weapons and supplies are all re-examined! If there is something missing at the critical moment, no one can help you!"

The airship was noisy, and in one of the rooms, sharp teeth and others were listening to Leo's explanation.

"... So, the key to seizing the mayor Cyrus Swiftclaw is whether he can successfully block his escape."

Sharp teeth cut off his teeth for a long time, and saw him finally finished, he waved a little impatiently and said, "Although you are surprised that you know so many details, your battle plan is meaningless. Since I came here, Blood Shadow Town Do n’t even try to run away from anyone here-without my permission, no one can take a half-step in the shadow town. ”

Although Sharptooth is a legendary tomahawk fighter, but also mastered some methods of using spells, blocking a small town is no problem at all.

If you want to break the blockade of a legendary powerhouse and escape from there ... the difficulty is not ordinary.

"I know your strength ..."

Leo said with a smile: "But ... your main purpose is to capture the members of the organization hidden among the residents?"

"That's right."

"In the dogma of the Alliance of Glory and Recovery, there is such a principle. If you think you have been persecuted, you can hide your identity in the organization to escape the persecution ..."

Sharp teeth raised an eyebrow: "Well, even this excuse for excuse yourself, this Annai Lin is incredible."

"so we……"

"It's okay."

Sharp Teeth grinned suddenly: "This time we borrowed good things from humans ..."

Leo hesitated, then saw the sharp teeth take out a bell, and he laughed: "This time, Silver City has sponsored many of our constant panic detection bells (see Chapter 176 for panic detection) Is to avoid this. "

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of a broadcast outside: "All personnel are in place-we have reached the sky above our destination, and we expect to complete the landing in two minutes-please be prepared immediately!"

"Let's go."

Sharp Tooth stood up and smiled and said to the head of the Red Lotus Knights Uldullah, "Guess, will those people fight after they find our purpose?"

"Then I don't know, I only know that our goal of the Red Lotus Knights is to honor the Alliance of Glory and Recovery, not Blood Shadow Town."

Uldullah said with a smile: "After you go down, we have to move on. Our battlefield has not arrived yet."


Sharp teeth laughed and pushed open the door, and then strode forward: "You can rest assured to do it there. I'll take care of it here, and there's Tang En's secret support over there. We must make this today. The cult is completely destroyed! "

Having said that, the sharp teeth did not wait for the airship to land, and they took the lead in stepping out of the airship, falling directly into the meteor. After falling down, when he came hundreds of meters above Blood Shadow Town, the sharp teeth opened his arms, The magic pool started to run, which caused the magical resonance around him. A huge rune appeared behind him, followed by the surrounding magical power to form a huge spherical space, covering the entire Blood Shadow Town.

The sudden change alarmed the apocalypse in Blood Shadow Town, sitting there drinking tea and chatting, drinking and bragging, looking for employers in the mercenary union branch, and viewing tasks in the adventurer union branch ... all apocalypse Almost instantly, they felt a trembling force of terror falling from the sky, and a heavy sense of oppression hit them, leaving them unable to move!

"what happened!?"

"So terrifying coercion! What the **** happened !?"

"Oh my God! Which strong man is here! Or is there a Level 9 Warcraft !?"

All the apocalypse supported hard, but under the coercion of sharp teeth, many people could not resist and fell directly to the ground.

Soon, they discovered the change in the sky. The huge rune magic circle covered the sky of most of the city, it was difficult to think about it.

"I'm a sharp-toothed bloodmane! Now I declare that Bloodshadow Town is in full martial law. No one is allowed to leave Bloodshadow Town, and everyone gives up resistance and awaits inspection!"

The sound of the sharp teeth passed into everyone's ears very clearly. After hearing the sound of the sharp teeth, these nervous apocalypse calmed down.

"It turned out to be Lord Sharptooth! Why did he come here suddenly?"

"Who offended him?"

Some people are uneasy, but others are relieved. However, fortunately, it is the sharp tooth, not Warcraft, or I am afraid that everyone will die here today ...

At this time, at the mayor's office, after the mayor Cyrus heard the words of sharp teeth, his face changed slightly, and his heart suddenly hung high.

Shouldn't he come for himself?

Will not……

The fact that he joined the Alliance of Glory and Recovery is still a secret until now. No one knows it at all, and Tastro has never known this organization. It is impossible to start so suddenly.

Perhaps someone in Bloodshadow Town provoked him, so it was so turbulent ...

Cyrus looked out of the window. The sharp teeth floating in the air looked so powerful and so on ... wait! !! !! ? ? ?

Suddenly, Cyrus suddenly fainted and was scared. He saw his sharp teeth wave his hands. The powerful force scattered the white clouds in the sky, and then suddenly more than a dozen large flying skies appeared above the sky. Boat!

Some of these airships are slowly landing, while others continue to sail southeast!

After noticing this scene, Cyrus fell into despair immediately!

Damn it! The events of the Alliance of Glory and Revival are absolutely exposed!

Otherwise, these airships cannot fly in that direction-there is nothing existing for hundreds of kilometers except for the headquarters of the Alliance of Glory and Restoration!

Fear swallowed Cyrus' heart, and fled. Hurry, you must flee!

Otherwise, after the sharp teeth come down, he will be dead!

Cyrus knew what the true nature and purpose of the Alliance of Glory and Restoration was. For the current regime, this organization was a betrayal and an anti-thief! Once they find themselves secretly helping the Glory Recovery Alliance to expand around, he will definitely be dead!

But ... under the pressure of sharp teeth, he even had a hard time moving, let alone trying to escape!

Cyrus almost watched the sharp teeth lowering slowly, then appeared outside the window and flew into the room slowly.

Looking at Cyrus sweating, he grinned sharply: "Hello, His Excellency ... I hope our sudden appearance did not disrupt the‘ you ’plan.”

Hearing his words, Cyrus no longer had any luck.

Sure enough it has been exposed ...

But how did this secret come to light! ?


"Who, you mean man, allows you to speak to great prophets!"

The orc warrior who had been escorting Tang En suddenly burst into anger, raised his palm and drew it hard!

An invisible force grabbed his arms suddenly, only to hear a whistle, the orc's two arms were twisted into a twist.

Tang En was killing: "In general, I tend to be kind to people who make mistakes, and give him the opportunity to rehabilitate, but, for those of you who are crazy, ... sorry, I really lack this This kind of patience, so let's die. "

As soon as Tang En snapped his finger, the orc's head turned directly around and he died on the spot.

"Mage's Hand ..."

Annalin narrowed her eyes, "who the **** are you?"

"Who I am is not important to you dead people."

Tang En's body floated upright, and without even seeing any action from him, the special rope tied to him broke.

Anelin glanced coldly at Aston: "This is what you call an ordinary human?"

"Not right-it shouldn't be like that!"

Aston took a cold breath: "When he was arrested before, he was a most ordinary human being, and even the aftermath of our battle could not be blocked, and he vomited blood on the spot!"

Annalin said coldly, "The answer is obvious, you idiot, you have been cheated by him."

After Anelin said, her heart sank. Since this human magician intentionally deceived Aston, this means that the two saints are likely to be acting, which means that the Holy See has already known their organization. , It's probably even known now!

This stronghold is no longer safe!

"Notify and let everyone be ready to evacuate here immediately."

After Anelin said, he looked at Tang En coldly: "Human, I must admit that you have deceived us all, but this does not mean that you have won, and if you expose yourself, you represent you Life has come to an end-Aston! Take the Virgin! "


Aston roared and rushed to the two saints in an instant, intending to take the lead, seize the hostages and say!

"Go to you, you idiot!"

A fiery flame suddenly burst out, and Holy Flame swallowed Aston in an instant. He did n’t even have a scream before he was burned to ashes!

Coco and vanilla stepped out of the holy flame, holding their hands together, and their strengths advanced by leaps and bounds.

"Are you ready to die !? You blasphemer!"

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